Uliana's Destiny
- Uliana's Destiny

Set Boots
- 30 - 35 Armor
- Primary Stats
- +416 - 500 Strength
- +416 - 500 Dexterity
- +416 - 500 Intelligence
- +416 - 500 Vitality
- Uliana's Stratagem
- Uliana's Spirit
- Uliana's Strength
- Uliana's Heart
- Uliana's Burden
- Uliana's Destiny
- Uliana's Fury
- (2) Set: Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.
- (4) Set: Your Seven-Sided Strike deals (1+6.77)*100 % its total damage with each hit. All damage taken is reduced by 77% for 7 seconds after applying Exploding Palm to an enemy.
- (6) Set: Increase the damage of your Exploding Palm by 9000% and your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.
- + 4 Random Magic Properties