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    posted a message on Dangerous gaming too long?
    The human body defers greatly between many people when it comes to their resistances to diseases and other problems such as the part of sitting down for far too long and developing blood clots. While some will die from this, others won't, so it's hard to judge just how bad gaming is for people as a whole, as compared to one single individual

    It is however a fact that we are capable of adapting well, almost too well, to our environments, which is what makes the human species such a versatile, complex design. If you sit down all day, you're body will adjust to sitting down all day, but in a negative way. You're body will begin to think that you no longer need as much muscle for your daily activities, and in response, it will begin to turn into fat, which is talked about here

    If you spend long hours gaming with an irregular sleep schedule, you will experience the obvious, a change in your natural sleeping habits, which has been known to lead to other problems as well, more commonly emotional issues such as depression or anxiety. There are also some mental affects as well. Read here

    There is of course the bonuses to gaming as well. Many people use it as an escape or as a release, and it has also been known to give people an interestingly accurate hand and eye coordination.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Rune Effects - Slow Time
    Not quite sure how to go about this since most of the logical ideas have been posted already. I suppose I will get a bit more original here, even if it might seem a little OP.

    Reverse Time - Reduces the level/power of any enemy caught in the time dome. (For example in pvp, a level 60 would go down to 55 or it could be a continuous effect over time. NPC creatures would simply get weaker over time within the dome, which might give you a chance to kill them faster and more efficiently.)

    This spell comes at the cost that they aren't actually slowed down any more, rather debuffed instead.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Rune Effects - Energy Twister
    Evasive Winds - Creates a small wind shield around the wizard that increases the chances of a melee attack to miss.

    Burst Winds - Creates a sudden burst of wind from wizard's location that pushes nearby enemies back X feet and stuns for X seconds.

    Freezing Cyclone - Creates a Cyclone of cold winds that can freeze and slow down enemies caught in it's path.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Hello Diablo Fans
    Well, I've been lurking on this site for some time now as a non-member and finally decided to join in with the community after reading over several forum post. Like many of you, I have too been waiting for Diablo 3 for some time now and have the fondest childhood memories of playing the previous two games of the series. :)

    For those who care to know, my favorite character class is the Wizard and I will be playing as her first when the game is finally released. Hope I'm welcome.
    Posted in: Introduction
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