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    posted a message on Blizzard Is ‘Very, Very Serious’ About Diablo for Consoles
    Quote from SentouTsurugi

    Quote from Ghost_Sanguis

    Quote from SentouTsurugi

    like take the time to find/buy mouse and keyboard O_O?

    More like take the time to hook it up to their game console and bother using it aside from their controller which they are aware is perfectly meant for their console. Most console people are also not computer gamers, so using a control interface that they are not fully familiar with could deter them.

    dude i'm shocked. plugging in a keyboard mouse is no harder than plugging in your controller. Also, in this day and age, i'm surprised that people are not accustomed to using mice and keyboards O_O. (excluding third world countries)

    The reason people aren't accustomed to just going ahead and plugging them in is, if I remember correctly, it is up to the game developer to add that functionality and support. Say with the Xbox; Microsoft forbade mouse and keyboard support to differentiate it from a PC. With the 360, that rule isn't there anymore. You can use a keyboard to type with MSN and other chat functions, even entering names and passwords, but mouse function isn't there. The task is up to the developer.

    From what I gather, Sanguis is trying to say console kids won't use Mouse&Key, simple. A game coming to a console will most likely draw the console crowd. Should the game work as intended, it will be playable with the native controller and there should be no need for the support (a want is different than a need, remember that).

    Why no mouse and keyboard? Ask the player, or the dev.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno participation
    The "hard" stuff being cleared in the first week is nothing new; there are numbers of people out there for that fame and have the zealotry to do such a thing. Then the "too easy!" complaints start rolling in from people who haven't cleared Nightmare yet.

    As much as I want there to be a difficulty/mode that takes grueling teamwork and is a real bitch of a time to clear, it has to have a cut-off point to stay 'accessible'. However, I don't want it to be so easy that it is just the aforementioned "farm fest", because that would be in poor taste.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Is ‘Very, Very Serious’ About Diablo for Consoles
    If only they would have been more serious about Starcraft: Ghost. :offtopic: Have to make money somewhere with the people falling off the WoW bandwagon recently.*

    The fear of having a game dumbed down to be a port is a very legitimate concern, but I am not worried about it affecting D3 much if at all considering how long it's been in production for the PC. With how the game is set up (with the hotkeys, swapping stuff so easily, etc) it could make the hop.

    Playing the same characters from your PC shenanigans would be a blast. I'm only going to watch development closely if they say their next game will be released for consoles alongside the PC.

    (*I've loved Blizzard since I was a child and it hasn't changed, so save the flame.)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Revealed
    I was just talking about this last night with a buddy of mine. Inferno was going to be the fun, the gauntlet. The reason to keep on and my way of coping with losing Baal runs (which I did enjoy because of the seven others charging in with you). Community really does do odd things to me.

    Oh well. I'm quite happy and I look forward to tackling this monster, hopefully gearing myself out and all the other frustrations and rewards that come with this.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Diablo Withdrawals
    Four. Hell, the people I played it with all did it. We had it and played for such a long time, then we stopped for a while. Every two years or so all someone had to say was "so I played some Diablo 2 last night..." and the rest of us would spend the rest of the night swapping stories we'd heard countless times. Then came having to go buy the game+expac again because we were neglectful with CD keys, playing until life/work/another game peeled us off once more. Cycle repeats.

    I'm playing Diablo now, along with some Planescape: Torment to fight off my desire to throw myself back in to the glory that was D2 and have any sort of productivity left in me die. It's rough.
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on + Official PC Builds Discussion Thread + (Reroute all "will my computer run this?" questions HERE)
    I have been able to run SC2, but at lower settings and when things get intense it can get scary. Still, D3 looks great, and I am wondering if you folks think I'll be okay, or what should be my first upgrade when I start seeing some money.


    Intel® Pentium® D CPU 3.20GHz

    3.21 GHz

    3 GB

    NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX

    524 MB


    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Build Your Hero (Theorycrafting Edition!)
    Quote from Venator Noctis

    I gather, from the name itself, this skill might be similar to Vault in a way that you try to get away from your enemies but unlike Vault where you get far away, Evasive Fire might be a skill wherein you just dodge or avoid enemy attacks while at the same time firing your crossbows that gets x percent chance of hit depending on the skill level.
    So, Vault takes you far away when you do the cartwheel move, while Evasive Fire just makes your dodge/avoid ability better while inflicting damage to the enemies.

    I had that thought of it doing SOMETHING like Vault... Should it work like you suggest then I will have to seriously consider adding it in to my list, but would it replace Vault? Hard to say, but I think I enjoy Vault's distance a little too much yet.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on Passive Skills Likely to Scale with your Level too
    Good find. ;) Makes them more... Meaty. Attractive.

    I hope it proves true. Not to say percent increases are anything to snuff, but having them scale to something bigger than 10% (Or 'X' depending on passive) could be great. Especially if this Inferno nonsense is what I hope it may be (but that's for another thread).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Build Your Hero (Theorycrafting Edition!)
    Quote from name="Pewpew Demon Hunter" »

    1. Bola Shot - Fires an explosive Bola that detonates after X seconds for splash damage.
    2. Vault - Tumble acrobatically across a distance.
    3. Entangling Shot - Deals a percentage of weapon damage and slows/binds enemies
    4. Cluster Arrow - Fires a cluster bomb impact, releasing bomblettes which explode shortly thereafter
    5. Rain of Arrows - From what has been seen, the old WoW Volley.
    6. Spike Trap - Lay a trap that arms after X seconds and triggers when an enemy approaches. DPS splash damage.

    1. Resourcefulness - When Discipline is under 20%, the regeneration of Hatred is increased by 30%
    2. Years of Training When a Discipline skill is used, damage by DH is increased by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks x3
    3. Killing Spree - When an enemy is killed by DH, next attack in 5 sec. has 30% increased crit chance.


    1. Weak Spot - Increases crit damage by 100%
    2. Killing Spree - When an enemy is killed by DH, next attack in 5 sec. has 30% increased crit chance.
    3. Back to Basics - Increases basic weapon damage by 100%
    (OPTIONAL: Hot Pursuit - When Hatred is full = 10% run speed)

    The party I've worked out with my friends and brother will have a Wizard, Barbarian, Witch Doctor(/or Monk) and my DH. I like being the support person, and with all those AoE moves I'm sure to soften up hordes (but may end up missing out on some nice kill streaks because of it).

    Of course it's way too early to tell, especially with the abilities having no formal description and I am confident that my choices will change as more information is released. Should abilities work as they sound, it'll be loads of fun. Really curious what Evasive Fire will be.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on Pics I Found-Updated
    Good find! The tooltips are smart enough to help the game be more "accessible" too, so that's a bonus.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on COME TO ME AUGUST 16th
    The moment I saw this thread I went digging for answers, but I haven't seen anything about August 16th having any true significance in relation to a beta. Also, I had been up for something like 40 hours at that point so I might have missed something (just to cover my ass).

    Unless you're talking about Gamescom on the 17th, which blue posts are beating speculation in to the ground about.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Beta Lifespan
    Should the planets align and I see the Beta, I will not suffer the 'attrition' that may come of it (unless it's just terrible, which I don't think it will be).

    Will give all classes a try, but looking to DH to be my baby. Will have the available content down to an art. ;)

    Waiting for this game has killed my interest in other games, and that makes the wait worse. In the case where I don't get in I will gorge myself instead on the videos and news, living vicariously through the testers.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on What are you favorite characters?
    Rogue. Started out, rolled up a rogue and played it for five years straight. Sure I had alts, but they are my love.

    Of course they are nooby-easy-street, but that's not why I played them. I truly enjoyed the class. I did have alts and other 70s/80s/85s, but none got the attention the rogue did. They had enough tricks to them and I always felt useful; even with how bad we were around the Tier 7 start I didn't QQ and run off to roll Ret. I still busted my ass, I was happy. I have two 85 Horde rogues, and one 85 Alli. Best progress was with Alli rogue, starting at Karazhan (RIGHT before Wrath) and working through raids up to Firelands in Cata (which was when I let my account run out).

    Never got in to the healing scene until goblins showed up, and then I decked out a shaman. Always loved how chain heal worked and looked, even if it wasn't the 'go to spam' anymore. Sadly didn't get anywhere.

    My first tanking love was Druids. Rolled one up in Wrath, made it through content to ICC with him. Still love them. Paladins are a close second (but I've already shown how much I love easy mode ;) ).
    Posted in: Warcraft & WoW
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    posted a message on Why do people feel the need to pick sides with everything?
    Identifying and throwing one's lot in with a group is much easier, and you at least have some support to your claims or ideals. Play in the 'in-between' too long and one might alienate themselves. Taking a thing like politics, one almost have to choose a side otherwise there may not be an alternative and suddenly they're the bad guy for 'not voting' or being labeled lazy. People on the fence are targets that are in reach.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Consumables?
    I am fairly certain he means things like elixirs and flasks, temporary buffs that can push the hero just a little further.

    Quote from ScyberDragon

    the problem is that there are already scrolls and elixirs that give you temp buffs which fit in better than a chicken drumstick.

    What ScyberDragon said. There is a system in there already, but it's not going to last you an hour/two hours. I see no reason for them not to show up on the AH.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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