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    posted a message on Could someone ask this on official forums please?
    Hi. For some reason neither of my battlenet accounts work on the forums. The one with wow on it was hacked so that probably killed it and I trolled a little bit on my sc2 account...

    Anywho if anyone could please post the below on the official forums and post the link here I would be grateful!

    Title: Same depth in gear choices in D2 as D3?

    Diablo 2 had some amazing customization and because of this re-playability. The end of my Diablo career involved coming up with unique builds that I rarely if ever saw and trying to make them work. Bear Sorcs, max damage jewel Chargers, Rabies Druids, etc etc.

    I would get my little piece of paper and do napkin math to decide what would be the best item and skill combination. Should I use a +6 rabies sword, one with 6 poison facets, or one of my favourite weapons, the 140%ed 4os griswold caddy. Should I hit the next FHR breakpoint or go for more health, etc.

    I know that skills were removed so this takes a lot of depth and re-playability out for me. I also know that there will be no more breakpoints. Even though this was an old archaic system I loved how it gave so many interesting choices.

    Diablo had some cool items. Gloves that give +25% poison damage. Weapons and armors that give damage auras (using them with synergies was awesome). Chance on hit and chance on hitting mods on everything! I could pop some crazy sword on my barbarian and have him create volcanoes every time he hit something.

    I haven't seen much item information yet so I would like to pose the question. Are items going to be like Diablo 2 where there are interesting decisions for every slot? Or are items going to be like WoW where everything is the same and boring.


    iLevel 3500 Sword
    20000 DPS
    +800 str or dex
    +1600 crit or hit

    Firey Badass Sword
    123-456 damage
    Very fast attack speed
    Chance on hit to cast a level 14 volcano
    +5% fire damage, 100% chance on death to cast a level 24 meteor

    Which looks more fun? Sorry for the wow bashing, it is a fun game but none of the aspects belong in Diablo. Please give any item information you are allowed to, I would appreciate it.

    **Also, please include an option to remove all tooltips. I do not want to see that my axe does 500 dps, I want to see 123-456 damage and very fast attack speed.
    I also dont want a rediculous character page that tells me absolutely every stat I have, their effects, and takes away nearly every decision I have to make.

    /end, real life money AH is good. If you've been on d2jsp (anyone who play diablo above level 80) you'd know
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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