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    posted a message on How a Weapon's DPS is Calculated
    A few things...

    A) its a plug for your website.
    B) the title is pretty misleading. "How a Weapon's DPS is Calculated" is simply, (min damage + max damage) divided by 2, times the attacks per second.

    [(Min+Max)/2]*APS = Weapon's DPS.

    It seems you are actually calculating how the overall DPS for a character is formulated, which is more complicated than ^.

    Sure, theorycrafting is great, but it seems that your ultimate goal is just getting traffic to your website...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dodge Chance
    There should/would (untested) be Diminishing Returns on stats like dodge. Because essentially if there were items that could get you to 100% dodge, (which there probably would be if it was additive) then you could pretty much cheeze out the game negating a large amount of the game's damage.

    But it should be multiplicative... I could even see them trying to put a hard cap on dodge to prevent cheezing content.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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    posted a message on It looks like the skill UI is here to stay
    They had to fire the UI person since they thought it was done. Whoops.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)

    My Wizard Build. Mainly a solo build -- only hesitation is about Archon. Also assuming that Familiar runed gives you +15% damage (I might be reading that wrong though). The trade out for either of those would be Slow Time (possibly for groups).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skill system, Itemization, and Awesomenss
    Quote from Crysto37

    I have noticed this obsession at developers in the last few ears, they give you all the shit in the game from first playthrough, i remember Gothic games were you had different roads depending on your choice of joining a guild, this made be finish the game at least 3 times.

    I never played that game, but in the above scenario, it sounds like, if you played through the game, you only got to see 1/3 of the content. So if you are a developer and you say, hmmm... we designed this badass game, and players are only playing 1/3 of it before quitting.

    Maybe they aren't telling their friends about it to buy it (losing $) or maybe it got a shitty review (also losing $), because whoever reviewed it didn't like their path but got stuck on it (or that they made a bad decision on a character and had to completely start over).

    You have the same company, Blizzard, who said, "back in vanilla wow, less than 5% of the entire population even stepped foot into Nax, let alone killed a single boss."

    So I don't always agree with some of it, but most of it makes sense. (I hated being locked into a "specialization")
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gem Weapon Effects
    Quote from sacridoc

    Maybe this has been posted somewhere else, but I just saw that they've added the weapon socket effects for 3/4 gems.

    For the Radiant Stars...

    Ruby = +20-40 dmg

    Amethyst = Each hit adds +300 life

    Topaz = Melee attackers take 50 dmg per hit

    Curious to see how the Amethyst is supposed to work... what counts as a "hit" when you have no basic attack?


    I would bet they are trying to make the Radiant Star Emerald (weapon effects) some type of resource generation / regeneration, but given the diversity of classes resources, I would bet this is something difficult to balance / put a number on.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why does the WD have so many cooldowns??
    A lot of the WD "long cooldown" spells are summons that either last until killed, or last for at least 1/5th or 1/6th of the cd.

    So if you keep your pets alive, then that cooldown would be negated. (and only time will tell if those pets will be able to hold up in the later difficulties.)
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Craft or Drop ?
    Drops are definitely hundreds of times worse than the items you can craft (even boots, helms, shields, etc.) - the way the beta is tweaked (probably on purpose to see people using crafting and the AH) you won't see good drops for a lvl 10+ character (except rare/magic rings, magic amulets, and rare off-hand stuff for Wiz/WD).

    Thats also because of the content. Most characters are level 8/9 when they kill the skele king. Maybe 10 if they grinded just about everything. The gear dropped is tuned to the level players should be at. I wouldn't expect to see much, "ooh this dropped, I'll be sure to use this in a few levels"
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How hard is hard, really?
    Quote from FreddyBenson

    oh its hard baby!!!!!!!!!

    That's what she said.

    Quote from engelious

    Ive watched the "You will die" vid now about 10 times, and heres what i found so far.....

    As to this... tbh whoever were controlling those guys in the videos seemed like terribads... (and wasn't all that footage the same b-roll footage anyways?)

    The thing that really REALLY makes me nervous about this game is that its a Blizzard title. And by that I mean, look at WoW, nerfing stuff left and right to cater to casuals. The argument is that a high % of players don't get to experience a large portion of content, like original nax etc. But in this case, hopefully, they will say that inferno is the same content as Hell / earlier, only more difficult, therefore does not justify a nerf.

    It would be sickening to spend time learning and competing in inferno, (also with a higher opportunity for gain in the RMAH as there would be fewer players in inferno) only to have it nerfed to the ground to have any scrub blow through it. I don't think that will happen... but given Bliz's stance on WoW, it makes me nervous.)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Barbarian What follower you pick?
    If I'm going to be leap striking into things then I want a ranged class to back me up. So no Templar for me. I haven't seen enough of the sorc or scoundrel to really judge at this point.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on How much of Act 1 is the beta?
    I have also heard its 1/3 of normal. They have stated, they didn't want you to be able to go any farther, because a) there are some spoilers right after, and *rumor* there's also a big 1/2 act boss fight, that they didn't want to trivialize when the game went live.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on WD rune damage changes with gear.. anyone know the math?
    Quote from ElJefe725

    so i was watching a video on the new WD rune skills, and the video (about 4:20 in) (http://youtu.be/CvBAtCtT7_M) shows that the weapon damage % for groping eels changes when the weapons equipped changed. Obviously with different weapons the damage would be different, but the rune's % of weapon damage changing? Im trying to figure out the mechanic behind this, and if other runes work similarly. Thx ahead of time.

    Not sure the stats on the original weapon, but the axe he equipped had +17 int. Which is a fair amount for low levels.



    +Wizard damage

    +Witch Doctor damage

    +Health from globes (this is no longer valid)

    Also, I don't know if this factors in, in this case, but weapon speed will play a part in how fast you can cast which should also affect your dps, but not sure if it would affect your runed spells % damage.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on You Will Die
    I'll believe it when I see it.

    let me seeeeee it.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Character uniqueness?
    There needs to be something more to individualize my character from anyone elses, and some incentive for me to make more than one character of each class

    while its true you can just swap out spells etc, you are going to eventually be able to sell max rank characters on the RMAH. So while that might not be an incentive you are looking for...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Loot System
    Quote from Nodman92

    Hey guys, im a diablo fan without access to the beta. I was wondering how the lootsystem works in Diablo 3. Is everyone able to see everything that drops, or are certain people entitled to certain drops that happen. I have been trying to find some info on the topic but have come up short. Please and thanks for some help.

    So while D3 is made by Blizz, thankfully they don't use the same, "rolling" system that occurs in games like WoW. 100% of the loot dropped by mobs / monsters is 100% yours, only you can see it and you only need to go and pick it up. This completely prevents "ninja looting" etc. If something is dropped by another player, then everyone in that game can see it and anyone can pick it up.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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