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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)

    This is a build made to have a good balance between damage and survivability. It takes advantage of arcane synergies. Temporal Flux for a slow, Disruption Arcane Torrent for weakness, Then most other skills are modified in a way to have them regenerate arcane power or pass through enemies to give more slow. Ray of frost is also added for extra survivability and because I think it looks awesome.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on discussion about "DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest"
    Quote from Xhawk

    I have this one account, been here for years. Just entered and I hope to win. Getting tired of losing every single contest and would love to try the beta sooooooo much, Good luck to all. Hope people who are deserving and playing fair get the keys,

    Define people who are deserving? Just because you want to try the beta SOOOO bad makes you more deserving than anyone else who also wants to try the beta? I'm so sick of posts like this, get over yourself.

    Quote from Molster

    Someone making a new account just for a beta key, is not a fake account, it happens thousands of people want keys, they see this, come here, and make an account

    This exactly. I've been lurking this website since the first episode of diablocast. It is really a shame how the elitist spirit has run rampant among most of the users. It's turning into elitist jerks 2.0. It's called a contest, not a "hook our long time users up with beta keys" event.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Catering to the "new" player? Someone had to of understood old games from the start
    Quote from arsonal3

    Ok I just mentioned above how Diablo 3 is taking one concept of the Megaman play book, sequential development of power. In Megaman, you pick up powers and abilities that make you a better player. At first you only have one and later you get many. By the end of the game you've learned to use all of these abilities and it was because at some point you were forced to use one of them.

    Now Blizzard has made rune stones more of a choice so you don't "need" any of them. Definitely a fact, I won't even argue it. What they did have was forced use that really didn't feel like a player choice. (e.i. Oh man I still only have a Crimson rune level 1, I guess I should just use level 4 Alabaster rune since I can't seem to get this item to drop.) That is actually a very aggravating choice, the good thing is that Blizzard will then have you learn a bit about the other runes and what they do, bad part is that it feels forced.

    Now to you and me, the new system can feel forced, because we knew of a time before. For the vast majority it will feel like progression. New options, maybe new choices, and to add to it all this really pushes experimentation in the game.

    Lets not lie and say that the previous rune system basically worked seamlessly in the game. It didn't, it was something that promoted leaving the game and looking at the options. Now what has Blizzard done, they've made it so you have the info in the game and you are slowly introduced to new abilities, which means you can see how they work gradually and organically. You're not learning from a website how the spell works, you are learning because it is all you have, or the newest option you obtained.

    That is much more Megaman like and one of the reason's it is a great game, I think this game has taken a very solid concept and adapted it to a A-RPG format.

    You make a few valid points. The way the runes were most recently definitely would not have worked, however the original unattenuated rune system I feel is fine. Where I disagree with you is giving a player access to something to make it easier for them, which is essentially what you are saying. Just because it may take time to get a drop you want doesn't mean that it should just be given to you by default for playing (via leveling up) Diablo 2 is about itemization, working to hunt for a new rune to make one of your abilities more powerful was another very rewarding form of progression in a game where end game can become very tedious very fast without any raids like WoW. There were many ways in which you could acquire a rune without having it drop for you; either it drops for a friend and they give it to you, you trade for it, buy it on the AH. All of these elements have essentially been removed. Runes could have held valuable in the economy and possibly made you real money via the RMAH. Yes it may be frustrating hunting endlessly for an item but thats really what Diablo is about, and it makes it FEEL that much better when you are finally rewarded with it vs just being given it by default. This comes back to my other central point which is Blizzard neglects the psyche of their player in recent designs, in my opinion. I will always get feeling of much greater accomplishment having to work for and manipulate in some way (via farming or haggling in a trade) to get my item, vs just playing the game and having it automatically given to me. Leveling in Diablo isn't hard. Hell and Inferno might be much harder respectively vs the difficulties in D2, but hitting the level cap will not be a hard feat to accomplish, and in turn unlocking anything along the way will not be that hard either. To further relate it to your point, yes they may be making it more megaman-like, but the means by which they are doing so is not ideal. But then again, I also feel like learning it from a website isn't that big of a deal, its just when you short a player some experience to make it easier or spell it all out directly by giving it to them that irritates me.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Catering to the "new" player? Someone had to of understood old games from the start
    Quote from Inf

    Modern gamers are concidered idiots by the game designers. Back in the day you sat down and learned by playing and it was good! You didn't need a tutorial because it was all kind of self-explanatory (atleast the good ones were). Take a look at Egoraptor's sequelitis where he talks about Mega Man X, he really hits his head on the nail when it comes to modern game design (it's very funny too if you havn't seen it). :D

    Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FpigqfcvlM

    Fuck man, so glad to have watched this. Just yesterday at work I was talking to my buddy about the new rune system changes. I brought up the point of why not just have it explained in a game manual? The thing that I cannot understand is that; all new players inevitably will become an experienced player. They will play, figure things out, and become experienced. Experienced players will NEVER revert to being a new player. So by this logic ultimately the majority of players will be experienced. Why not cater to this? Blizzard emphasizes so heavily on pick up and play and simple to figure out, yet within a week at most people will have caught on to this shit and be wanting something more challenging and stimulating, not something dumbed down. And unfortunately you won't find something like that until an expansion. This is why WoW's sub's drop so dramatically and the hardcore players plow through new content in less than a month and then quit.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3000 skill runes? Clarification please.
    Quote from Alcovitch

    How about using the more commonly dropped lower level runes for your build and working towards a long term goal of getting the max rank runes in Inferno? See how that works??

    This exactly. Without this it removes a huge feeling of progression. I don't care if it's "built in" with the new system, having to level up to unlock them. It doesn't feel as tangible or rewarding if you simply are given it by the game rather then having to work for it. It also further encourages play through harder difficulties.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3000 skill runes? Clarification please.
    People who are happy about the change, I understand your position. However the main reason everyone seems to give to justify it is not wanting to deal with the grandiose amount of possible rune drops. This itself keeps ignoring the issue that I brought up earlier.

    To everyone that IS happy about the change, would you be against having rune drops that were just arbitrary. That is 7 ranks of 5 runes that could drop, and work for every class and every skill. This leaves 35 total runes that could drop which is a completely manageable number. Apparently this is the way it was last summer, and I'm not sure why it was changed but if it was a tooltip issue as suggested I am almost positive there would have been a work around for that. I would have much rather had them take a little bit of time and solve a simple tooltip issue than to completely remove the system and thereby more itemization from the game. Even if it is an incremental increase, you all know that even finding something a LITTLE bit better feels awesome. Blizzard continually removes these changes to try to keep the mantra that they want fewer but more impacting changes upon leveling, etc. However in my opinion they fail to realize just how important these small improvements feel (ex, in WoW new the epic gems only gave you like +5 more to a stat and yet they were abhorrently expensive on the AH).

    tl;dr: Given that runes used to drop for individual skills, I support the change. However I think it would be very easy to keep runes as arbitrary, having the drops work for any skill on any class and have a subjective purpose for each skill. 5 runes x 7 ranks = 35 items which is a very manageable number.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3000 skill runes? Clarification please.
    Quote from chippydip

    That was the original rune system. The problem with that one was that they couldn't easily show what the rune would do in a tooltip if it could be used in any skill (even just showing the effects for the 6 currently selected skills would be a huge tooltip).

    Ah, thank you. That clears it up quite a bit. I still think that there would be a way to solve the tooltip issue without having to completely scrap the item idea entirely. Remember the days when you had to read the game manual to learn about the game? They could have payed homage to those archaic times, remove the need for a tooltip and just list the info there or on the website. I understand that you should be able to have all the info in game but I feel like there would be a simple way to remove the tooltip issue. For example, the skill builder they have online seems to do that pretty well. Even if it does take up a lot of screen, it isn't unreasonable to expect players to mess with runes while in a town and thus screen space wouldn't be that big of an issue.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3000 skill runes? Clarification please.
    I don't want to seem ignorant but I still really don't get it. I guess I was misinterpreting the old system. I thought, as I said earlier, that it was as simple as 7 ranks per 5 runes. 35 runes total. If you find a rank 5 alabaster rune it wouldn't matter if you put it in a Wizard's disintegrate or a Barbarian's bash, it would be the same item but just subjectively do something different contingent on the specific skill it's put in for a specific class. I didn't think, for example staying with those I just gave, that you would find a rank 5 alabaster wizard disintegrate rune. I was under the impression that runes were arbitrary. I can't really add up how there would be any more than 35 items, and how people keep coming up with things in the hundreds and thousands.

    Edit: Never mind I understand now. I had no idea there were SPECIFIC rune drops for specific skills, thats a horrible system. Why not just keep it arbitrary like the way I had presumed them to work? Instead of having 7 ranks of alabaster runes drop for every skill for every class, just let them have their own individual effect per skill.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3000 skill runes? Clarification please.
    Maybe I am being ignorant but could someone clarify how they arrive at this theoretical 3000 skill runes? To my knowledge, previously there were 5 different runes each with 7 levels to them. That makes a total of 35 different individual item drops. Were there specific runes for each specific skill? If so why not just make each rune work for all skills and classes, and keep them as items? I think that 35 items are pretty manageable to deal with. Is there something that I am missing here?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta Patch 13
    Quote from SFJake

    Are you serious or on drugs while typing this?

    There is fun to be had from rune dropping but whenever someone essentially says "I want more farming" I can't take them seriously.

    D2 is pretty much all about farming barring pvp? What else is there to do at level 60? There are no raids like WoW. D2 is about itemization which inevitably comes via farming for better or worse. Spread it out, have rares/champions drop better loot than bosses, call it 'exploration' or whatever you like but at the core it's still farming. How can you not take that seriously or say otherwise?
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson - Skill and Rune Changes
    I hate to be this guy but I don't see any other way to take this other than further dumbing down of the game and it's systems. Yes it may be a shitfest to collect X amount of runes, but that's sort of just the way it is. I was fine with it collecting runes and gems in D2, and I was looking forward to it in D3. Maybe it's my IRL hoarding tendency but it adds more value to have a lot, and have to make choices about what to grab and carry when inventory space becomes an issue. I think a big thing they are missing is that though these things may seem overbearing and menial, even these incremental ups and and benefits will do wonders for your psyche. IE, going from a level 6 skill rune to a level 7 will FEEL like a big improvement even if it may not actually be one. The thing I feel blizzard neglects often is to take into account the psychology of their players. They keep catering to new and inexperienced players, but inevitably ALL new players will become experienced players, experienced players never revert to being new.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablofans, what is your profession?!
    I study Biopsychology, specifically Neurochemistry, Neuroanatomy with a focus on Neural substrates, and Neurobiology. I work in a lab that works to discover various cognitive enhancers to hopefully help aid and treat patients with Alzheimer's. Dealing with memory most of my work centers around the hippocampus, striatum (the collection of the caudate nucleus and the putamen), and the fornix. We use a comparative approach so almost all my work is done specifically on rats, although we use mice occasionally (seems small, but is actually a big difference). My typical days outside of the classroom include doing brain surgery, histology, perfusions, and inevitably euthanizing.

    Bit of a departure from the vast array of computer science and military people here.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on WHO ELSE
    Quote from jglitch

    Ok so this is just so i can get entered in that beta contest but i pose a question. IS there ANY diablo 2 fans out there...I mean HARDCORE played that game religiously for 11-12 years fans like me who have yet to even recieve a beta key yet. I think its kinda retarded blizzard pisses on their main fanbase and give betas to people who play wow and not have had diablo 2 under their belt for 5+years. Does this upset anyone else, because i know im not the only one waiting

    Why do you think you are more entitled to be in the beta test than anyone else? The beta test is to test the game out and find bugs, not to appease their fans. That's what the retail game is for. No offense but I just don't get these egocentric perspective posts. I've played the game since original release, I haven't gotten beta yet, but that's sort of just what it is. It's random. In any case good luck.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hello
    Been lurking since around the time the force diablo podcast first started. About a year and a half now I guess. Registered for the chance for a beta key. It's my 21st birthday today, hoping to get a beta key as a birthday gift!
    Posted in: Introduction
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    posted a message on Diablofans Diablo 3 Beta Key Contests! 450 Keys to win!
    It's my 21st birthday today. Hope I win one of these contests, would be a great birthday gift! Would much rather be sitting playing the D3 beta than out drinking!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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