
WW Support Barb for DH speeds (S21)

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  • Furious Charge Dreadnought
  • Whirlwind Blood Funnel
  • Ignore Pain Mob Rule
  • Threatening Shout Falter
  • War Cry Veteran's Warning
  • Rend Mutilate
  • Inspiring Presence
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Pound of Flesh
  • Superstition


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Wreath of Lightning

Kanai's Cube

  • In-geom
  • Chilanik's Chain
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

This is a PUR barb (Pick Up Radius) with WW skills for keeping up with the new GoD set Demon Hunter speeds. Should be paired with a support DH, therefore not carrying the usual Nemesis or Strongarm bracers. Two pieces of the Savages set and 4 or the Wastes set are required but you can mix and match as you see fit based on the drops you have.

Gogok will give you CDR and dodge, Toxin for extra damage for your DPS, Wreath of Lightning to help your move speed to keep up with the zDH and DPS DHs. Keep in mind, Ice Blink does not stack, GET does, so you can wear Wreath since the zDH will wear Ice Blink.

Remember the goal is to have a 22 PUR stat so along with the standard stats for support ( Str, Vit, All res, CDR, Attack Speed) you must have Increase Gold and Health pickup radius of 2 yards on all gear except where it cannot roll (rings and weapons).

If you are running 3 men GRs without a support DH I'd recommend replacing the bracers with Nemesis and changing WW skill to the hurricane rune.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Area Damage

Max your move speed and Fury first then split your paragon between Strength and Vit. Remember putting all in VIT for support gives you lots of health but little armor for damage reduction.

Attack Speed and Cooldown are priorities for both paragons and where ever you can get them on your gear ( along with pickup radius).

Lastly for all support roles, no paragon in Area Damage and no AD on gear. All it does is slow the game down and cause lag, you are zDPS so don't lag your team with this stat.

Build Guide

My take on WW support Barb for DH speeds. NOTE this build is meant to be paired with a support DH. See the description for advice if you are solo support for DH speeds.

This build is not meant to be for high GR pushing. GGs and hope to see y'all in season 21...:D