
2.4 HC ET group Wizard

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  • Magic Weapon Conduit
  • Energy Twister Raging Storm
  • Ice Armor Crystallize
  • Teleport Safe Passage
  • Slow Time Stretch Time
  • Explosive Blast Chain Reaction
  • Audacity
  • Illusionist
  • Power Hungry
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Halo of Arlyse

Build: These items are built around boosting overall damage, boosting Energy Twister, and survivability.

Bracers: Use which ever is better between your best Reaper's Wraps and Ancient Parthan Defenders. Put the other one in the cube.

Belt: You'll want a good Witching Hour and almost any Witching Hour is going to be superior to the other options. Due to it's rarity I did list a couple other belts that will do in a pinch.

Stat Priorities: Pretty standard DPS stats other than we need AS. Vit, Int, CHC, CHD, AD, Arcane Damage, and AS are all useful. Follow each item's priority list.

Skills: Not much variance.

Passives: Not much variance.

Gems: Amethyst in the helm, Topaz in the armor pieces, and an Emerald in the weapon.

Legendary Gems: Esoteric Alteration, Bane of the Stricken, and Bane of the trapped are mandatory.

Caldesann's Despair: Intelligence.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Core: Max movement speed and then pump everything into Int.

Offense: AS, CHC, CHD, and CDR.

Defense: Armor, Life, Resist All, and Life Regen.

Utility: Area Damage, Resource Cost Reduction, Life on Hit, and Gold Find.

Build Guide

This build is built around the ET Wizard in four man groups. Your role in this group is to provide defensive buffs, offensive buffs, and DPS.

From gear, skills, and passives you provide the following defensive buffs or debuffs: 25% damage buff from Delsere's 4pc and 20% AS debuff from Slow Time.

From gear, skills, and passives you provide the following offensive buffs and debuffs: 10% AS buff from Slow Time-Stretch Time.

Your job in a group is to drop Slow Time on the piles of mobs that your army of supports gather for you and then kill them with Energy Twister. You'll want to keep up all of your buffs and spend the rest of your time on ET. One of the tricks to ET is getting it stuck on a corner. In the past people have tried to put mobs into the interior of a corner to try to get the twisters to hit them more often. Recently players have figured out that if you place the mobs on the exterior of a corner and cast the Energy Twisters while you're aiming behind the corner they can get stuck and stack up. This greatly increases wizard damage and is why groups run with three supports and one wizard for damage. Additionally with this build you have the Endless Walk set on which means once you get set up in a location you'll want to try to sit still to maximize your damage.

While I'm not the best player by any stretch of the imagination, I was constantly looking for HC guides when my friends would ask. I have made guides for all four positions in a standard HC group. These guides are based on my research from the top HC groups, their videos and streams, and my own personal experience. Questions and comments are welcome! If you like the build hit the +1!

Additionally here are the links/previews to all four builds: