The Rasha Twist Gr 95 -110+
Tal Rasha's Guise of Wisdom
- Stat Priority: Skill: SS Skill: Twister
Homing Pads
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + AD
The Traveler's Pledge
- Stat Priority: CHC CHD Arcane %
Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit
- Stat Priority: Int Vit AS Armor +
Ancient Parthan Defenders
- Stat Priority: Int Vit CHC Arcane %
Tal Rasha's Grasp
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC AD AS
Tal Rasha's Brace
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Life
Tal Rasha's Stride
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Socket
Illusory Boots
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Skill: Twister
The Compass Rose
Convention of Elements
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC AD
The Twisted Sword
- Stat Priority: Int AD AS Dmg %
Orb of Infinite Depth
- Stat Priority: Int AD CHC
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
This Build Will be a work in progess and I will update the info panes as I go. Basicly for those that played Season 5 as DMO twister wizards the setup is very similar with slight changes. You will be wearing Tal Rashas for the 3000% multiplicative bonus Damge U swap slow time for Electrocute to proc your lighting for Tal Bonus. You will still stack twisters in corners like before. Magic weapon will still run conduit with APOC on your offhand to maintain Arcane power in density during the rift clear. You will drop power hungry as you no longer need globes for prodigy and Cube Shame of Delsere as your armor slot within the cube. This will enable the wizard to maintain Arcane power on rgs and continuously stack tornadoes. Homing pads was added as u can cast teleport to town for dmg reduction during Moltens and grotesque explosions However pauldrons of the skeleton king can be suitable alternative.
Sorry for the short description as I had school in the AM I will update further Tommorrow.
If you feel inclined to see the build Live you can catch me here and ask live for updated info
Paragon Priorities
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Cooldown Reduction |
Resist All |
Life |
Armor |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Life on Hit |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Gold Find |
U can replace IAS With Area dmg its still up for grabs on whats best but initially you still can stack more than 8 Twisters its only 8 twisters that affect your increased damage.
Monk can stun as well as Barb which still proc APDs
Drop Prodigy for Blur is really the only thing for this. The belt and APOC and Conduit is basically all you need even on single target guardian.
Hi, do you think it will work if you use the un-runed version of explosive blast to proc arcane tal rasha and then use the flame blades rune of spectral blade for some extra dps?
You would not be able to effectively get your 4 stacks for Explosive blast from orb of infinite depths but it was a good thought.
Would this or a variation of this be viable in solo?
I dont see it being effective in solo Firebirds archon would be a better choice
yes it is stronger than ARchon FB
Is Homing Pads / Illusory Boots really better than 2pc Firebirds?
Illusory boots allow you to walk through mobs anywhere so that you can set up so yes. Homing pads are for when horror/grotesques about to explode and u get extra Dmg mitigation
I am suffering from survival issues this season. When I watch streamers they just cast their tornadoos and face tank everything while I die at lower greater rifts. My supports have proper items and gear and we are decent players. Is there a trick we are not aware of for this season?
its hard to tell without inspecting both the supports gear and your own to make a decision on that
how come you dont use ice armor-crystalize with the halo of arlyse instead of coe and energy armor?
Your supports will be procing your APDs as anyone can proc it and CoE is much more damage
Do you have a reccomendation about the defensive stats? Can you briefly state how much HP, AllRes and armor is reccomended for let's say 90+ please?