Clans and Communities

Connect to other Diablo fans and players to join your fight!
Forum Latest Post Threads Posts

Clans [NA] [PC]

This is the place to advertize your Diablo Clan [Northern America servers on PC only].
Join sinz last breath
890 5,272

Clans [EU] [PC]

This is the place to advertize your Diablo Clan [European servers on PC only].
No Identity <NoTy> [EU] S...
132 714

Console communities & LFG

Playing on console? Looking for people to play with? Find other Diablo fans here!
Want to buy Mucous Eggs a...
29 53

Looking For Group [NA]

Looking for some people to play with but not wanting to commit to a clan? This is the place for a quick group [Northern America region].
Starting diablo 4 clan
1,056 2,456

Looking for Group [EU]

Looking for some people to play with but not wanting to commit to a clan? This is the place for a quick group [European region].
LFG for S27 Season Start
220 437