Simple Question. I know this is sacred ground for a lot of you, but change IS sometimes good, I would personally like it first person, for lack of multiplayer first person fantasy games on the market.
ya it is true..that view is the best but just so other people if they wanna try or sumtin...i dont know how first person would work that would be hella messed up fighting a but of hell demons twice the size of you all around u.. u would be like WTF!!! im stuck!!
i donit gett how can u play DIABLO in 1st person????come on.....gett real.....then it will not be the will be no longer diablo.....
it will destroy the fealing of the game
as some 1 sayed here live it as it was or DIE!!!!!!!!!
i think that you should be able to change the view of your choice because other people like different things and a change of view would only make diablo3 betterand u could always change it to the orignial view
New here heard bout site on Diablo II in chat....I think it should stay original but it would also be kool if it was interchangable like in the options you chose which one you want either first person or original overhead view
It'd be A LOT of work to do if Blizzard made first person and overview. With that much more work than they already have to do, they'll definately be quite a number of bugs.
itd be cool also if there was a view for each weapon like if its melee its overhead but if it was a bow it was first person. that way itll make the bow actually halfway hard to use
it will destroy the fealing of the game
as some 1 sayed here live it as it was or DIE!!!!!!!!!
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