This is something that has always perplexed me, D3 came out in 2012 with RoS in 2014 that's 6 years ago for the last expansion and not only does it still receive constant updates regardless of the fact it has no in-game shop or subscription (Please tell me any other game that has this level of developement attention without any in-game shop or sub) but it also still has hundreds of thousands of people playing it to this day.
When it first came out, the content was challenging and interesting. It lasted a large majority of the player base a good month before they started to get a bit bored and the several patches to come while it wasn't the most exciting I mean I know I and many others still played it. When RoS came out it was bloody amazing, I loved everything about it and sunk huge amounts of time into it... Sure eventually I got bored but just because I'm bored now doesn't mean the games bad, no game could hold my attention for ever.
A lot of people I see who say the game was a failure either didn't play the game at all and seem to just jump on the band wagon or played the game for 800 hours and then went "this games terrible". To which I say what? Please show me the list of games you have which have no sub, no in-game shop and have still taken so many hours from you before you stepped away. There are also those that slate it for not receiving content updates that match PoE to which I say again no game without some form of in-game shop recieves such treatment so that comparison just makes no sense.
My only assumption is that people wanted it to be like when they first played Diablo 2 and got lost in the game for years. But that would simply be impossible, Diablo 2 was from a different time with less options, less resources to gain information, less saturation of the market and for many the first time they even stepped into an online world so simply interacting with another player seemed amazing. If people expected Diablo 3 to take them back to when they were 12 years old and first stepped into Diablo 2 then ofcourse it was going to fail in there eyes as this is an impossible level to reach.
Is there something i'm missing, what reasons do people have to view this game as such a huge failure while other games which have taken 1/10th of your time before getting boring are seen as massive successes (I know people who spent 80 hours in Skyrim and claim it is the best game they have ever played yet spent 500 in Diablo 3 and claim it to be a massive dissapointment), why was Diablo 3 held to a standard so much above any other Buy to Play game?
It is only seen as a failure by time-frozen D2 fan boys, and PoE players. For the people that actually play it, D3 is a very successful game. I bet after D4 comes out, there will be people who finally appreciate D3 for what it is.
D3 wasn't a failure by anyone's standards. It sold like what, 30 million copies with the expansions combined? D2 only sold 4 million to date. D3 WAS fun. i loved it when it first came out. But i played D2 for 5-6 years before getting bored, i only played D3 for barley 5-6 months before becoming much more bored than i was of D2, i even went back to D2 for a little bit. D3 just didn't have the same community feel as D2 had. And with the lack of pvp, a lot of people bought it, but quit shortly after. We came back for the expansion, but again, for only a few months. And seasons? less than 2 weeks into each season until its boring again.
I have a lot higher hopes for D4 based on what we've seen. Back to the D2 feel, with major improvements. I had no complaints about wanting D3 to make me feel 12 or be completely blown away again. I had specific complaints like the soft/glowy graphics, end-game content, how crafting/trading worked, no pvp ect. But i agree D3 was/is a great game and anyone calling it a failure is just butthurt.
This is something that has always perplexed me, D3 came out in 2012 with RoS in 2014 that's 6 years ago for the last expansion and not only does it still receive constant updates regardless of the fact it has no in-game shop or subscription (Please tell me any other game that has this level of developement attention without any in-game shop or sub) but it also still has hundreds of thousands of people playing it to this day.
When it first came out, the content was challenging and interesting. It lasted a large majority of the player base a good month before they started to get a bit bored and the several patches to come while it wasn't the most exciting I mean I know I and many others still played it. When RoS came out it was bloody amazing, I loved everything about it and sunk huge amounts of time into it... Sure eventually I got bored but just because I'm bored now doesn't mean the games bad, no game could hold my attention for ever.
A lot of people I see who say the game was a failure either didn't play the game at all and seem to just jump on the band wagon or played the game for 800 hours and then went "this games terrible". To which I say what? Please show me the list of games you have which have no sub, no in-game shop and have still taken so many hours from you before you stepped away. There are also those that slate it for not receiving content updates that match PoE to which I say again no game without some form of in-game shop recieves such treatment so that comparison just makes no sense.
My only assumption is that people wanted it to be like when they first played Diablo 2 and got lost in the game for years. But that would simply be impossible, Diablo 2 was from a different time with less options, less resources to gain information, less saturation of the market and for many the first time they even stepped into an online world so simply interacting with another player seemed amazing. If people expected Diablo 3 to take them back to when they were 12 years old and first stepped into Diablo 2 then ofcourse it was going to fail in there eyes as this is an impossible level to reach.
Is there something i'm missing, what reasons do people have to view this game as such a huge failure while other games which have taken 1/10th of your time before getting boring are seen as massive successes (I know people who spent 80 hours in Skyrim and claim it is the best game they have ever played yet spent 500 in Diablo 3 and claim it to be a massive dissapointment), why was Diablo 3 held to a standard so much above any other Buy to Play game?
It is only seen as a failure by time-frozen D2 fan boys, and PoE players. For the people that actually play it, D3 is a very successful game. I bet after D4 comes out, there will be people who finally appreciate D3 for what it is.
D3 wasn't a failure by anyone's standards. It sold like what, 30 million copies with the expansions combined? D2 only sold 4 million to date. D3 WAS fun. i loved it when it first came out. But i played D2 for 5-6 years before getting bored, i only played D3 for barley 5-6 months before becoming much more bored than i was of D2, i even went back to D2 for a little bit. D3 just didn't have the same community feel as D2 had. And with the lack of pvp, a lot of people bought it, but quit shortly after. We came back for the expansion, but again, for only a few months. And seasons? less than 2 weeks into each season until its boring again.
I have a lot higher hopes for D4 based on what we've seen. Back to the D2 feel, with major improvements. I had no complaints about wanting D3 to make me feel 12 or be completely blown away again. I had specific complaints like the soft/glowy graphics, end-game content, how crafting/trading worked, no pvp ect. But i agree D3 was/is a great game and anyone calling it a failure is just butthurt.
Blizzard can go f u c k them self all this Bots and teen pissing cry Mommy's boy players also they just feel a bit offended and u get muted or banned
without those geek cock suckers do any effort finding out what was said and who said what FFS.
We keep enduring all this server lags disconnects coward trolling but all we get is a big fat cock up the ass
I feel like someone recently got banned by blizz