For new comers (or for regulars looking for a good read) to this domain who read Silversurfnstudism and wonder what it is, I shall now try to inform you.
History Our God Silversurfnstud, first rose to power out of the turmoil from the Time of Troubles, which were precipitated by an attempt by the gods Bane and Myrkul to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity Ao. The tablets were created by Ao to sustain the balance of good and evil, law and chaos and contain the areas of which each of the gods of the world rule over. Angry with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord Ao relegated every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on the earth. The immediate effects of this edict were threefold. First, divine magic (spells granted to clerics by their patron deities) ceased to function altogether unless the cleric was within one mile of their deity's avatar. Second, arcane magic (a force channeled from The Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable. Third, the characteristically immortal and aloof deities were now vulnerable (though devastatingly powerful) and dwelling among the civilizations of the world, and as such often fought and killed each other, Silversurfnstud, was but one of many who, killed many a god and soon established himself as the most powerful of the middle deities. From his Silver Citadel it has been said that he can see all, the monks and priests in his temples are often heard saying "Silversurfnstud sees all, know that and be judged". It is employed to keep people ever vigilant and ever faithful to the cause, as there have been many times where faith in their God has been tested and required.
While the Time of Troubles was indeed a bloody and horrific time, it is rivaled by the infamous Church Wars. This is when priests and warriors of the gods fought and killed each other in the streets of many of the major cities much like their gods did many years earlier, Many warriors seeking names for themselves, quickly rose to fame during this time, some later became some of the most feared warriors throughout world. This seemingly senseless violence was finally halted, by the warriors of Silversurfnstud, who, through ruthless efficiency and brutal tactics, defeated many of the large churches, and through fear of death caused the smaller churches to relinquish their arms. It is said that on one bloody day (a Sunday), Elfen Lied slayed more than 100 men from one church, unfortunately this action would later lead to his death, several assassins of one of the church of Talos assassinated him, or so it was believed. The assassins sure of their work left him for dead, but this was not to be the case, The God Silversurfnstud himself appeared before Elfen Lied, who pledged his soul completely to the service of his God, and in return for this the God Silversurfnstud, turned Elfen Lied into the being he is today, a No Life King, a seemly immortal being of immense power.
All members upon initiation into the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights must serve for a minimum time of 3 months; this is done by being active on both the forums here, and on the various Diablo games on
- The exact extent of your faith or devotion is up to you, If you wish to slay evil in Silver’s name you may do so, but if you prefer to just be a force of righteousness and Good, that is acceptable too. - Thou shall not speak ill of thy fellow brothers in arms, nor of the honourable dead. - Thou shalt not take up arms against thy brothers in arms without just cause. - Thou must be dedicated 100% to the eradication of all Evils the plague the lands - Thou shalt not post shit and nonsense in the threads, thou shall post only quality info - Thou shall not create an account with the intention of not using it, - If one enters a post that contains a poll thou shall not; read the poll and not vote reply to it without voting first -Thou must always follow the commands of members of the Guild ranked higher than thee. -Thou must be a team player; solo glory is frowned upon (but not uncommon). -Must be respectful to teammates and other players but should thou wish to challenge thy fellow Guild/Century member thy must have consent from both thy commanding officer/s -Thou must be strong enough to be self-dependent when/if the time comes -Thou must be willing to help others in need within the clan -Thou must not whine, beg, spam, etc. In other words, don’t be an asshat -Thou shalt not use hacks, bots, editors, dupes -Thou must be communicative with the clan -Thou must enjoying playing the game -Thou must play regularly or risk being exiled from the Guild -Thou must have a solid understanding of the game, but a novice understanding is not uncommon, as well as a smart and effective play style (your play style will be assessed during tryouts)
About Those who follow Silversurfnstud are collectively known as the Order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights, or just Silver Inferno Crusading Knights (SICK). Not unlike the other followers of the various other Gods and deities, we strive to protect the weak and helpless, to provide sanctuary and salvation for those who need it, to abolish foul demonic cults, and to cleanse the world of the taint of demons and other such creatures.
A minimum of 5 hours a day must be spend learn the scriptures of the Horadrim mages and other similar groups such as the Red Wizards of Thay or the Cowled Wizards, and the great tome that is the Grimoire Daemonicus, the book written in blood upon pages of human skin, that details (almost) every monster ever know to exist, so that they may be defeated.
The faithful followers of God Silver do not spend all their time reading scriptures though, 10 hours a day minimum must be spend learning the way of the warrior or mage if they prefer, and to increase their skills with their chosen weapon, which in most cases has been handed down through the members of their family for generations, followers of Silversurfnstud are warrior priests much like the fabled Knights Templar.
the most skilled and devote of Paladins within the Order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights, after undergoing a rigorous test can join the ranks of the Executioner Squad, who’s sole purpose is to enforce and uphold the laws and principles of the Order. The Executioner Squad enforce brutally punish those who disobey these laws.
The members of Silversurfnstudism are governed by the Iscariot Organization, a secretive order, the head of which is the Executive Council, which is comprised The Imperator and the most elite members of the Executioner Squad. The Imperator in addition to being the military leader is also the President of the Executive Council. The Executioner Squad is easily identified by their taste for extreme violence and their somewhat unusual habit of reciting religious quotes when they execute people.
Ranks Each member is SICK holds a rank, based on their experience and knowledge in battle and the world around them, and their devotion to their deity and to the task of ridding the world of Evils.
The ranks in the guild are divided into 3 categories, Military, Clergy and Government. Some ranks do overlap. I.e. one can hold a rank of Decurion and also hold the rank of Priest.
Military Ranks
The names in brackets are to help those who don’t know Latin to better understand the significance of each rank.
-Labourer The lowest of the low, the down trodden. Those of this rank serve the cause by building and repairing Temples and generally maintain to buildings.
-Legionnaire (Private) The first official rank of the army. The Legionnaires make up the brunt of the army, many are inexperienced, but possess great determination and an Iron will.
-Decurion (2nd Lieutenant) Experienced Legionnaires are made into Decurion. The Decurion is in charge of a small group of Legionnaires or Units. Decurion are given this rank by their Centurion or a higher ranking officer. (this is to account for the fact that you may not always be playing with the person who is in charge of the Century you are part of, but a sense of rank and order is still required, if the Centurion or Higher ranked Officer of the Legion is not present in the game the Decurion will temporarily take command of the Legion)
-Pilus Prior (1st Lieutenant) At the recommendation of their Centurion a Decurion can be made into a Pilus Prior. The Pilus Prior serves as the Centurion’s right hand man.
-Centurion (Major) The Centurion is in charge of a single century within the army. He leads his troops into battle in Silver’s name.
-Primus Pilus (Lieutenant Colonel) After proving themselves capable leaders in battle, a Centurion will be promoted to the rank of Primus Pilus, he may now command more than just one century.
-Tribuni Angusticlavii (Colonel) Much like that of ranks immediately below it, a Tribuni commands his own person century, but also several others are at his command.
-Praefectus Castrorum (Brigadier General) A Praefectus is a rank of high regard; he is respected much for his skill in battle, but also for his guidance.
-Tribunus Laticlavius (Lieutenant General) The Tribunus are highly skills warriors, but are also great leaders, possessing much knowledge on the battlefield.
-Legatus legionis (General) The Legatus serves as the Imperator’s right hand man, but if full capable of leading the army in the Imperator’s absence.
-Imperator (Fuhrer) Imperator is the highest military rank one can achieve. It is the Imperator leads the entire legion into battle. One of this rank is an exceptional warrior, almost godlike, but he also possesses high levels of diplomacy.
Clergy Ranks
-Follower Those of this rank are new to the ways and teachings of Silversurfnstud, but as their knowledge and skill improves so does their rank.
-Adept An Adept is someone who has begun his training; he is learning all he can of the world around him and of the principles that govern SICK.
-Priest Fairly well versed in the ways of His chosen Deity, Silversurfnstud and that of the world around him, there is still much he must learn though.
-Cleric Upon becoming a cleric, the member is given a Knighthood, He is expertly schooled in the ways of his Deity and knows much of the world he inhabits.
-Paladin Those truly dedicated to the cause may call themselves Paladins. Upon receiving this status, a member is given the title of Lord, and is give a small amount of land that the temple owns.
Government Ranks
People who hold government ranks are often referred to as Prelates.
-Executioner Squad Once the status of Paladin has been reached, the member of SICK is eligible to join the Executioner Squad. It is these people who enforce the laws of SICK with the utmost brutality.
-Executive Council After serving in the Executioner Squad, a Paladin may join the Executive Council and help to govern the members of SICK.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
As Silversurfnstudism is a religion, there are temples, and monks, and often monks and also the followers often sing hymns and songs about there Lord God and of the Elite members. Silversurfnstudism has existed for aeons and as such the main language of the religion is latin
this is one such hymn Dies iræ! dies illa Solvet sæclum in favilla Teste Silver cum Sibylla!
Day of wrath and terror looming! Heaven and earth to ash consuming, Silver's word and Sibyl's truth foredooming!
Quantus tremor est futurus, quando judex est venturus, cuncta stricte discussurus!
What horror must invade the mind, when the approaching judge shall find, and sift the deeds of all mankind.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum per sepulcra regionum, coget omnes ante thronum.
The trumpet casts a wondrous sound, through the tombs of all around, making them the throne surround.
Mors stupebit et natura, cum resurget creatura, judicanti responsura.
Death is struck and nature quaking, all creation is awaking, to its judge an answer making.
Liber scriptus proferetur, in quo totum continetur, unde mundus judicetur.
The written book shall be brought forth, in which is contained all from which the world is to be judged.
Judex ergo cum sedebit, quidquid latet apparebit: nil inultum remanebit.
So when the Judge shall sit, whatever is hidden shall be seen, nothing shall remain unpunished.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus, cum vix justus sit securus?
What am I, wretched one, to say, What protector implore, when (even) a just person will scarcely be confident?
Rex tremendæ majestatis, qui salvandos salvas gratis, salva me, fons pietatis.
King of awesome majesty, you who save gratuitously those to be saved, save me, fount of pity.
Quærens me, sedisti lassus: redemisti Crucem passus: tantus labor non sit cassus.
Seeking me, you sat exhausted; you redeemed me by undergoing the Cross; let so much toil not be in vain.
Juste judex ultionis, donum fac remissionis ante diem rationis.
Just judge of vengeance, grant the gift of forgiveness, before the day of reckoning'.
Ingemisco, tamquam reus: culpa rubet vultus meus: supplicanti parce, Deus.
I groan, as guilty; my face is red with guilt; spare, O God, a supplicant.
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ: sed tu bonus fac benigne, ne perenni cremer igne.
My prayers are unworthy; but you, the Good, show me favour, that I may not be consumed by eternal fire.
Inter oves locum præsta, et ab hædis me sequestra, statuens in parte dextra.
Grant me a place among the sheep, and separate me from the goats, placing me at your right hand.
Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis: voca me cum benedictis.
When the accursed are silenced, sentenced to piercing flames, call me with the blessed.
Oro supplex et acclinis, cor contritum quasi cinis: gere curam mei finis.
Suppliant and bowing, I beg, (my) heart contrite like ash: Have a care for my end.
Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla judicandus homo reus. Huic ergo parce, Deus: pie Silver Domine, dona eis requiem. Amen.
Tearful that day, on which will rise from ashes guilty man for judgement. So have mercy, O God, on this person. Compassionate Lord Silver, grant them rest. Amen.
As this hymn is very long, monks in the temples can often be heard repeating the phrase pie Silver Domine, dona eis requiem.
and some monks can be found hitting their foreheads with oak while saying the passage above and what relgion would be complete without a Lord's Prayer Our Lord, who art in thy Arcane Sanctuary,
Precarious be thy Name. Thy Bloodshed come. Thy killing be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bloodlust. And forgive us our prisoners, As we silence those who trespass against us. And lead us not into murder, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Quod nimirum hic est Senior Argentum Votum Nostrum Senior, Quisnam professio in thy Ianus Templum, Precarious exsisto thy Nomen. Thy Cruoris adveho. Thy caedes fio , In terra ut is est in Olympus. Tribuo nos is dies nostrum cotidie incruentus. Quod indulgeo nos nostrum captus , Ut nos silentium qui trespass obviam nos. Quod plumbum nos non in interficio, Tamen vindico nos ex malum. Pro macies est regnum, Quod vox , Quod palma , pro umquam quod umquam. Amen.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
A while back several members of Silversurfnstudism were sent on a mission to find the creators of the fReAk chip, a device that caused its targets to become ghouls.
we fielded a strong group, and we moved swifty and quitely. The dark peasant Faran a man who may have known something about the chip, proved to be quite useful, he knew much after being presuaded to talk, by Darkjay, he gaves us the location of the facility and a name of one of the creators. Locating the facality was pretty easily, destroying it was a little harder
1. The facality, exactly where Faran said it would be
2. Confrontation with 'Doctor'
3. Confrontation with 'Doctor' cont.
4. Confrontation with 'Doctor' cont.
5. i grew tired of staring at his ugly mug
6. Blew him thru a window into the 'OR'
7. found the next 'patient' being implanted with the chip, had to kill the 'patient'
8. Naturally all this comotion attracked the attention of the guards
9. Invoked some of my dark magic
10. with my magic invoked the guards were no problem
Opus Dei checks out the lower floors of the facility
1. Opus Dei locates the train, loaded with chips.
2. Opus Dei says a quick prayer
3. Sanctifing the area
4. Sanctifing the area cont. and dealing with the ghouls in car 1
5. Dealing with the ghouls in car 2
6. a small smile as things start to get interesting
7. Opus Dei charges
8. Scum in car 3
9. Car 3 is desstroyed as a result of Opud Dei's Charge in 7
10. Opus Dei says another Prayer
with the facility destroyed, our attention was drawn to the creators, now that we have a name it is only a matter of time.
In addition I was assigned to investigate a series of dissappearences in a small village. it turns out the dissappearences were due to a vampire who had taken up resisdence in the local church
1. hmm nightfall, things are getting interesting
2. About to enter the church
3. Mouthing off while surrounded by ghouls
4. "Target aquired, Restrcition Method #2 Lifting the Seal to Allow Use of Ability Until Target is Silenced"
5. The Vampire and his ghouls think they have won, and also that i talk big
6. Regenerating after being shot at and laughing at the fact that guns are useless against me
7. Blowing a way ghouls in a cool way
8. Blowing a way ghouls
9. when ask who i truly was in a flash of lightning i did so
10. Impaled my adversary
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
right got the bastards! after some intense searching we find the damn low lifes hiding out in a church.
1. After much seraching we finally found the location of the creators of the freak chip.
2. After blowing my why through the door i enter the church
3. blowing away lackeys is fun
4. The creator acts pretty calmly considering i just blew away 20 of his guards, i would later find out why he was so calm, he had a strigoi bodyguard possibly what they used to make the chip from.
5. Gotta look cool while loading my gun
6. Taking aim
7. Yep. my gun leaves a big hole
8. One creator down one more to go
1. Opus Dei was quick to locate the other creator
2. Braces himself for attack.
3. The creator lunges forward and fires his gun
4. Dispite Opus Dei's quick movements he still ends up taken a shot to the forehead, he falls to the ground, but gets back up again
5. The creator is shocked to learn is attack has failed
6. While Opus Dei is none to happy he got shot
7. Quoting a simple prayer before attacking
8. The creator loses his legs in a flurry of attacks
with the production facilties destroyed, and the creators now dead, we returned home victorious, and now await our next mission.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Behold all ye follows of the Lord God Silversurfnstud, for there is a new Executioner! from the war-torn province of lower Tehyr comes the Paladin Lord Kratos
Killing lil thingys or Lord Kratos, as he is now known, enforces the laws of Silversurfnstudism with the utmost brutality. The very mention of his name distills fear in the hearts of his enemies. His weapons of choice are the Blades of Chaos, these powerful blades are as much a part of his body as his arms, they burn with the blessed holy fire of Silversurfnstud. While his thirst for blood is impressive it is outshined by his skill in battle.
Kratos quickly rose through the ranks of the Legions in the Army of Silversurfnstudism. His Thirst for bloodshed made him a exceptional warrior. his greatest triumph would be the defeat of the Fire Giant Yaga'Shura during the seige of the Tethyrian city of Saradush, a city loyal to the Lord God silversurfnstud. The Seige lasted many days with no side having a clear advantage over, the other casulties on both sides were numerous. The battle raged until only Yaga'Shura and Kratos remained. These two combantants were engaged in an epic power struggle, which it seemed neither would win. A blow from Yaga'Shura's mighty warhammer knocked Kratos to the ground, victory almost certainly assured for Yaga'shura, a misterious figure, thought to be Lord God Silversurfnstud himself, appeared on the clifftops above and threw down to Kratos the enchanted Rune Blades, The Blades of Chaos. These sentient blades burn with the blessed holy fire of Silversurfnstud. With his new found arsenal, Kratos quickfully and bloodily decaptitated his foe. For his bravery, valor and skill Kratos was made Lord Kratos and was given the rank of Praefectus Castrorum and thus was a excellent choice to be appointed as an Executioner of Silversurfnstudism
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
The land of midland is in the grisps of a civil war, fighting is fierce. there are those loyal to the Lord God Silversurfnstud, and there are those that arent. The war has been raging for many years, with no side seeming to have advantage over the other. Both sides fight with tenacity and ferociousity. Heroes are born on both sides (though some live longer than others).One such Hero of Silversurfnstudism is the man known as the Black Swordsman, SoulCalibur. A true warrior in ever sense of the word, his deeds are legendary throughout the land.
1. From a young age SoulCalibur was a Legionaire in the armies of the Lord God Silversurfnstud
2. The warrior Pazu-So the Bear Killer stands ready
3. As does SoulCalibur
4. A fierce fight ensues, but SoulCalibur is the victor
5. Years later Soul Calibur would find himself, still fighting in the civil war, and stands before the doorway to certain death
6. The Nosferatu Zodd, otherwise Known as Zodd the Immortal, attacks SoulCalibur
7. A narrow miss
8. A devastating blow
9. The monster shows his true form
10. the Monster attacks
11. Another narrow miss
12. A critical blow, which sends the beast into a frenzy, though nothing SoulCailbur cannot handle
13. Not all the fighting is done on a battlefield or in a dungeon below the earth, SoulCalibur is instructed to kill a high noble Lord
14. He charges his opponent
15. A very bloody affair
16. SoulCalibur had expected better of the Lord
17. the enemies of Silver do not take the assassination of one of their Lords Lightly
18. 100 men easily chopped into pieces
19. A well earned rest SoulCalibur is forever known as the Hundred man Slayer
20. Once again SoulCalibur finds himself on a battlefield, when a powerful enemy approaches a huge sword descends from the heavens to aid SoulCalibur, a gift from his Lord God
21. As skilled a fighter as SoulCalibur is he was no match for the his enemy without the give from the Heavens
22. With his new found weaponry SoulCalibur easily annihilates his opponent in combat
23. Years later SoulCalibur who now goes by the name The Blackswordsman (so as to avoid undue attention to himself) would find himself on a mission to hunt down a evil demon terrorising the villagers of several towns loyal to our Lord God
24. In a dank pit of a tavern,on the outskirts of Midland he finds a group of thugs who may have answers but they refused to talk, so he drew his weapon
25. the group of thugs quickly change their minds upon the sight of their leader being cut cleanly in two
26. The beast (in its human form) has been expecting SoulCalibur
27. Surprise, surprise, the beast takes its true form
28. A cripling blow
29. SoulCalibur Drives his mighty sword deep into the beast
30. SoulCalibur stands victorious, (oh and somehow several buildings where burnt, i forget how, I wasnt there!)
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
while not all missions are a complete success like others, we do learn valuable facts and lessons from them.
AcidReign know this more than any other, if a intense battle with a Marilith (a six armed snake woman) he lost an arm. Luckily for him Lord Maestro was able to craft him an amazing new arm, one with a retractable blessed diamond blade.
1. The enemy casting a spell
2. The enemy casting a spell
3. His spell complete he orders the beast to attack
4. AcidReign conjurers up a spear
5. AcidReign defeats the beast with ease
6. AcidReign removes his cloak and taunts the so called priest
7. The preist looks scare
8. Not entirely sure we he got that thing from but oh well
9. AcidReign quickly casts a spell to sheild himself and his Iron Golem
10. AcidReign's wall stops the bullets
11. but in the time it took AcidReign to create his wall the priest got away and The left a gift for AcidReign
12. The Priest's monster delivers a huger blow to AcidReign's Iron Golem
13. And in return AcidReign does away with the monster
14. Returning home somewhat disappointed the priest managed to escape
15. A new challenge, prehaps a chance to redeem himself
16. A close call
17. AcidReign blocks the attack
18. But isnt so lucky the next time (that'll leave a mark)
19. - 22. the battle rages
23. A expertly time dodge leads to a great oppotunity
24. AcidReign returns the favour and defeats the creature
25. It seems the creature had a subordinate with him and so AcidReign's Iron Golem gets to take care of it while AcidReign is busy
26. AcidReign's Iron Golem stands ready
27. A crippling blow
28. Another crippling blow
29. One which sent the subordinate to the ground
30. A intense struggle
31. A devastating blow that send the subordinate skyward
[for anybody reading this and thinking man that sucks the guy got away, do not worry, AcidReign did find the priest not but a day later and decapitated the bastard]
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
It is not always the members of Silversurfnstudism, who go to fight evil although that is fun, sometimes evil finds them. the Warrior Morfias know this first hand.
1. Morfias out for a stroll
2. Morfias enjoying his lunch, warriors have to eat dont they?
3. A bridge, would it be too cliche would it be to have something under it?
4. Spoke to soon, but Morfias is unfased
5. The creatures attacks
6. Morfias' expect timing allows him to catch the creatures weapon
7. Pulling hard Morfias is able to slam the creature into the railing on the bridge
8. Morfias continues on his way
9. A huge beast has been killing people in a wood, Morfias is send to investigate, the beast's prefered method of killing is his huge doyble edged sword which he can throw like a boomerang
10. It attack is powerful
11. The blade returns to its master's hand
12. The Beast stands tall (very tall)
13. Not all warriors who fight evil will be successful but that doesnt stop people from trying
14. The unknown warrior is quickly overpowered
15. The unknown warrior pays dearly for is inexperience
16. The beast enjoys a quick meal
17. Morfias tracks the beast to its lair
18. the beast is not happy
19. Morfias taunts the beast
20. Morfias throws a one of his daggers
21. - 22. the beast has a unique skill
23. The beast stands ready
24. Morfias also stands ready
25. Morfias charges his opponent
26. The beasts huge size and gurth is no match for Morfias' speed and agilty, and thus quickly loses several appendages
27. Without the use of his the beast is unable to catch his mighty weapon
28. Quite bloodily he is vanquished
29. A challenge is throw down to Morfias by a seemily blind ninja
30. Morfias accepts
31. Morfias thinks he may be able to gain an advantage in a bamboo forest
32. - 33. The two warriors speed through the forest
34. The fight begins
35. And an intense one it is
36. Not the most honourable way to go, the Blind ninja is defeated due to one of the blades Morfias got stuck in a bamboo tree, thinking it to be Morfias' current sword.
37. As skilled as he was sight is a valuable asset, one should take it for granted
38. A creature lurks in the grass
39. The creature emerges
40. And displays an impressive technique
41. dispite his impressive technique the creature is rather cowardly and forces Morfias to confront his within the confines of a building
42. Another impressive technique a magical claw like weapon
43. The weapon wraps itself around Morfias' blade
44. The creature begins to recoil his claw
45. Morfias struggles to hold onto his weapon
46. As the the claw returns to its master, the force which was require to do so causes Morfias' blade to enter the creatures body
47. - 48. The creature defeat morfias carries on his way
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
While the Church War ended with the death of Elfen Lied, this didnt not stop small skirmishes from continuing. Often members of Silversurfnstudism would find themselves continuing to fight, not that they didnt enjoy this.
1. The enemy approaches
2. - 3. "I crave blood on this night"
4. The Enemy leadr summons his subordinates
5. mouthing off as I tend to do
6. The enemy leader is not impressed by my vocabulary skills
7. The Sub Ordinates are ordered to fire
8. - 9. Direct hits
10. He laughs victoriously
11. Even as i lay on the ground im still smiling my evil grin
12. Time to show my true power
13. - 15. The art of ressurection
16. unable to comprehend what he sees
17. A evil grin and laugh "Guns are useless against me! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
18. "My Turn!"
19. I take aim
20. Gotta use a cool pose to blow them away
21. A couple of head shots
22. Another Evil grin
23. Hmm no more bullets
24. Alone surrounded by the the dust of his subordinates corpses
25. Begging for his life, but im not one to grant his request
26 - 28. I thrust my arm into his chest
29. I stand alone victorious
30. With his last breath he mutters some gibberish, something about cursing me forever it was hard to make out the rest, as i crushed his skull with my boot.
As With all skirmishes they are made by both sides, i.e by both the members of Silversurfnstudism and their enemies. while most are over quickly, for some this is not the case. Also some involve much more powerful fighters than the usual rag tag bunch of brigands. This next
1. Upon returning to my abode there is a present from Lord Maestro
2. Opening the container i find it to ber the new weapon i requested
3. A 13mm gun, 390mm in length, weighing 35LBs, with 8 shots per clip, the bullets has a Pure silver Macedonium processed core and are filled with blessed quicksilver
4. - 5. Seeing how it feels.
6. The enemy approaches. but these two are no ordinary enemy. They are on a mission, they have heard that Elfen Lied and Opus Dei are at a small Temple, and these two want revenge
7. - 11. Quickly doing away with the temples guards
12. Im not one to keep my guests waiting
13. Again my tendency to mouth off presens itself
14. He's quick
15. A John Woo-esque stand off
16. BANG!
17. We both Rise to our feet
18. And neither of us is worse for wear
19. -20. "Removing Restriction Method #2, lifting the seal to allow use of ability, until target is silenced" 21. With the Restriction method removed, I am at almost full power, and quickly dismember my opponent 22.- 24. Shape Shifting into a beast
25. Full shapeshifted i devour my opponent
26. - 27. Angry at his brother death, he seeks revenge
28. - 29. He quickly does away with another group of temple guards
30. Opus Dei approaches
31. Opus Dei appears in a
32. Opus Dei stands ready
33. An evil grin
34. Opus Dei stands ready
35. Opus Dei says a prayer
36. His opponent remains unfazed
37. - 38. Both challegers bow
39. Opus Dei charges
40. His opponent has a mighty weapon
41. Opus Dei falls
42. Opus Dei rises again
43. Surprised his attack did nothing
44. Opus Dei charges again
45. Opus Dei's attacks connect with deadly precision
46. The body of his opponent lies on the ground fill of Opus Dei's Blades
47. - 48. Opus Dei recites a prayer
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
for those of you reading the threads and wondering who i am, i shall now attempt to inform you. (sorry guys no pics)
During the winter of 1431, I was born in a military fortress in Sylvania, a rather evil and cursed land, but it is home, lying east of the Empire of Man. I was the second son of Abhorash The Blood Dragon and Neferata Queen of Lahmia. At the age of five, I like my father and brother, Krell before me, was initiated into the Order of the Dragon, an order of selected nobles fiercely devoted to the to God Silversurfnstud. It is around this time, that the Time of Troubles, when gods are forced to walk the worlds as mortal, begin.
War is rampant, through the lands, nobles are captured and held for ransom, sadly I along with my older brother were no exception. We were captured and held for ransom by the Dark Elves (or Drow). Dark Elves are know for their intense brutality and cruelity towards prisoners and slaves. And none more so than the resident of Naggaroth, the Home of Witch King The Dark Elf Lord Malekith. It is here that i developed a taste for torture. In 1447, shortly before the death of our father, my brother and I were rescued, by our father's forces, under the command of the General, Nagash the Black.
Our honoured father dies during our trek home, upon returning, Krell as the oldest is named as his successor and is crowned Lord of Sylvania. in 1451 in a campaign to take over several neighbouring provinces, Reikland, a large rich and prosperious province and Gallowmere a small hauntingly eerie province, Nagash the black dies I am named as his replacement. Together Krell and I finish what he and Nagash could not, complete taking over of the two provinces. I am named Lord of the province of Gallowmere. In 1456 Krell dies from a mortal wound he sustained during the occupation of Reikland, and I and now made Lord of Sylvania and other recently captured provinces.
My rule is known as much for my devotion to my people as it is for my brutality and executions of my enemies. My enemies and those of my Lord God are executed publically and their body parts put on display so that other man learn the horrors awiting them if they should cross Elfen Lied, or the Lord God Silversurfnstud. Towards the end of the 1450's my lands are constantly under attack from the forces of Karl Franz, trying to retake Reikland. They are unsuccessful, yet neither am I advancing much further west. In the winter of 1461-62 Kurt Hulberg is successful in reclaiming Reikland, but that is all he is able to achieve. My armies are successful in defending my lands.
The Church War, in which followers of the gods fight each other, rather than the peoples of the Lords and kings fighting each other, breaks out short after and rages for 14 years, Fighting is much more fierce as now members of the cloth take up arms and do battle, but it ends shortly after 1476, when several members of the church of Talos attempt to assassinate me, but I am saved by my Lord God. It is in this instance that in exchange for a lifetime of service, i am granted second life and become a No life King, a seemingly immortal being of immense power. The other churches quickly bow before the might of Silversurfnstud. and things quickly return to normal, Hostile provinces once again begin attacking one another or themselves.
During the next few years I shaped and molded many faithful followers of the Lord God Silversurfnstud into the most feared army in the lands, His royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard (HELLSING), who in addition to waging war in the name of our Lord God, also serve as a form of bodyguards though Lord God Silversurfnstud is of course capable of defending himself should the need arise. As Silversurfnstudism grew so did the need for more legions and thus the Silver Inferno Knights (SICK) were born. however SICK retained the motto of HELLSING, In the name of God, the impure Souls of the Living Dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen. as well as other charateristics, such as ranks. As the notirity of SICK grew so did my rank within it, and soon I was appointed to the newly formed rank of Imperator of the Legions of Lord God Silversurfnstud.
Silversurfnstudism is not only full of militants, it is also comprised of civilians and priests. And as such a ruling body need to be created. Hence the Executive Council came into being. The Council is comprised of The Lord God, The Imperator of the Legions, the Head Zealot and other extremely highly ranked members. And to enforce the laws the Executive Council had created, the Executioner Squad was formed. The Executioner Squad is well known for its brutal inforcement of the laws of Silversurfnstudism. Many of their methods are modifed methods i learned through my time held captive by the Dark Elves.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
my mother and father are unknown to me, i only remember the horrors of war like so many of us. Wars fought between thousands of men. I was a leader of men as i recall from my memories, a figure of power. with my two weapons of mass destruction i crippled the seemingly neverending armies that kept coming. i remember falling in a battle. when i woke i saw white light and clouds. a figure stood before me, behind him were several others.
"you, Carloseus, shall not fall this day, you shall rise to fall another day, Arise Carloseus." i thought i had dreamt it, but there stood the being from my dream, asking me to join him!! and his name was Silversurfnstud. Without hesitation I arose and bowed before him. In return he granted me the gift of second life, stating that the only way i could fall was by sword. so over thousands of years i fought in countless battles in his name and service, battles that meant no time for me. countless more fell by my hand, and then i stumbled upon a new light.
at first i was skeptical, i had no larger power, but here was a being ruling over others not with fear or promises or anything like that, but with wisdom and letting them choose what to believe in. i soon bowed before this being offering my sword to him as well as his righthand man. these two were the Lord God Silversurfnstud, and Lord Elfen Lied.
for the rest of my potentially everlasting life i will serve under the Lord God Silversurfnstud, and his Executive Council, and follow their orders with no question for they provide reason for their decisions.
this is the basic outline of my life, i have no memories of childhood or of love.
Behold the member of Silversurfnstudism DarknessAngel in all his splendor, a powerful warrior of high skill and renown. He weilds the Tensaiga, a blessed and powerful blade, with deadly accuracy and finesse. He also possess several magical abilities, such as the ability to create a kind of aftificial night, which like a Lyncanthrope embues him with additional powers and strength.
1. walking down a lone and lonesome road, as we all do from time to time
2. There is something in the air,
3. Once again trouble finds a member of Silversurfnstudism
4. The enemy prepares himself
5. Remaining unfased by this
6. DarknessAngel casting his moontime spell, a flash of light then things go dark
7. spell complete
8. DarknessAngel mouths off to his opponent
9. His opponent stands ready after casting his spell to increase the size of his sword.
10. standing ready
11. His opponent charges
12. His opponent is proves to be somewhat of a decent opponent to the unarmed DarknessAngel
13. DarknessAngel grows tired of this annoyance.
14. - 15. DarknessAngel draws his Tensaiga
16. DarknessAngel casts an enchantment spell on his blade
17. His opponent eagerly awaits DarknessAngel's next attack
18. DarknessAngel charges
19. His opponent charges
20. DarknessAngel strikes
21. a most direct and mortally wounding hit
22. - 23. Sheathing his sword
24. DarknessAngel is victorious and as such collects his spoils, his opponent's head.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
from that day, that dark day when the dark shadow came into my house and burnt my family and friends alive and only left me living in a ring a fire he made me pick death or life as his disciple, i choose life, and would follow the dark one for many years. Later as he evil influence on me grew, i never forgot my family's and friends screams, inside my mind i remember that night like it happened to me yesterday i knew i have my revenge, even if it took an eternity i would have it.
when it was my time to drink the blood of the dark one and become one like him, I sensed this would be my oppotunity to exact my revenge, as he cut him self and let the blood run down into the devils cup he was weak i knew that was my chance to strike as i stood there in front of him with my sword the only thing that was in my mind was thorts of that night and nothing else i stabbed the dark one in his black heart as he was weak he couldn't stop me.
from being with my accursed teacher, evil held a seemingly vice like grip over me. but i was determined not to let the darkness control me, because that night follows me around and keeps me awake the dark ones must pay because i know what this world is really about i know this world isn't the same as i used to see it as a mortal. In my quest to rid myself of the evil taint, i came across, a young priest who had the very answer I was looking for, he told me of a temple wherein, a man by the name of Opus Dei could be found, as the Head Zealot of the Temple of Silversurfnstud, his knowledge of evil forces, spells and enchantments was legendary. So i sought him out.
By performing the ancient art of exorsism, Opus Dei was able to rid most of the evil taint, so intense was the extent of the evil, even a highly experienced priest could not remove all of it. Knowing of no other way to repay him, I became a member of Silversurfnstudism, and through the teachings of Opus Dei, I would harness my skills and increase my knowledge of evil, so that it would never again infect my being or regain its hold over me.
Opus Dei sensing something grand about me, introduced me to the warrior Elfen Lied, similarities between us were immidiately drawn. It is rumoured that i may have been his son. and so I joined his Legion, HELLSING. and devoted my live to the service of the Lord God Silversurfnstud.
I have learned a most valuable lesson, this world is about the fight aand the never ending war that is good and evil you can not have good with out evil i am both good and evil i fight for the mortals that live in there peaceful unknowing world there pain keeps me alive keeps me fighting as long as there is pain and destruction i will be here, i will walk this world.
my brother i rejoice for your return to the light.
your past....... it stirs something in my memory. yes..... i recall a memory i had not remembered since i experienced it.
before i had been saved by our lord god i had stumbled accross a necromancer of evil deeds. he had torn from his teachings by rathma and had traveled the lands slaying all that crossed his path, then bringing their dead bodies and soul to torment as they did his bidding.
i unfortunately crossed paths with this summoner of the dead. he offered me wealth, power, all of my hearts desires. i refused, having other tasks at hand. as i turned to leave, in my way were his minions. a quick glance to either sides of my vision told me i was now surrounded. a second later i had unlatched my sword from its sheath on my back and was hacking at these productions of taboo. as i felled one after another the necromancer grimaced. i made my way to him, and he produced from his side a skull. he held it before me and muttered a curse under his breathe. my movement slowed as i felt my body resist. the force of will i retalliated with burst and broke the spell i was under and i caught him by surprise.
i quickly split my swords as he summoned more minions and began to cut through them. i roared a mighty battle cry and my inner strength awakened. i quickly diced the animations as i ran at him now. i merged my swords and slashed at him. the powers that escaped him scarred me as they descended. on my left hand a large mark of the black magic still shows its effect after thousands of years.
i struggled to keep from falling. my body coarsed with pain. i walked to the closest city, the great city of Kurast. i made my way through the streets as my oversized sword dragged behind me. Ormus, the wiseman of the region assisted me and i walked out the next week energized and invigorated with his help.
the pain in this memory comes from the necromancer, and the events that happened after i left kurast. i traveled the lands, and came to the barbarian north. here were legions of demons making war upon the mighty yet few barbarians. i assisted the protectors of the worldstone for as long as i could. months, years dragged by as i crippled their armies, but more came. one day came, a day when i had been woken in a hurry for the enemy was advancing and taking the feild. the long held battle was at its end, and i would take a large roll in it.
i readied my armor, my weapons, and myself. i departed alone at first, i was to cripple them before the others came. i used every spell, every glamorous attack; flame covered my blades, white fire came from my eyes, and every hit i made slaughtered many. for hours i fought, trying to turn back the army. i had somehow made my way to the center of the mass, surrounded by thousands of growling orcs and demons. the barbarians rushed to help, and tried to get to me before i was taken.
i fought and resisted being overwhelmed and taken, parting evil from the mortal plane as i struggled for dear life. then i was taken. they all threw themselves at me, and many followed them. daggers scratched at my armor, swords however tore through and sunk into my arms, legs, and chest. inability to move, panic, and death began to come to me. i struggled to keep awake but sensed my consciousness slipping away. with the last of my energy i yelled. i yelled a roar that trembled past the forests, the sea, and made it to far and distant lands. the energy i summoned was the last i could afford. my dying actions were to rid the battle field of demons, to slay them all by magic.
i lay there spent. my companions of war would arrive, but too late. i slipped into darkness, my mind thrown into a sea of my own confusion. when i opened my eyes i saw what appeared to be clouds and silver light in the sky.
"Carloseus, shall not fall this day, he shall rise to fall another day. Arise Carloseus!!" i glanced up but saw only a figure overwhelmed by the light behind him. there stood the being from my dream. Silversurfnstud. Without hesitation I arose and bowed before him. In return he granted me the gift of new life, as well as granting me only one way to die, and that was by sword.
in return, i have traveled the lands again, but with a purpose. for thousands of years i fought in countless battles in the name of my god and his next in command. in his name and service i have cleansed many lands and slayed countless horrors. time has meant no time for me.
i have prepared something for our lords, which i hope they find fit:
"Meus Deus Argentum quod Senior Elfen to order mihi. In nomen of SICK EGO vadum purgo malum qua EGO roam, quod addo lux lucis ut obscurum. Is est meus negotium, vel meus vita est forfeit." -Carloseus
"My God Silver and Lord Elfen command me. In the name of SICK I shall cleanse evil where I roam, and bring light to darkness. This is my task, or my life is forfeit." -Carloseus
My name to you is Opus Dei the head Zealot and a member of the Executive Counsel (and to be Adressed as such),to evil i am Deacon, to the enemies of SICK as the Silencer, and to those who have heard of my deeds only know me as Croatoan, due to the word i left behind carved in a tree when i massacred the whole village of Rhonke (yes this is a true american history look up croatoan on google) and removed all traces of them ever being there for they performed such deeds of evil. i am not of Adam and Eve nor any other race to ever walk the earth but rather one to which i know not myself. there is only one who knows my true name and i have sworn a life bond to him and to him alone. since then i have gone into deep study of the word of God and that of thoose of my earth master. i have long since then, over 500 years, been the keeper of the scrolls and head zealot i am paladin, priest, cleric. that is all you need to know unless i deem it otherwise
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Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
My Enigma To be born into this world of an eternal battle between Heaven and Hell. Hell’s infatuation with human battling human was unforgiving. I, Ryan, from the lands of Westmarch, have journeyed through out the lands as a nomad, away from Hell’s war. I have exiled myself for the soul reason of seeking the truth for the righteous path my life should belong to. After several years have passed by, a scouting platoon crossed my path engaged in battle with fallen demons throughout the woods I was passing through. I took up arms and unsheathed my War Sword passed from my father before I left. I enchanted myself with an aura to strength my body and my mind to combat these fiends. Showing my unprecedented skills as an exiled Paladin, the scouting platoon asked for my help against a Fallen’s encampment. I realized, that I needed to fight against the demons of hell to find salvation in this world. I was now part of the King of Westmarch’s army of the 6th scouting regiment. After battling with several of Hell’s minions, I was then orders to fend off the army of King Leoric. After many battles, after many that were slained by edge of my sword, my soul began to grow tainted of all the lives I have taken. I was granted the rank of Lt. General of the King’s 6th scout regiment. This is what I was search for in my exile. I took it upon myself to stop this war and unite to fight against Hell. With this statement, I was imprisoned for the war has fully tainted all the soldiers minds with blood and anger. This was definitely the work of Hell. As months has passed, I heard rumors of a guild of extraordinary men who fight for the side of light from more and more prisoners come into the dungeon. I then grew enraged on the predicament I was in and with a single burst of anger, my entire cell burst into flames. The aura of holy fire has destroyed the cell walls allowing me to escape. I continued on my quest to find the truth of the righteous path. After several years has gone by, I stumbled on to a battle the was on the edge of an fortress. I walked closer to the battle and found humans of all races crippling a horde of Blunderbores. This was a rare sight for myself and found myself found of what these men and women were fighting for. I joined the battle and found what seems to be the leader of the Blunderbores and with one swing of my enchanter sword, I severed his head off. Their leader being decapitated, the minions, fled for what might be the outcome for themselves. A illuminated man walked towards by the name of Lord Silver accompanied by his right hand man Elfen Lied. They welcomed me with opened arms. We then proceeded into their fortress down a long hall of past champions of their order. I thought to myself, are these the infamous guild I have been hearing about. Lord Silver and his elite members discussed with me on what I want to achieve. They understood everything I told them and they, inturn bestowed upon me an oath, that I must keep sacred. I was now pronounced as a legionnaire for the Lord himself. With my new oath, I burned it to my armor and my sword. For those who will face me in combat will no my oath and there will be no confusion for what I now stand for. And with that, I also burned it on my back for where ever I may roam, I shall live, fight and die by that oath. This is my Enigma.
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For the sake of SICK and the glory of Lord Silver.
Those whom have taken in the wicked, shall be punished by thy Lord.
Those whom have trechered into the dark, shall be smited by thy Light.
Since the beginning of Time there has been war, War is past present and future. if u want peace u must fight for it, for Freedom is not free
For i have been a God of power and life long before time was created, I have roamed the worlds to every corner of every planet. Every dimension willing to teach me something in exchange for my very own wisdom. I have come to know so much, yet strive to learn so much more. Every being I came in contact with has shown me something new.
From the beginning of life itself, every life that encountered death had added to my strength . My strength being matched by none but my intelligence being surpassed by only one . While traveling to meet this intelligent being in a galaxy unknown to the present times I encountered the being with such unheard of intelligence and force but still the creature was not pleased. The Creature named Xihao-mohrkwan (ze-ha-mar-kwan) wanting nothing in life but a challenge. For this creature had never felt the anguish of defeat and therefore knew nothing of the spoils of victory. For as I and it exchanged knowledge It began telling a story that didn’t bode to end well for me. The story went that any presence of life that encountered Xihao-mohrkwan must not leave before challenging Xihao-mohrkwan to the death and living. As escape crossed my mined several times but anyone could see Xihao-mohrkwan had made escape entirely impossible. I having no other choice Challenged Xihao-mohrkwan to battle. The challenge he accepted
Xihao-mohrkwan having given me a 3 day head start in his Unknown to man dimension explained that this was a game of cat and mouse. I could run for as long as and as fast as I could all while trying to come up with a plan to survive and kill Xihao-mohrkwan. For this proved to be quite hard in the current dimension as I had traveled since the dawn of creation and had not once had to ever kill. My knowledge’s from my travels always allowed me to escape a threat without difficulty. But this was going to be my greatest threat of all. After running for half a day without tiring I began to question my very own existence still just jogging to hold back from exhaustion , None the less I continued to run and plot seeing no life but much death along my run. Seeing as this plane of existence I was in went on forever I began to realize I was actually in the all so powerful mind of Xihao-mohrkwan and there would be no escape.
At the end of the 3rd day I had come up with several plans to kill Xihao-mohrkwan. But knowing they would all turn out to be false hopes. I continued to run at a medium pace until I realized I was being chased. He had Already caught up. I began to sprint with all of my might, harder then I had ever before. My legs like hammers being driven into the ground. After a few seconds of catching my balance It started to cross my mind that I could run faster. I pushed harder and in a burst of light I was gone. Having looked back I could no longer see Xihao-mohrkwan but the images around me were becoming distant and discolored. I continued my dead sprint and as I looked around I saw more and more images fading . For I knew I was in the mind of Xihao-mohrkwan but had I been traveling so fast that I was actually out running the very thoughts of his mind? Everything around become a sense of a blur and I still knew I had it in me to speed up. I had actually made it so far in front of his thought process that there were nothing but white planes in front of me. Still having not tired I ran until I saw an opening. Xihao-mohrkwan having been over straining his most powerful mind had actually never had to stretch his mind as far and had not closed an exit. Having made it to the very end of his actual mind everything exploded in a burst of bright light. When my eyes adjusted I was standing in a cabin with the dead body of Xihao-mohrkwan under me. His life presence being sucked from his body and into me. I fell to my knees and being engulfed with so much power was overwhelming. I rose slowly a moment later.
Over the next few years I began to realize nothing could match my speed. Everything that died my body would engulf its power. For every Great war that was fought I could be light-years and
light-years a way and every dead soul’s power would be added to mine. I continued traveling the worlds learning all I could. For I did not have to kill to gain strength because war and death fell hand in with life so with each passing day I grew stronger.
Many moons later in the year of 1431 I would feel a great powerful presence being brought to life. I traveled to the war torn lands of Sylvania to where this powerful presence was located. Using my cunning speed I Entered a heavily guarded Military fortress to witness the birth of Abhorash’s 2nd child. I allowed my presence to be felt and blessed the Baby as these were followers of The SilverSurfnstudism Religion. 25 years later I return to check on the child Named Elfen Lied. He is Currently ruling his country as his recent dead brothers successor
In The Time of Troubles all gods agreed there can only be one god. We all gave up our powers and walked the lands as mortals Fighting to the death. 14 long years passed and many gods still remained. As many would not fight and hid behind their followers. I Silver leading The army of my followers began to hunt down all wrong doers and evil forces. Having heard of an assassination on members of a church of SilverSurfnstudism, I travel to help defend my followers. It is in this instant that I recognize Elfen Lied (as I had not made contact with him for 14 years) The fights ends quickly and all enemies of the church and assassins are slain. It is in this Moment I witness that Elfen Lied had been protecting a small group of members of the light by himself. He had slain more then 50 men by himself and was willing to die for the followers of SilverSurfnstudism to live. He was badly wounded and had sustained many fatal wounds. Something inside him would not allow him to die. Knowing I Could not let such a strong follower pass I passed 1% of my power to him. He began to Heal Immediately and his wounds were all but blood stains on his Skin. He was granted a 2nd life and immortality to become a no life King of immense power. Elfen dedicates a lifetime of service to the cause of Lord God Silver. Over time Having Slain many more mortal gods it is I who is declared Lord God. My immortality returned having won. Seeing this The church’s quickly bow to my might.
Over the next few years The followers of SilverSurfnstudism would grow tremendously. Elfen Began to train and lead The first Legion of The Light HELLSING. HELLSING would be my own personal legion
Over Time those who showed immerse loyalty and strengths in battle would become Commanding officers and have legions of their own. Elfen Having Lived up to his word of Serving Lord Silver had showed to be by far the most strongest in battle. In this instant I made him Imperator of our cause and he was to lead All of our legions.
Many years ago, where the strong survived, and the weak died, I was the Elite guard of the Shogun Edo. I was born by the edge of a battle the has been waiged on for centuries at the base of a mountain. It was called the Blood Mountain. It has been said that the Evils of Hades infested that mountain and all men were influenced by it.
Sitting by my window, when I was young and watching clans destroying each other in blood baths. One day a clan would gain control of the Yoshido, the town I was born in and the next day, a different clan would conquer. After watching man, slay each other in a never ending war by window sill, my mind began to be plagued by the many years of killings. Twisting my very soul to damnation. I became psycotic in my life and every thing I did were violent actions. I found my father's Shuriko (long blade Katana) and felt it infuse into my hand. I knew from that moment, this sword will never leave my hand.
One night, my father became enraged for his missing Shuriko and slapped my mother in the face. Inside my mind, it told me to run into my room. Instictively, I grabbed my fathers Shuriko to correct the arguement. I went into the Dining hall and gutted my father with a technique I have never seen before. It was like my heart told me to do one thing, but right when i got to point, my mind involutarily took over, rendering me doing unconsious actions. I regained conciousness and found myself covered in blood and my father slained on the ground. My mother being in shock and ran for help. I knew I had to leave at this moment. I packed a couple things to eat and left with my Shuriko in my hand. I was 13 at the time.
I began wondering into the unknown, seeking answers to my other, violent mental mind. I have been attacked by cunning wolves, which I arose victorious. From the battle I gained intelligence and and cunningness, attacked by powerful bears, which gave me strength and endurance, attacked by mountain lions, which gave me speed and swiftness, and I have endured all terrain and weather giving me resistances. As I looked back into my past wondering, that was a lesson, a test to myself for the what the future holds.
I am now 17 years old and have encountered my first demon. It was a mere fallen scouting the lands beyond his territory. At this point, I knew the infamous Demon Lord, Diablo has walked the world again. Many stories were passed down from generation to generation, from the times of Tristam. I believed this was my next test in my road to salvation. As I used my earned skills from defeating the wolves, I crept up to the fallen undetected. Growing nearer and nearer until a racing fire ball screamed by my head. It was a fallen shamen! Then I blacked out once again.
I awoke with blood smered all over my armor and a pulsating sensation from my stomach. I have been wounded from a cleaver attack. The fallen warrior must have gotten a lucky swipe at me as I found him dead beside my feet. I grew angered that I was unable to witness the battle, for I was unconsious. I then ran to the entrance of their encampment so fast, I blew away all of the fallen leaves from the great oak trees. I then took my Shuriko out and slained every evil creature there. I felt . . . happy, relieved that I was actually able to see what destruction I have caused. This happiness then became my mind to infest into a state of psycotic.
I then traveled to a nearby town, later realizing it was called Vellond. There, all the population of Vellond were half breed vampires. This could not be true as many have suffered from this small community of half breeds. I once again grew angered and went unconcious. I awoke with a Lieutenant from the Shogun Edo at my side tending to my wounds. "You were lucky not to have been bitten my friend." I became tired of not keeping my mind concious. This made me feel weak, unworthy.
They carried me to their Shogun temple, for I was to meet the Shogun leader, Lord Hirokiri Nahajiba. After several seasons of my stay their, Nahajiba came to my side and told me of all the things he has witness in my stay. He told me he knows a way to cure me of this disease. I then became a loyal servant to the Shogun. I went with them to conquer battle after battle, for I was told that the more battles I would endure, the more my sanity will present itself. After bloody battes endure for 6 years, I have not seen my sanity in a long time. I would always be anxious to kill something. I was now labeled as a weapon, a beast of insanity, with no feelings for any actions taken.
Now several years later, i have became an Elite guard to the Shogun of Edo. I was known as the Hirokiri Thasador. I have became an assassin on the verge of complete pure evil no thanks to many battles and the Blood Mountain that twisted my soul. Our base was located at the very base of Blood Mountain. I was chosen to become the leader of the Hoiriyota (regiment name in the Shogun). I was to lead the Hoiriyota up Blood Mountain to engage a reported unknown group. As we moved up the mountain, I saw shadowy figures opun the mist. I ordered half the Hoiriyota to right flank the group.
As we were about to engage, a burst of flames spreaded throughout the forested Mountain. All but a few of my men were still alive. I charged without hesitation to confront this mage. It was a mage from the sacred Mount Arreat, west of Blood Mountain known as Nihlathak as he announced. I unsheathed my Shuriko and got into my defensive stance for fear of more godly fire attacks. Nihlathak told me he is no enemy and wishes my audience.
Seeing how powerful this Nihlathak was, I desisted. I never listened to anyone for I never cared for the exception of the Shogun. He told me that him killing my regiment was for a sacrifice to unleash a plague upon a "World Stone". As I grew confused he then casted a enchantment opun me. He told me know I will become an unstoppable warrior and a servant to him. After hearing this, and feeling his enchantment surging through my body.
I grew angered and with out question, I unsheathed my sword and attempted to kill him. He then pushed me back with a flick of his finger. He told me that with my concious mind inactive and the enchantment itself just affected you being unstoppable. I have defeated his curse of control. He then summoned a horde of demons that appeared out of thin air. Blood Lords! With my new strength, I hacked my way through the never ending forces of Blood Lords. With my increased speed, I was able to decapitate several Blood Lords before the first would hit the ground.
After many Blood Lords slained, I was surrounded, massive axes pointed in my direction. Even with my new found abilities, I felt doubt, a first, for survival. Out of now where, I godly looking man came from the air and with one, attack destroyed the whole horde. Nihlathak disappeared without a trace. I then reawoke from my long lasting psycotic state of mind and thanked this man. I realized that with his presence, it was alot easier to be my normal self. This man is a god. I asked for his name. He simply said Silver.
I then owed my life to Silver, and their fourth decreed myself to his cause. He welcomed me to the religion of Silversurfnstudism. We returned to his fortress and greeted me to several of his high councils. One of the leaders of the high councils, was Imperator Elfen Lied. He then bestowed me the sacred codes of Silversurfnstudism to me and I pledged myself to the cause of SICK, the religon of Silversurfnstudism, and the glory of Lord Silver.
That is my pledge. Lord Silver has saved me from my twisted soul and for that and infinitely, I shall be his follower until one day where I can be as powerful as Lord Silver and save him when needed. That will my redemption.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
After serveral suns rising and falling, I have trained my body and my mind for future combat and salvation. I have learned the ways of controling my insanity of war thanks to the teachings of Lord Silver and the High council. For they have many experience of others and thier mind set on war. I have been tainted by the memories of many that I have slained when I was in the Shogun Edo. However, with the enlightenment of Lord Silver himself, and my new legion commander, Carloseus, I have learned to hide the sins I have commited for it will be the cause of my fall.
Our legion commander, Carloseus, has informed us that a horde of fallens have dug in 2 miles away from our fortress. They await to abush any traders or travelers enroute to our way. Commander Carloseus was issued this order from Lord Silver to destroy this outpost. Carloseus came up to me as I was getting ready for the battle to come, and told me to stand down. He ordered me to stand down for blood will be shed. He fears that my insanity of war would once again surface and will be untamed. The legion was sent out. I watched from the southeast tower as they disappeared into the early mist.
I understand why Carloseus commanded me to stand down, but I could not stop being haste. I grew weary of the legion SLAYERS, every minute as more and more I grew impatient. Wanting to prove worthy of SICK. As the fifth minute has passed, I drew out my sword, pointing it to the rising sun and began praying. I then sensed the presence of my Lord Silver. I looked to my left and out of the shadows was my Lord. He commended me for my devotion for their cause and ensured me that Lord Carloseus and his legion would be fine. I took in his wisdom to heart and settled myself down.
After thirty-two minutes have bassed by, I began hearing voices beyond the horizon. With my abilities granted from Nihalathak, to view the truth and unseen, I was able to see the battle between SLAYERS and the horde of Fallens. Our legion was fighting remarkably as Fallens were retreating to the base of a hill. Out of nowhere, a dozen fireballs flared up the sky and came crashing down on the legion. Everyone was fine due to Carloseus aura of resist fire, however, behind the legion was a new legionaire has been slained by the attack. No one has notice as all of their attention was directed to the Unique Shawman of the Fallen, as he was rising all of the dead.
My anger grew. Carloseus enchanted his power of his shield and his blessed hammer to combat the Shawman. Fudlow, second in command of SLAYERS, started to flank to the right of the Shawman. Murderface took it opun himself to keep the Fallen warriors at bay until the Shawman was slained. There were hundreds of Fallen warriors surrounding Murderface and the remaining legionaires. This angered me even more. Since I have already seen blood being shed through my sight of truth and unseen, I jumped down the side of the fortress wall. With my insanity in tuned, I know the 100 foot drop would not obsticle me.
It was strange this time for me. My insanity of war took over but gave me the opportunity to witness what I do. I ran towards the eastern horizon with god like speed. After a two minutes and twenty-nine seconds, I have reached my destination to the battle field. All in one motion, I unsheathed my sword and performed one of my best techniques, slash of gods.
This godly like technique I learned from Lord Silver himself, as I unsheath my blade, a kinetic wave is created slicing anything in its path. In one attack and with everyone who witness the attack was in shock, I have defeated fourty-two Fallens. Without hesitation, my god like speed took me to the unique Shawman. Right when I was prepared to attack with my Ji-Gentu technique, I was blasted from another Fallen Shawman's fireball.
I fell to the ground knocking myself and my insanity of war out unconcious. As murderface and Carloseus witnessed my fall, Carloseus charged at the unique and swayed left towards me. As the Unique Shawman was getting to unleash his final assault towards Carloseus and myself, Fudlow grounded the Shawman to the ground with his massive maul. The rest of the legionaires desposed of all other fallens and shawmans in the immediate area.
When I awoke, I saw the joy in everyone that I was well. At the same time, Lord Baron Carloseus was dissapointed in my actions to engage. I explained to him that no battle will ever be lost by my sight. I had no choice but to help my legion with my abilities and see no more deaths to SICK. With my dedication and devotion to SICK and the Silversurfnstud religion, I was promoted for my actions in the first engagment, in my opinion, to salvation.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
i remember that battle Thasador, though you were hasty. at the time there were merely 8 in SLAYERS including me. you were new, and i trusted not yet your rageous powers. i know now where your intentions lie, and you are free to accompany us.
however the fact that they were fallens, makes it a bit less dramatic. if you noticed, the blades i weild that day were not my prized Swords of Destruction. they were weapons i was enchanting with the falling demons around me. Fudlow was having tremendous fun, we were competing who would kill the most before we drove them away. Murderface was having a little difficulty, but we were simply letting him gain more experience of combat before introducing him to Slayer work.
you however, were too hasty, and therefore clumsy. you were attacked, and fell since you were unprepared for the blow dealt to you. fudlow and i became serious and left the game to exterminate the remain demons for a miles away, as murderface sought to the preserverance of your life. he blamed himself for your death, after all he was the one to recruit you. after an hour of chasing demons we were amazed to see your wounds healing rapidly, and you woke to see us in joy.
not all is what it seems, and you allowed your anger to get the best of you, a mistake that could have cost you your life against even a low demon as a Fallen. that is why i teach and demand strength as well as reason and logic in SLAYERS, for stupid mistakes could prove deadly for some of us.
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Our God Silversurfnstud, first rose to power out of the turmoil from the Time of Troubles, which were precipitated by an attempt by the gods Bane and Myrkul to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity Ao. The tablets were created by Ao to sustain the balance of good and evil, law and chaos and contain the areas of which each of the gods of the world rule over. Angry with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord Ao relegated every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on the earth. The immediate effects of this edict were threefold. First, divine magic (spells granted to clerics by their patron deities) ceased to function altogether unless the cleric was within one mile of their deity's avatar. Second, arcane magic (a force channeled from The Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable. Third, the characteristically immortal and aloof deities were now vulnerable (though devastatingly powerful) and dwelling among the civilizations of the world, and as such often fought and killed each other, Silversurfnstud, was but one of many who, killed many a god and soon established himself as the most powerful of the middle deities. From his Silver Citadel it has been said that he can see all, the monks and priests in his temples are often heard saying "Silversurfnstud sees all, know that and be judged". It is employed to keep people ever vigilant and ever faithful to the cause, as there have been many times where faith in their God has been tested and required.
While the Time of Troubles was indeed a bloody and horrific time, it is rivaled by the infamous Church Wars. This is when priests and warriors of the gods fought and killed each other in the streets of many of the major cities much like their gods did many years earlier, Many warriors seeking names for themselves, quickly rose to fame during this time, some later became some of the most feared warriors throughout world. This seemingly senseless violence was finally halted, by the warriors of Silversurfnstud, who, through ruthless efficiency and brutal tactics, defeated many of the large churches, and through fear of death caused the smaller churches to relinquish their arms. It is said that on one bloody day (a Sunday), Elfen Lied slayed more than 100 men from one church, unfortunately this action would later lead to his death, several assassins of one of the church of Talos assassinated him, or so it was believed. The assassins sure of their work left him for dead, but this was not to be the case, The God Silversurfnstud himself appeared before Elfen Lied, who pledged his soul completely to the service of his God, and in return for this the God Silversurfnstud, turned Elfen Lied into the being he is today, a No Life King, a seemly immortal being of immense power.
All members upon initiation into the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights must serve for a minimum time of 3 months; this is done by being active on both the forums here, and on the various Diablo games on
- The exact extent of your faith or devotion is up to you, If you wish to slay evil in Silver’s name you may do so, but if you prefer to just be a force of righteousness and Good, that is acceptable too.
- Thou shall not speak ill of thy fellow brothers in arms, nor of the honourable dead.
- Thou shalt not take up arms against thy brothers in arms without just cause.
- Thou must be dedicated 100% to the eradication of all Evils the plague the lands
- Thou shalt not post shit and nonsense in the threads, thou shall post only quality info
- Thou shall not create an account with the intention of not using it,
- If one enters a post that contains a poll thou shall not;
read the poll and not vote
reply to it without voting first
-Thou must always follow the commands of members of the Guild ranked higher than thee.
-Thou must be a team player; solo glory is frowned upon (but not uncommon).
-Must be respectful to teammates and other players but should thou wish to challenge thy fellow Guild/Century member thy must have consent from both thy commanding officer/s
-Thou must be strong enough to be self-dependent when/if the time comes
-Thou must be willing to help others in need within the clan
-Thou must not whine, beg, spam, etc. In other words, don’t be an asshat
-Thou shalt not use hacks, bots, editors, dupes
-Thou must be communicative with the clan
-Thou must enjoying playing the game
-Thou must play regularly or risk being exiled from the Guild
-Thou must have a solid understanding of the game, but a novice understanding is not uncommon, as well as a smart and effective play style (your play style will be assessed during tryouts)
Those who follow Silversurfnstud are collectively known as the Order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights, or just Silver Inferno Crusading Knights (SICK). Not unlike the other followers of the various other Gods and deities, we strive to protect the weak and helpless, to provide sanctuary and salvation for those who need it, to abolish foul demonic cults, and to cleanse the world of the taint of demons and other such creatures.
A minimum of 5 hours a day must be spend learn the scriptures of the Horadrim mages and other similar groups such as the Red Wizards of Thay or the Cowled Wizards, and the great tome that is the Grimoire Daemonicus, the book written in blood upon pages of human skin, that details (almost) every monster ever know to exist, so that they may be defeated.
The faithful followers of God Silver do not spend all their time reading scriptures though, 10 hours a day minimum must be spend learning the way of the warrior or mage if they prefer, and to increase their skills with their chosen weapon, which in most cases has been handed down through the members of their family for generations, followers of Silversurfnstud are warrior priests much like the fabled Knights Templar.
the most skilled and devote of Paladins within the Order of the Silver Inferno Crusading Knights, after undergoing a rigorous test can join the ranks of the Executioner Squad, who’s sole purpose is to enforce and uphold the laws and principles of the Order. The Executioner Squad enforce brutally punish those who disobey these laws.
The members of Silversurfnstudism are governed by the Iscariot Organization, a secretive order, the head of which is the Executive Council, which is comprised The Imperator and the most elite members of the Executioner Squad. The Imperator in addition to being the military leader is also the President of the Executive Council. The Executioner Squad is easily identified by their taste for extreme violence and their somewhat unusual habit of reciting religious quotes when they execute people.
Each member is SICK holds a rank, based on their experience and knowledge in battle and the world around them, and their devotion to their deity and to the task of ridding the world of Evils.
The ranks in the guild are divided into 3 categories, Military, Clergy and Government. Some ranks do overlap. I.e. one can hold a rank of Decurion and also hold the rank of Priest.
Military Ranks
The names in brackets are to help those who don’t know Latin to better understand the significance of each rank.
The lowest of the low, the down trodden. Those of this rank serve the cause by building and repairing Temples and generally maintain to buildings.
-Legionnaire (Private)
The first official rank of the army. The Legionnaires make up the brunt of the army, many are inexperienced, but possess great determination and an Iron will.
-Decurion (2nd Lieutenant)
Experienced Legionnaires are made into Decurion. The Decurion is in charge of a small group of Legionnaires or Units. Decurion are given this rank by their Centurion or a higher ranking officer. (this is to account for the fact that you may not always be playing with the person who is in charge of the Century you are part of, but a sense of rank and order is still required, if the Centurion or Higher ranked Officer of the Legion is not present in the game the Decurion will temporarily take command of the Legion)
-Pilus Prior (1st Lieutenant)
At the recommendation of their Centurion a Decurion can be made into a Pilus Prior. The Pilus Prior serves as the Centurion’s right hand man.
-Centurion (Major)
The Centurion is in charge of a single century within the army. He leads his troops into battle in Silver’s name.
-Primus Pilus (Lieutenant Colonel)
After proving themselves capable leaders in battle, a Centurion will be promoted to the rank of Primus Pilus, he may now command more than just one century.
-Tribuni Angusticlavii (Colonel)
Much like that of ranks immediately below it, a Tribuni commands his own person century, but also several others are at his command.
-Praefectus Castrorum (Brigadier General)
A Praefectus is a rank of high regard; he is respected much for his skill in battle, but also for his guidance.
-Tribunus Laticlavius (Lieutenant General)
The Tribunus are highly skills warriors, but are also great leaders, possessing much knowledge on the battlefield.
-Legatus legionis (General)
The Legatus serves as the Imperator’s right hand man, but if full capable of leading the army in the Imperator’s absence.
-Imperator (Fuhrer)
Imperator is the highest military rank one can achieve. It is the Imperator leads the entire legion into battle. One of this rank is an exceptional warrior, almost godlike, but he also possesses high levels of diplomacy.
Clergy Ranks
Those of this rank are new to the ways and teachings of Silversurfnstud, but as their knowledge and skill improves so does their rank.
An Adept is someone who has begun his training; he is learning all he can of the world around him and of the principles that govern SICK.
Fairly well versed in the ways of His chosen Deity, Silversurfnstud and that of the world around him, there is still much he must learn though.
Upon becoming a cleric, the member is given a Knighthood, He is expertly schooled in the ways of his Deity and knows much of the world he inhabits.
Those truly dedicated to the cause may call themselves Paladins. Upon receiving this status, a member is given the title of Lord, and is give a small amount of land that the temple owns.
Government Ranks
People who hold government ranks are often referred to as Prelates.
-Executioner Squad
Once the status of Paladin has been reached, the member of SICK is eligible to join the Executioner Squad. It is these people who enforce the laws of SICK with the utmost brutality.
-Executive Council
After serving in the Executioner Squad, a Paladin may join the Executive Council and help to govern the members of SICK.
this is one such hymn
Dies iræ! dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Teste Silver cum Sibylla!
Day of wrath and terror looming!
Heaven and earth to ash consuming,
Silver's word and Sibyl's truth foredooming!
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus!
What horror must invade the mind,
when the approaching judge shall find,
and sift the deeds of all mankind.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
per sepulcra regionum,
coget omnes ante thronum.
The trumpet casts a wondrous sound,
through the tombs of all around,
making them the throne surround.
Mors stupebit et natura,
cum resurget creatura,
judicanti responsura.
Death is struck and nature quaking,
all creation is awaking,
to its judge an answer making.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
in quo totum continetur,
unde mundus judicetur.
The written book shall be brought forth,
in which is contained all
from which the world is to be judged.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
quidquid latet apparebit:
nil inultum remanebit.
So when the Judge shall sit,
whatever is hidden shall be seen,
nothing shall remain unpunished.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
Quem patronum rogaturus,
cum vix justus sit securus?
What am I, wretched one, to say,
What protector implore,
when (even) a just person will scarcely be confident?
Rex tremendæ majestatis,
qui salvandos salvas gratis,
salva me, fons pietatis.
King of awesome majesty,
you who save gratuitously those to be saved,
save me, fount of pity.
Quærens me, sedisti lassus:
redemisti Crucem passus:
tantus labor non sit cassus.
Seeking me, you sat exhausted;
you redeemed me by undergoing the Cross;
let so much toil not be in vain.
Juste judex ultionis,
donum fac remissionis
ante diem rationis.
Just judge of vengeance,
grant the gift of forgiveness,
before the day of reckoning'.
Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
culpa rubet vultus meus:
supplicanti parce, Deus.
I groan, as guilty;
my face is red with guilt;
spare, O God, a supplicant.
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ:
sed tu bonus fac benigne,
ne perenni cremer igne.
My prayers are unworthy;
but you, the Good, show me favour,
that I may not be consumed by eternal fire.
Inter oves locum præsta,
et ab hædis me sequestra,
statuens in parte dextra.
Grant me a place among the sheep,
and separate me from the goats,
placing me at your right hand.
Confutatis maledictis,
flammis acribus addictis:
voca me cum benedictis.
When the accursed are silenced,
sentenced to piercing flames,
call me with the blessed.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
cor contritum quasi cinis:
gere curam mei finis.
Suppliant and bowing, I beg,
(my) heart contrite like ash:
Have a care for my end.
Lacrimosa dies illa,
qua resurget ex favilla
judicandus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus:
pie Silver Domine,
dona eis requiem. Amen.
Tearful that day,
on which will rise from ashes
guilty man for judgement.
So have mercy, O God, on this person.
Compassionate Lord Silver,
grant them rest. Amen.
As this hymn is very long, monks in the temples can often be heard repeating the phrase
pie Silver Domine,
dona eis requiem.
and some monks can be found hitting their foreheads with oak while saying the passage above
and what relgion would be complete without a Lord's Prayer
Our Lord, who art in thy Arcane Sanctuary,
Precarious be thy Name.
Thy Bloodshed come.
Thy killing be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bloodlust.
And forgive us our prisoners,
As we silence those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into murder,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Quod nimirum hic est Senior Argentum Votum Nostrum Senior,
Quisnam professio in thy Ianus Templum,
Precarious exsisto thy Nomen.
Thy Cruoris adveho.
Thy caedes fio ,
In terra ut is est in Olympus.
Tribuo nos is dies nostrum cotidie incruentus.
Quod indulgeo nos nostrum captus ,
Ut nos silentium qui trespass obviam nos.
Quod plumbum nos non in interficio,
Tamen vindico nos ex malum.
Pro macies est regnum,
Quod vox ,
Quod palma ,
pro umquam quod umquam.
we fielded a strong group, and we moved swifty and quitely. The dark peasant Faran a man who may have known something about the chip, proved to be quite useful, he knew much after being presuaded to talk, by Darkjay, he gaves us the location of the facility and a name of one of the creators. Locating the facality was pretty easily, destroying it was a little harder
1. The facality, exactly where Faran said it would be
2. Confrontation with 'Doctor'
3. Confrontation with 'Doctor' cont.
4. Confrontation with 'Doctor' cont.
5. i grew tired of staring at his ugly mug
6. Blew him thru a window into the 'OR'
7. found the next 'patient' being implanted with the chip, had to kill the 'patient'
8. Naturally all this comotion attracked the attention of the guards
9. Invoked some of my dark magic
10. with my magic invoked the guards were no problem
Opus Dei checks out the lower floors of the facility
1. Opus Dei locates the train, loaded with chips.
2. Opus Dei says a quick prayer
3. Sanctifing the area
4. Sanctifing the area cont. and dealing with the ghouls in car 1
5. Dealing with the ghouls in car 2
6. a small smile as things start to get interesting
7. Opus Dei charges
8. Scum in car 3
9. Car 3 is desstroyed as a result of Opud Dei's Charge in 7
10. Opus Dei says another Prayer
with the facility destroyed, our attention was drawn to the creators, now that we have a name it is only a matter of time.
In addition I was assigned to investigate a series of dissappearences in a small village. it turns out the dissappearences were due to a vampire who had taken up resisdence in the local church
1. hmm nightfall, things are getting interesting
2. About to enter the church
3. Mouthing off while surrounded by ghouls
4. "Target aquired, Restrcition Method #2 Lifting the Seal to Allow Use of Ability Until Target is Silenced"
5. The Vampire and his ghouls think they have won, and also that i talk big
6. Regenerating after being shot at and laughing at the fact that guns are useless against me
7. Blowing a way ghouls in a cool way
8. Blowing a way ghouls
9. when ask who i truly was in a flash of lightning i did so
10. Impaled my adversary
1. After much seraching we finally found the location of the creators of the freak chip.
2. After blowing my why through the door i enter the church
3. blowing away lackeys is fun
4. The creator acts pretty calmly considering i just blew away 20 of his guards, i would later find out why he was so calm, he had a strigoi bodyguard possibly what they used to make the chip from.
5. Gotta look cool while loading my gun
6. Taking aim
7. Yep. my gun leaves a big hole
8. One creator down one more to go
1. Opus Dei was quick to locate the other creator
2. Braces himself for attack.
3. The creator lunges forward and fires his gun
4. Dispite Opus Dei's quick movements he still ends up taken a shot to the forehead, he falls to the ground, but gets back up again
5. The creator is shocked to learn is attack has failed
6. While Opus Dei is none to happy he got shot
7. Quoting a simple prayer before attacking
8. The creator loses his legs in a flurry of attacks
with the production facilties destroyed, and the creators now dead, we returned home victorious, and now await our next mission.
Killing lil thingys or Lord Kratos, as he is now known, enforces the laws of Silversurfnstudism with the utmost brutality. The very mention of his name distills fear in the hearts of his enemies. His weapons of choice are the Blades of Chaos, these powerful blades are as much a part of his body as his arms, they burn with the blessed holy fire of Silversurfnstud. While his thirst for blood is impressive it is outshined by his skill in battle.
Kratos quickly rose through the ranks of the Legions in the Army of Silversurfnstudism. His Thirst for bloodshed made him a exceptional warrior. his greatest triumph would be the defeat of the Fire Giant Yaga'Shura during the seige of the Tethyrian city of Saradush, a city loyal to the Lord God silversurfnstud. The Seige lasted many days with no side having a clear advantage over, the other casulties on both sides were numerous. The battle raged until only Yaga'Shura and Kratos remained. These two combantants were engaged in an epic power struggle, which it seemed neither would win. A blow from Yaga'Shura's mighty warhammer knocked Kratos to the ground, victory almost certainly assured for Yaga'shura, a misterious figure, thought to be Lord God Silversurfnstud himself, appeared on the clifftops above and threw down to Kratos the enchanted Rune Blades, The Blades of Chaos. These sentient blades burn with the blessed holy fire of Silversurfnstud. With his new found arsenal, Kratos quickfully and bloodily decaptitated his foe. For his bravery, valor and skill Kratos was made Lord Kratos and was given the rank of Praefectus Castrorum and thus was a excellent choice to be appointed as an Executioner of Silversurfnstudism
1. From a young age SoulCalibur was a Legionaire in the armies of the Lord God Silversurfnstud
2. The warrior Pazu-So the Bear Killer stands ready
3. As does SoulCalibur
4. A fierce fight ensues, but SoulCalibur is the victor
5. Years later Soul Calibur would find himself, still fighting in the civil war, and stands before the doorway to certain death
6. The Nosferatu Zodd, otherwise Known as Zodd the Immortal, attacks SoulCalibur
7. A narrow miss
8. A devastating blow
9. The monster shows his true form
10. the Monster attacks
11. Another narrow miss
12. A critical blow, which sends the beast into a frenzy, though nothing SoulCailbur cannot handle
13. Not all the fighting is done on a battlefield or in a dungeon below the earth, SoulCalibur is instructed to kill a high noble Lord
14. He charges his opponent
15. A very bloody affair
16. SoulCalibur had expected better of the Lord
17. the enemies of Silver do not take the assassination of one of their Lords Lightly
18. 100 men easily chopped into pieces
19. A well earned rest SoulCalibur is forever known as the Hundred man Slayer
20. Once again SoulCalibur finds himself on a battlefield, when a powerful enemy approaches a huge sword descends from the heavens to aid SoulCalibur, a gift from his Lord God
21. As skilled a fighter as SoulCalibur is he was no match for the his enemy without the give from the Heavens
22. With his new found weaponry SoulCalibur easily annihilates his opponent in combat
23. Years later SoulCalibur who now goes by the name The Blackswordsman (so as to avoid undue attention to himself) would find himself on a mission to hunt down a evil demon terrorising the villagers of several towns loyal to our Lord God
24. In a dank pit of a tavern,on the outskirts of Midland he finds a group of thugs who may have answers but they refused to talk, so he drew his weapon
25. the group of thugs quickly change their minds upon the sight of their leader being cut cleanly in two
26. The beast (in its human form) has been expecting SoulCalibur
27. Surprise, surprise, the beast takes its true form
28. A cripling blow
29. SoulCalibur Drives his mighty sword deep into the beast
30. SoulCalibur stands victorious, (oh and somehow several buildings where burnt, i forget how, I wasnt there!)
AcidReign know this more than any other, if a intense battle with a Marilith (a six armed snake woman) he lost an arm. Luckily for him Lord Maestro was able to craft him an amazing new arm, one with a retractable blessed diamond blade.
1. The enemy casting a spell
2. The enemy casting a spell
3. His spell complete he orders the beast to attack
4. AcidReign conjurers up a spear
5. AcidReign defeats the beast with ease
6. AcidReign removes his cloak and taunts the so called priest
7. The preist looks scare
8. Not entirely sure we he got that thing from but oh well
9. AcidReign quickly casts a spell to sheild himself and his Iron Golem
10. AcidReign's wall stops the bullets
11. but in the time it took AcidReign to create his wall the priest got away and The left a gift for AcidReign
12. The Priest's monster delivers a huger blow to AcidReign's Iron Golem
13. And in return AcidReign does away with the monster
14. Returning home somewhat disappointed the priest managed to escape
15. A new challenge, prehaps a chance to redeem himself
16. A close call
17. AcidReign blocks the attack
18. But isnt so lucky the next time (that'll leave a mark)
19. - 22. the battle rages
23. A expertly time dodge leads to a great oppotunity
24. AcidReign returns the favour and defeats the creature
25. It seems the creature had a subordinate with him and so AcidReign's Iron Golem gets to take care of it while AcidReign is busy
26. AcidReign's Iron Golem stands ready
27. A crippling blow
28. Another crippling blow
29. One which sent the subordinate to the ground
30. A intense struggle
31. A devastating blow that send the subordinate skyward
[for anybody reading this and thinking man that sucks the guy got away, do not worry, AcidReign did find the priest not but a day later and decapitated the bastard]
1. Morfias out for a stroll
2. Morfias enjoying his lunch, warriors have to eat dont they?
3. A bridge, would it be too cliche would it be to have something under it?
4. Spoke to soon, but Morfias is unfased
5. The creatures attacks
6. Morfias' expect timing allows him to catch the creatures weapon
7. Pulling hard Morfias is able to slam the creature into the railing on the bridge
8. Morfias continues on his way
9. A huge beast has been killing people in a wood, Morfias is send to investigate, the beast's prefered method of killing is his huge doyble edged sword which he can throw like a boomerang
10. It attack is powerful
11. The blade returns to its master's hand
12. The Beast stands tall (very tall)
13. Not all warriors who fight evil will be successful but that doesnt stop people from trying
14. The unknown warrior is quickly overpowered
15. The unknown warrior pays dearly for is inexperience
16. The beast enjoys a quick meal
17. Morfias tracks the beast to its lair
18. the beast is not happy
19. Morfias taunts the beast
20. Morfias throws a one of his daggers
21. - 22. the beast has a unique skill
23. The beast stands ready
24. Morfias also stands ready
25. Morfias charges his opponent
26. The beasts huge size and gurth is no match for Morfias' speed and agilty, and thus quickly loses several appendages
27. Without the use of his the beast is unable to catch his mighty weapon
28. Quite bloodily he is vanquished
29. A challenge is throw down to Morfias by a seemily blind ninja
30. Morfias accepts
31. Morfias thinks he may be able to gain an advantage in a bamboo forest
32. - 33. The two warriors speed through the forest
34. The fight begins
35. And an intense one it is
36. Not the most honourable way to go, the Blind ninja is defeated due to one of the blades Morfias got stuck in a bamboo tree, thinking it to be Morfias' current sword.
37. As skilled as he was sight is a valuable asset, one should take it for granted
38. A creature lurks in the grass
39. The creature emerges
40. And displays an impressive technique
41. dispite his impressive technique the creature is rather cowardly and forces Morfias to confront his within the confines of a building
42. Another impressive technique a magical claw like weapon
43. The weapon wraps itself around Morfias' blade
44. The creature begins to recoil his claw
45. Morfias struggles to hold onto his weapon
46. As the the claw returns to its master, the force which was require to do so causes Morfias' blade to enter the creatures body
47. - 48. The creature defeat morfias carries on his way
1. The enemy approaches
2. - 3. "I crave blood on this night"
4. The Enemy leadr summons his subordinates
5. mouthing off as I tend to do
6. The enemy leader is not impressed by my vocabulary skills
7. The Sub Ordinates are ordered to fire
8. - 9. Direct hits
10. He laughs victoriously
11. Even as i lay on the ground im still smiling my evil grin
12. Time to show my true power
13. - 15. The art of ressurection
16. unable to comprehend what he sees
17. A evil grin and laugh "Guns are useless against me! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
18. "My Turn!"
19. I take aim
20. Gotta use a cool pose to blow them away
21. A couple of head shots
22. Another Evil grin
23. Hmm no more bullets
24. Alone surrounded by the the dust of his subordinates corpses
25. Begging for his life, but im not one to grant his request
26 - 28. I thrust my arm into his chest
29. I stand alone victorious
30. With his last breath he mutters some gibberish, something about cursing me forever it was hard to make out the rest, as i crushed his skull with my boot.
As With all skirmishes they are made by both sides, i.e by both the members of Silversurfnstudism and their enemies. while most are over quickly, for some this is not the case. Also some involve much more powerful fighters than the usual rag tag bunch of brigands. This next
1. Upon returning to my abode there is a present from Lord Maestro
2. Opening the container i find it to ber the new weapon i requested
3. A 13mm gun, 390mm in length, weighing 35LBs, with 8 shots per clip, the bullets has a Pure silver Macedonium processed core and are filled with blessed quicksilver
4. - 5. Seeing how it feels.
6. The enemy approaches. but these two are no ordinary enemy. They are on a mission, they have heard that Elfen Lied and Opus Dei are at a small Temple, and these two want revenge
7. - 11. Quickly doing away with the temples guards
12. Im not one to keep my guests waiting
13. Again my tendency to mouth off presens itself
14. He's quick
15. A John Woo-esque stand off
16. BANG!
17. We both Rise to our feet
18. And neither of us is worse for wear
19. -20. "Removing Restriction Method #2, lifting the seal to allow use of ability, until target is silenced"
21. With the Restriction method removed, I am at almost full power, and quickly dismember my opponent
22.- 24. Shape Shifting into a beast
25. Full shapeshifted i devour my opponent
26. - 27. Angry at his brother death, he seeks revenge
28. - 29. He quickly does away with another group of temple guards
30. Opus Dei approaches
31. Opus Dei appears in a
32. Opus Dei stands ready
33. An evil grin
34. Opus Dei stands ready
35. Opus Dei says a prayer
36. His opponent remains unfazed
37. - 38. Both challegers bow
39. Opus Dei charges
40. His opponent has a mighty weapon
41. Opus Dei falls
42. Opus Dei rises again
43. Surprised his attack did nothing
44. Opus Dei charges again
45. Opus Dei's attacks connect with deadly precision
46. The body of his opponent lies on the ground fill of Opus Dei's Blades
47. - 48. Opus Dei recites a prayer
During the winter of 1431, I was born in a military fortress in Sylvania, a rather evil and cursed land, but it is home, lying east of the Empire of Man. I was the second son of Abhorash The Blood Dragon and Neferata Queen of Lahmia. At the age of five, I like my father and brother, Krell before me, was initiated into the Order of the Dragon, an order of selected nobles fiercely devoted to the to God Silversurfnstud. It is around this time, that the Time of Troubles, when gods are forced to walk the worlds as mortal, begin.
War is rampant, through the lands, nobles are captured and held for ransom, sadly I along with my older brother were no exception. We were captured and held for ransom by the Dark Elves (or Drow). Dark Elves are know for their intense brutality and cruelity towards prisoners and slaves. And none more so than the resident of Naggaroth, the Home of Witch King The Dark Elf Lord Malekith. It is here that i developed a taste for torture. In 1447, shortly before the death of our father, my brother and I were rescued, by our father's forces, under the command of the General, Nagash the Black.
Our honoured father dies during our trek home, upon returning, Krell as the oldest is named as his successor and is crowned Lord of Sylvania. in 1451 in a campaign to take over several neighbouring provinces, Reikland, a large rich and prosperious province and Gallowmere a small hauntingly eerie province, Nagash the black dies I am named as his replacement. Together Krell and I finish what he and Nagash could not, complete taking over of the two provinces. I am named Lord of the province of Gallowmere. In 1456 Krell dies from a mortal wound he sustained during the occupation of Reikland, and I and now made Lord of Sylvania and other recently captured provinces.
My rule is known as much for my devotion to my people as it is for my brutality and executions of my enemies. My enemies and those of my Lord God are executed publically and their body parts put on display so that other man learn the horrors awiting them if they should cross Elfen Lied, or the Lord God Silversurfnstud. Towards the end of the 1450's my lands are constantly under attack from the forces of Karl Franz, trying to retake Reikland. They are unsuccessful, yet neither am I advancing much further west. In the winter of 1461-62 Kurt Hulberg is successful in reclaiming Reikland, but that is all he is able to achieve. My armies are successful in defending my lands.
The Church War, in which followers of the gods fight each other, rather than the peoples of the Lords and kings fighting each other, breaks out short after and rages for 14 years, Fighting is much more fierce as now members of the cloth take up arms and do battle, but it ends shortly after 1476, when several members of the church of Talos attempt to assassinate me, but I am saved by my Lord God. It is in this instance that in exchange for a lifetime of service, i am granted second life and become a No life King, a seemingly immortal being of immense power. The other churches quickly bow before the might of Silversurfnstud. and things quickly return to normal, Hostile provinces once again begin attacking one another or themselves.
During the next few years I shaped and molded many faithful followers of the Lord God Silversurfnstud into the most feared army in the lands, His royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard (HELLSING), who in addition to waging war in the name of our Lord God, also serve as a form of bodyguards though Lord God Silversurfnstud is of course capable of defending himself should the need arise. As Silversurfnstudism grew so did the need for more legions and thus the Silver Inferno Knights (SICK) were born. however SICK retained the motto of HELLSING, In the name of God, the impure Souls of the Living Dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen. as well as other charateristics, such as ranks. As the notirity of SICK grew so did my rank within it, and soon I was appointed to the newly formed rank of Imperator of the Legions of Lord God Silversurfnstud.
Silversurfnstudism is not only full of militants, it is also comprised of civilians and priests. And as such a ruling body need to be created. Hence the Executive Council came into being. The Council is comprised of The Lord God, The Imperator of the Legions, the Head Zealot and other extremely highly ranked members. And to enforce the laws the Executive Council had created, the Executioner Squad was formed. The Executioner Squad is well known for its brutal inforcement of the laws of Silversurfnstudism. Many of their methods are modifed methods i learned through my time held captive by the Dark Elves.
"you, Carloseus, shall not fall this day, you shall rise to fall another day, Arise Carloseus." i thought i had dreamt it, but there stood the being from my dream, asking me to join him!! and his name was Silversurfnstud. Without hesitation I arose and bowed before him. In return he granted me the gift of second life, stating that the only way i could fall was by sword. so over thousands of years i fought in countless battles in his name and service, battles that meant no time for me. countless more fell by my hand, and then i stumbled upon a new light.
at first i was skeptical, i had no larger power, but here was a being ruling over others not with fear or promises or anything like that, but with wisdom and letting them choose what to believe in. i soon bowed before this being offering my sword to him as well as his righthand man. these two were the Lord God Silversurfnstud, and Lord Elfen Lied.
for the rest of my potentially everlasting life i will serve under the Lord God Silversurfnstud, and his Executive Council, and follow their orders with no question for they provide reason for their decisions.
this is the basic outline of my life, i have no memories of childhood or of love.
all ive known is war....
1. walking down a lone and lonesome road, as we all do from time to time
2. There is something in the air,
3. Once again trouble finds a member of Silversurfnstudism
4. The enemy prepares himself
5. Remaining unfased by this
6. DarknessAngel casting his moontime spell, a flash of light then things go dark
7. spell complete
8. DarknessAngel mouths off to his opponent
9. His opponent stands ready after casting his spell to increase the size of his sword.
10. standing ready
11. His opponent charges
12. His opponent is proves to be somewhat of a decent opponent to the unarmed DarknessAngel
13. DarknessAngel grows tired of this annoyance.
14. - 15. DarknessAngel draws his Tensaiga
16. DarknessAngel casts an enchantment spell on his blade
17. His opponent eagerly awaits DarknessAngel's next attack
18. DarknessAngel charges
19. His opponent charges
20. DarknessAngel strikes
21. a most direct and mortally wounding hit
22. - 23. Sheathing his sword
24. DarknessAngel is victorious and as such collects his spoils, his opponent's head.
from that day, that dark day when the dark shadow came into my house and burnt my family and friends alive and only left me living in a ring a fire he made me pick death or life as his disciple, i choose life, and would follow the dark one for many years. Later as he evil influence on me grew, i never forgot my family's and friends screams, inside my mind i remember that night like it happened to me yesterday i knew i have my revenge, even if it took an eternity i would have it.
when it was my time to drink the blood of the dark one and become one like him, I sensed this would be my oppotunity to exact my revenge, as he cut him self and let the blood run down into the devils cup he was weak i knew that was my chance to strike as i stood there in front of him with my sword the only thing that was in my mind was thorts of that night and nothing else i stabbed the dark one in his black heart as he was weak he couldn't stop me.
from being with my accursed teacher, evil held a seemingly vice like grip over me. but i was determined not to let the darkness control me, because that night follows me around and keeps me awake the dark ones must pay because i know what this world is really about i know this world isn't the same as i used to see it as a mortal. In my quest to rid myself of the evil taint, i came across, a young priest who had the very answer I was looking for, he told me of a temple wherein, a man by the name of Opus Dei could be found, as the Head Zealot of the Temple of Silversurfnstud, his knowledge of evil forces, spells and enchantments was legendary. So i sought him out.
By performing the ancient art of exorsism, Opus Dei was able to rid most of the evil taint, so intense was the extent of the evil, even a highly experienced priest could not remove all of it. Knowing of no other way to repay him, I became a member of Silversurfnstudism, and through the teachings of Opus Dei, I would harness my skills and increase my knowledge of evil, so that it would never again infect my being or regain its hold over me.
Opus Dei sensing something grand about me, introduced me to the warrior Elfen Lied, similarities between us were immidiately drawn. It is rumoured that i may have been his son. and so I joined his Legion, HELLSING. and devoted my live to the service of the Lord God Silversurfnstud.
I have learned a most valuable lesson, this world is about the fight aand the never ending war that is good and evil you can not have good with out evil i am both good and evil i fight for the mortals that live in there peaceful unknowing world there pain keeps me alive keeps me fighting as long as there is pain and destruction i will be here, i will walk this world.
your past....... it stirs something in my memory. yes..... i recall a memory i had not remembered since i experienced it.
before i had been saved by our lord god i had stumbled accross a necromancer of evil deeds. he had torn from his teachings by rathma and had traveled the lands slaying all that crossed his path, then bringing their dead bodies and soul to torment as they did his bidding.
i unfortunately crossed paths with this summoner of the dead. he offered me wealth, power, all of my hearts desires. i refused, having other tasks at hand. as i turned to leave, in my way were his minions. a quick glance to either sides of my vision told me i was now surrounded. a second later i had unlatched my sword from its sheath on my back and was hacking at these productions of taboo. as i felled one after another the necromancer grimaced. i made my way to him, and he produced from his side a skull. he held it before me and muttered a curse under his breathe. my movement slowed as i felt my body resist. the force of will i retalliated with burst and broke the spell i was under and i caught him by surprise.
i quickly split my swords as he summoned more minions and began to cut through them. i roared a mighty battle cry and my inner strength awakened. i quickly diced the animations as i ran at him now. i merged my swords and slashed at him. the powers that escaped him scarred me as they descended. on my left hand a large mark of the black magic still shows its effect after thousands of years.
i struggled to keep from falling. my body coarsed with pain. i walked to the closest city, the great city of Kurast. i made my way through the streets as my oversized sword dragged behind me. Ormus, the wiseman of the region assisted me and i walked out the next week energized and invigorated with his help.
the pain in this memory comes from the necromancer, and the events that happened after i left kurast. i traveled the lands, and came to the barbarian north. here were legions of demons making war upon the mighty yet few barbarians. i assisted the protectors of the worldstone for as long as i could. months, years dragged by as i crippled their armies, but more came. one day came, a day when i had been woken in a hurry for the enemy was advancing and taking the feild. the long held battle was at its end, and i would take a large roll in it.
i readied my armor, my weapons, and myself. i departed alone at first, i was to cripple them before the others came. i used every spell, every glamorous attack; flame covered my blades, white fire came from my eyes, and every hit i made slaughtered many. for hours i fought, trying to turn back the army. i had somehow made my way to the center of the mass, surrounded by thousands of growling orcs and demons. the barbarians rushed to help, and tried to get to me before i was taken.
i fought and resisted being overwhelmed and taken, parting evil from the mortal plane as i struggled for dear life. then i was taken. they all threw themselves at me, and many followed them. daggers scratched at my armor, swords however tore through and sunk into my arms, legs, and chest. inability to move, panic, and death began to come to me. i struggled to keep awake but sensed my consciousness slipping away. with the last of my energy i yelled. i yelled a roar that trembled past the forests, the sea, and made it to far and distant lands. the energy i summoned was the last i could afford. my dying actions were to rid the battle field of demons, to slay them all by magic.
i lay there spent. my companions of war would arrive, but too late. i slipped into darkness, my mind thrown into a sea of my own confusion. when i opened my eyes i saw what appeared to be clouds and silver light in the sky.
"Carloseus, shall not fall this day, he shall rise to fall another day. Arise Carloseus!!" i glanced up but saw only a figure overwhelmed by the light behind him. there stood the being from my dream. Silversurfnstud. Without hesitation I arose and bowed before him. In return he granted me the gift of new life, as well as granting me only one way to die, and that was by sword.
in return, i have traveled the lands again, but with a purpose. for thousands of years i fought in countless battles in the name of my god and his next in command. in his name and service i have cleansed many lands and slayed countless horrors. time has meant no time for me.
i have prepared something for our lords, which i hope they find fit:
"Meus Deus Argentum quod Senior Elfen to order mihi. In nomen of SICK EGO vadum purgo malum qua EGO roam, quod addo lux lucis ut obscurum. Is est meus negotium, vel meus vita est forfeit." -Carloseus
"My God Silver and Lord Elfen command me. In the name of SICK I shall cleanse evil where I roam, and bring light to darkness. This is my task, or my life is forfeit." -Carloseus
To be born into this world of an eternal battle between Heaven and Hell. Hell’s infatuation with human battling human was unforgiving. I, Ryan, from the lands of Westmarch, have journeyed through out the lands as a nomad, away from Hell’s war. I have exiled myself for the soul reason of seeking the truth for the righteous path my life should belong to. After several years have passed by, a scouting platoon crossed my path engaged in battle with fallen demons throughout the woods I was passing through. I took up arms and unsheathed my War Sword passed from my father before I left. I enchanted myself with an aura to strength my body and my mind to combat these fiends. Showing my unprecedented skills as an exiled Paladin, the scouting platoon asked for my help against a Fallen’s encampment. I realized, that I needed to fight against the demons of hell to find salvation in this world. I was now part of the King of Westmarch’s army of the 6th scouting regiment. After battling with several of Hell’s minions, I was then orders to fend off the army of King Leoric.
After many battles, after many that were slained by edge of my sword, my soul began to grow tainted of all the lives I have taken. I was granted the rank of Lt. General of the King’s 6th scout regiment. This is what I was search for in my exile. I took it upon myself to stop this war and unite to fight against Hell. With this statement, I was imprisoned for the war has fully tainted all the soldiers minds with blood and anger. This was definitely the work of Hell. As months has passed, I heard rumors of a guild of extraordinary men who fight for the side of light from more and more prisoners come into the dungeon. I then grew enraged on the predicament I was in and with a single burst of anger, my entire cell burst into flames. The aura of holy fire has destroyed the cell walls allowing me to escape.
I continued on my quest to find the truth of the righteous path. After several years has gone by, I stumbled on to a battle the was on the edge of an fortress. I walked closer to the battle and found humans of all races crippling a horde of Blunderbores. This was a rare sight for myself and found myself found of what these men and women were fighting for. I joined the battle and found what seems to be the leader of the Blunderbores and with one swing of my enchanter sword, I severed his head off. Their leader being decapitated, the minions, fled for what might be the outcome for themselves. A illuminated man walked towards by the name of Lord Silver accompanied by his right hand man Elfen Lied. They welcomed me with opened arms.
We then proceeded into their fortress down a long hall of past champions of their order. I thought to myself, are these the infamous guild I have been hearing about. Lord Silver and his elite members discussed with me on what I want to achieve. They understood everything I told them and they, inturn bestowed upon me an oath, that I must keep sacred. I was now pronounced as a legionnaire for the Lord himself. With my new oath, I burned it to my armor and my sword. For those who will face me in combat will no my oath and there will be no confusion for what I now stand for. And with that, I also burned it on my back for where ever I may roam, I shall live, fight and die by that oath. This is my Enigma.
Since the beginning of Time there has been war, War is past present and future. if u want peace u must fight for it, for Freedom is not free
For i have been a God of power and life long before time was created, I have roamed the worlds to every corner of every planet. Every dimension willing to teach me something in exchange for my very own wisdom. I have come to know so much, yet strive to learn so much more. Every being I came in contact with has shown me something new.
From the beginning of life itself, every life that encountered death had added to my strength . My strength being matched by none but my intelligence being surpassed by only one . While traveling to meet this intelligent being in a galaxy unknown to the present times I encountered the being with such unheard of intelligence and force but still the creature was not pleased. The Creature named Xihao-mohrkwan (ze-ha-mar-kwan) wanting nothing in life but a challenge. For this creature had never felt the anguish of defeat and therefore knew nothing of the spoils of victory. For as I and it exchanged knowledge It began telling a story that didn’t bode to end well for me. The story went that any presence of life that encountered Xihao-mohrkwan must not leave before challenging Xihao-mohrkwan to the death and living. As escape crossed my mined several times but anyone could see Xihao-mohrkwan had made escape entirely impossible. I having no other choice Challenged Xihao-mohrkwan to battle. The challenge he accepted
Xihao-mohrkwan having given me a 3 day head start in his Unknown to man dimension explained that this was a game of cat and mouse. I could run for as long as and as fast as I could all while trying to come up with a plan to survive and kill Xihao-mohrkwan. For this proved to be quite hard in the current dimension as I had traveled since the dawn of creation and had not once had to ever kill. My knowledge’s from my travels always allowed me to escape a threat without difficulty. But this was going to be my greatest threat of all. After running for half a day without tiring I began to question my very own existence still just jogging to hold back from exhaustion , None the less I continued to run and plot seeing no life but much death along my run. Seeing as this plane of existence I was in went on forever I began to realize I was actually in the all so powerful mind of Xihao-mohrkwan and there would be no escape.
At the end of the 3rd day I had come up with several plans to kill Xihao-mohrkwan. But knowing they would all turn out to be false hopes. I continued to run at a medium pace until I realized I was being chased. He had Already caught up. I began to sprint with all of my might, harder then I had ever before. My legs like hammers being driven into the ground. After a few seconds of catching my balance It started to cross my mind that I could run faster. I pushed harder and in a burst of light I was gone. Having looked back I could no longer see Xihao-mohrkwan but the images around me were becoming distant and discolored. I continued my dead sprint and as I looked around I saw more and more images fading . For I knew I was in the mind of Xihao-mohrkwan but had I been traveling so fast that I was actually out running the very thoughts of his mind? Everything around become a sense of a blur and I still knew I had it in me to speed up. I had actually made it so far in front of his thought process that there were nothing but white planes in front of me. Still having not tired I ran until I saw an opening. Xihao-mohrkwan having been over straining his most powerful mind had actually never had to stretch his mind as far and had not closed an exit. Having made it to the very end of his actual mind everything exploded in a burst of bright light. When my eyes adjusted I was standing in a cabin with the dead body of Xihao-mohrkwan under me. His life presence being sucked from his body and into me. I fell to my knees and being engulfed with so much power was overwhelming. I rose slowly a moment later.
Over the next few years I began to realize nothing could match my speed. Everything that died my body would engulf its power. For every Great war that was fought I could be light-years and
light-years a way and every dead soul’s power would be added to mine. I continued traveling the worlds learning all I could. For I did not have to kill to gain strength because war and death fell hand in with life so with each passing day I grew stronger.
Many moons later in the year of 1431 I would feel a great powerful presence being brought to life. I traveled to the war torn lands of Sylvania to where this powerful presence was located. Using my cunning speed I Entered a heavily guarded Military fortress to witness the birth of Abhorash’s 2nd child. I allowed my presence to be felt and blessed the Baby as these were followers of The SilverSurfnstudism Religion. 25 years later I return to check on the child Named Elfen Lied. He is Currently ruling his country as his recent dead brothers successor
In The Time of Troubles all gods agreed there can only be one god. We all gave up our powers and walked the lands as mortals Fighting to the death. 14 long years passed and many gods still remained. As many would not fight and hid behind their followers. I Silver leading The army of my followers began to hunt down all wrong doers and evil forces. Having heard of an assassination on members of a church of SilverSurfnstudism, I travel to help defend my followers. It is in this instant that I recognize Elfen Lied (as I had not made contact with him for 14 years) The fights ends quickly and all enemies of the church and assassins are slain. It is in this Moment I witness that Elfen Lied had been protecting a small group of members of the light by himself. He had slain more then 50 men by himself and was willing to die for the followers of SilverSurfnstudism to live. He was badly wounded and had sustained many fatal wounds. Something inside him would not allow him to die. Knowing I Could not let such a strong follower pass I passed 1% of my power to him. He began to Heal Immediately and his wounds were all but blood stains on his Skin. He was granted a 2nd life and immortality to become a no life King of immense power. Elfen dedicates a lifetime of service to the cause of Lord God Silver. Over time Having Slain many more mortal gods it is I who is declared Lord God. My immortality returned having won. Seeing this The church’s quickly bow to my might.
Over the next few years The followers of SilverSurfnstudism would grow tremendously. Elfen Began to train and lead The first Legion of The Light HELLSING. HELLSING would be my own personal legion
Over Time those who showed immerse loyalty and strengths in battle would become Commanding officers and have legions of their own. Elfen Having Lived up to his word of Serving Lord Silver had showed to be by far the most strongest in battle. In this instant I made him Imperator of our cause and he was to lead All of our legions.
I began wondering into the unknown, seeking answers to my other, violent mental mind. I have been attacked by cunning wolves, which I arose victorious. From the battle I gained intelligence and and cunningness, attacked by powerful bears, which gave me strength and endurance, attacked by mountain lions, which gave me speed and swiftness, and I have endured all terrain and weather giving me resistances. As I looked back into my past wondering, that was a lesson, a test to myself for the what the future holds.
I am now 17 years old and have encountered my first demon. It was a mere fallen scouting the lands beyond his territory. At this point, I knew the infamous Demon Lord, Diablo has walked the world again. Many stories were passed down from generation to generation, from the times of Tristam. I believed this was my next test in my road to salvation. As I used my earned skills from defeating the wolves, I crept up to the fallen undetected. Growing nearer and nearer until a racing fire ball screamed by my head. It was a fallen shamen! Then I blacked out once again.
I awoke with blood smered all over my armor and a pulsating sensation from my stomach. I have been wounded from a cleaver attack. The fallen warrior must have gotten a lucky swipe at me as I found him dead beside my feet. I grew angered that I was unable to witness the battle, for I was unconsious. I then ran to the entrance of their encampment so fast, I blew away all of the fallen leaves from the great oak trees. I then took my Shuriko out and slained every evil creature there. I felt . . . happy, relieved that I was actually able to see what destruction I have caused. This happiness then became my mind to infest into a state of psycotic.
I then traveled to a nearby town, later realizing it was called Vellond. There, all the population of Vellond were half breed vampires. This could not be true as many have suffered from this small community of half breeds. I once again grew angered and went unconcious. I awoke with a Lieutenant from the Shogun Edo at my side tending to my wounds. "You were lucky not to have been bitten my friend." I became tired of not keeping my mind concious. This made me feel weak, unworthy.
They carried me to their Shogun temple, for I was to meet the Shogun leader, Lord Hirokiri Nahajiba. After several seasons of my stay their, Nahajiba came to my side and told me of all the things he has witness in my stay. He told me he knows a way to cure me of this disease. I then became a loyal servant to the Shogun. I went with them to conquer battle after battle, for I was told that the more battles I would endure, the more my sanity will present itself. After bloody battes endure for 6 years, I have not seen my sanity in a long time. I would always be anxious to kill something. I was now labeled as a weapon, a beast of insanity, with no feelings for any actions taken.
however the fact that they were fallens, makes it a bit less dramatic. if you noticed, the blades i weild that day were not my prized Swords of Destruction. they were weapons i was enchanting with the falling demons around me. Fudlow was having tremendous fun, we were competing who would kill the most before we drove them away. Murderface was having a little difficulty, but we were simply letting him gain more experience of combat before introducing him to Slayer work.
you however, were too hasty, and therefore clumsy. you were attacked, and fell since you were unprepared for the blow dealt to you. fudlow and i became serious and left the game to exterminate the remain demons for a miles away, as murderface sought to the preserverance of your life. he blamed himself for your death, after all he was the one to recruit you. after an hour of chasing demons we were amazed to see your wounds healing rapidly, and you woke to see us in joy.
not all is what it seems, and you allowed your anger to get the best of you, a mistake that could have cost you your life against even a low demon as a Fallen. that is why i teach and demand strength as well as reason and logic in SLAYERS, for stupid mistakes could prove deadly for some of us.