Yes, I'm very sorry about this. My brain has stopped working properly as of late because of long hours and no sleep. I've set myself a placeholder and I intend to fill it tonight or tomorrow when I get home from work (since I have nowhere else to be).
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Christ, do I have to light a fire under everyone's ass? This is the perfect time for all ya'll to chit chat away!! Jetrall is waiting on a few posts!!!
Sigh. I check this every day and it seems most people (other than perhaps myself, elfen, archie, and stormcat) have lost interest.
Tell ya'll what. Over the next two days, I want everyone who is still committed to this game to post so in this thread. I'll check the results and, based on that, I may just end it.
I am in still - but sadly you are definitely spot on, big time lack of interest from most now.:(
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Smiling is infectious.
Give, expecting nothing thereof. ------------ BoD - Come have some fun! Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
We have been sitting around for weeks waiting for you two to take this story somewhere, anywhere. And now you are blaming us for the lack of posts. this is ridiculous. You two are the leaders of this story, anybody's attempt to move the story forward had been met with deletion.
You have us about to attack something, FINALLY, just to be stopped and taken for a walk. So we fill our time with pointless banter just to be told not to - quote
"You would do well to abide by the customs of bramwell as best you can when we get there." said buliwyf overhearing the conversation of Kira and Warrick. "I will not risk outrage and undue attention being brought on us, if it can be avoided.
What do you expect from us? You guys are breaking your own rules of not posting enough per week making it impossible for us to post anything and now you are blaming us. How dare you say that you and elfen are still invested in this and that we are not. All of us sit by everyday waiting for something new to arise only to be let down. The only thing that the two of you have had happen in this story in the last three weeks is have us walking to Bramwell. What do you want from us? Why don't the two of you give us something we can talk about and interact with? Before this walk we had over a month of sitting in a twon with nothing to do. Lets forget the fact that the beginning of the story started with nothing to do. since 8/09 (2 months and 10 days) we have gone from a battle that was already over, to a town already destroyed, to being caught and taken for a walk. What exactly are we supposed to do with this?
I will be quitting this rp for the mere fact that the leaders of this rp have no idea on what they are doing.
1. They disallow anybody else's ideas on what is going on. Anybody who has tried to do anything has been told not to and their posts have been deleted.
2. There is no communication on what is going on in the story, leaving us clueless on what to do.
3. This story is boring. Almost 3 months and no real fights or events to be had.
4. The leaders of this RP are not complying with thier own rules on posting.
5. Now we are being blamed for inactivity.
6. I am sick of having to be a mere side character or object in THEIR story and ideas.
I'm out too. Even if this rp continues it still will not go anywhere. I really want to continue with this character but there is just nothing to write about.
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Eldermoon, while I think a lot of your points are utterly ridiculous and unfair, you do make several good ones. It is true that we have not lived up to our own posting standards, but what's the point if nobody else is either? We did not want it to turn into a "Jetrall and Elfen write a thread and here and there a few other people put in a post or two" which we have seen happen in other RP threads on these boards (back in the 'old days').
You're right that there's not much direct communication about the storyline going on - then again, in most RP's there usually isn't. This is so that we're not all just sitting around re-writing what we already know is going to happen. If I just told you exactly what I wanted to happen, there's no fun at all (certainly less than having a few posts deleted because they go off on a totally different tangent).
I totally agree that the story has been boring. That was intentional. Keep in mind, though, this part of the story was only meant to last about a week or two not the months it has taken (and no, I'm not blaming any of you for that either).
Those are the ones I agree with. The other ones just come across as being either totally unjustified or just don't make sense.
Your first point is clearly not true. Many times people have been allowed to do their own thing without hindrance. The only times we intervened were when the events described by a person were too far removed from the storyline for us to be able to incorporate it in as a plot point. When roleplaying, there are always boundaries (and if there aren't, then the gameplay will make no sense whatsoever).
That quote has nothing in it to suggest that you cannot have conversations. It just says that once we reached the city (which we haven't) that it would be wise not to deliberately piss anyone off. How does that at all imply that people cannot banter?
Point five is just wrong. I did not blame anybody for inactivity beyond the fact that I said many people seem to have lost interest - which is clearly true. Where you got the idea that I'm somehow pointing fingers is beyond me.
Six... Really? Seriously? You're upset that in the little bit of story that has happened thus far that you're not an integral part of the storyline already? Or is it that mine and Elfen's characters are leading the way (which makes sense) that is the problem? Either way, it just makes no sense to me. That is the way almost every single RP I've ever known has started off. Nobody is well-established in the storyline except those who already know the whole storyline and are there to push and prod the other players in the right directions.
I'm sorry if this game did not live up to yours (or anyone else's expectations). It certainly did not live up to mine either. Again, I'm not blaming anybody here beyond myself. In all honesty, I should have just ended this thing a long time ago when it first became evident we would not be able to match the posting requirements.
Anyways, consider this RP done. I will lock and archive it all now. This is (obviously) not how I wanted it to end, but I think it's the right decision now. Also, it's just one less tie for me here. Only one left.
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The game will resume movement later today or (at latest) tomorrow.
Hmmm... It is now the day after the day after the day after the day after tomorrow.
Slackers... nothing but slackers.
Time to pick up the story again everyone.
Tell ya'll what. Over the next two days, I want everyone who is still committed to this game to post so in this thread. I'll check the results and, based on that, I may just end it.
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
you and elfen are still invested in this?
We have been sitting around for weeks waiting for you two to take this story somewhere, anywhere. And now you are blaming us for the lack of posts. this is ridiculous. You two are the leaders of this story, anybody's attempt to move the story forward had been met with deletion.
You have us about to attack something, FINALLY, just to be stopped and taken for a walk. So we fill our time with pointless banter just to be told not to - quote
What do you expect from us? You guys are breaking your own rules of not posting enough per week making it impossible for us to post anything and now you are blaming us. How dare you say that you and elfen are still invested in this and that we are not. All of us sit by everyday waiting for something new to arise only to be let down. The only thing that the two of you have had happen in this story in the last three weeks is have us walking to Bramwell. What do you want from us? Why don't the two of you give us something we can talk about and interact with? Before this walk we had over a month of sitting in a twon with nothing to do. Lets forget the fact that the beginning of the story started with nothing to do. since 8/09 (2 months and 10 days) we have gone from a battle that was already over, to a town already destroyed, to being caught and taken for a walk. What exactly are we supposed to do with this?
I will be quitting this rp for the mere fact that the leaders of this rp have no idea on what they are doing.
1. They disallow anybody else's ideas on what is going on. Anybody who has tried to do anything has been told not to and their posts have been deleted.
2. There is no communication on what is going on in the story, leaving us clueless on what to do.
3. This story is boring. Almost 3 months and no real fights or events to be had.
4. The leaders of this RP are not complying with thier own rules on posting.
5. Now we are being blamed for inactivity.
6. I am sick of having to be a mere side character or object in THEIR story and ideas.
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You're right that there's not much direct communication about the storyline going on - then again, in most RP's there usually isn't. This is so that we're not all just sitting around re-writing what we already know is going to happen. If I just told you exactly what I wanted to happen, there's no fun at all (certainly less than having a few posts deleted because they go off on a totally different tangent).
I totally agree that the story has been boring. That was intentional. Keep in mind, though, this part of the story was only meant to last about a week or two not the months it has taken (and no, I'm not blaming any of you for that either).
Those are the ones I agree with. The other ones just come across as being either totally unjustified or just don't make sense.
Your first point is clearly not true. Many times people have been allowed to do their own thing without hindrance. The only times we intervened were when the events described by a person were too far removed from the storyline for us to be able to incorporate it in as a plot point. When roleplaying, there are always boundaries (and if there aren't, then the gameplay will make no sense whatsoever).
That quote has nothing in it to suggest that you cannot have conversations. It just says that once we reached the city (which we haven't) that it would be wise not to deliberately piss anyone off. How does that at all imply that people cannot banter?
Point five is just wrong. I did not blame anybody for inactivity beyond the fact that I said many people seem to have lost interest - which is clearly true. Where you got the idea that I'm somehow pointing fingers is beyond me.
Six... Really? Seriously? You're upset that in the little bit of story that has happened thus far that you're not an integral part of the storyline already? Or is it that mine and Elfen's characters are leading the way (which makes sense) that is the problem? Either way, it just makes no sense to me. That is the way almost every single RP I've ever known has started off. Nobody is well-established in the storyline except those who already know the whole storyline and are there to push and prod the other players in the right directions.
I'm sorry if this game did not live up to yours (or anyone else's expectations). It certainly did not live up to mine either. Again, I'm not blaming anybody here beyond myself. In all honesty, I should have just ended this thing a long time ago when it first became evident we would not be able to match the posting requirements.
Anyways, consider this RP done. I will lock and archive it all now. This is (obviously) not how I wanted it to end, but I think it's the right decision now. Also, it's just one less tie for me here. Only one left.