Dorf stood in the middle of a bar, his head almost reaching the ceiling. In front of Dorf stood a large metal support pole leading up to the ceiling of the bar. Dorf took out a poster from his pocket with his lower left arm, with his lower right arm he pulled out a metal spike from his other pocket. Using his upper left arm, Dorf unrolled the poster. He held it up to the metal pole and drove the metal spike through the poster in the pole as if it were a thumb tack. Dorf pulled out another spike and drove it through the bottom of the poster.
After hanging the poster, Dorf Luger looked at the rag tag grouping of people in the bar. A group of Troscka sits in one corner while two humans stand near the opposite wall. Suddenly, Dorf felt a tugging at his pants. He looked down to see an impish Trosckavar with his two Gamads by his side.
"Are you Dorf?" the Trosckavar asked Dorf.
"I am" Replied Dorf.
"My name is Tryke and I would like to be a part of your team." The small Trosckavar informed Dorf.
Dorf looked down at the Trosckavar and laughed. "Haha" Dorf bellowed out. "What can you do?"
"I'll show you what I can do" The Trosckavar yelled out as he lunged his two arms towards Dorf. The Trosckavar's two Gamads lunged towards Dorf with their snarling mouths bite's landing on his arms, sinking their teeth into his flesh.
"Ahh!! Dorf yelled out as he grabbed each of the Gamads with his other arms. Tearing the Gamads from his arms, he held them up the air. "Damn pest." Dorf admitted. He then through the two Gamads through the air, two humans dodging out of their way as their bodies slammed against the wall of the bar.
Dorf then looked down at the defenseless Trosckavar as he slammed his two lower fists down to his head. The Trosckavar's two Gamads quickly ran back over and carried their master away to safety.
Dorf sat down at the table next to his poster, eagerly awaiting his partner's return from hanging more posters and hesitantly weary of the other rift raft their posters would bring them.
"Hopefully some talented warriors will show up"Dorf thought to himself.
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Oltu walked about the commissary looking for better places to hang their posters. With one post left Oltu walked up small wooden food stand. He unrolled the poster and two metal spikes levitated out of his bag. One drove itself into the top of the poster and the other into the bottom. Oltu gave the poster a quick review before turning away to make his way back to the bar where Dorf awaited his return.
Oltu arrived at the courtyard where the bar is located as a Troskcavar was being carried out of the bar by two of his gamads. What is going on in there, Oltu thought to himself. Oltu slowly approached the bar giving it a quick look over. As no threat was made, Oltu walked into the bar and up to Dorf, who was sitting a table. He sat down in the chair next to Dorf, noticing that Dorf's arms had teeth marks in them, some bleeding.
"Dorf, must you always cause trouble. Hopefully we can still get some good heads for our team," Oltu said to him, placing his arms on the table, waiting for peope to arrive.
The Troskca sat at the end of the bar, swigging his drink. He was about 8'1'', and had cold eyes that had seen things no living being should have. He pulled a cigarette out of his pouch, put it to his lips, and lit it. He swiveled in his seat and surveyed the bar, and noticed a poster. Wanted: Looking for new members of the Revenants, a bounty hunting guild."Well I am sold." The Troskca mubled to himself. He then noticed a two men watching him read the sign. "You Dorf and Olta?" he asked.
"Great." Jim thought to himself. "Yet another dank pool of base corruption, that I find myself in."
Jim entered the bar with reluctance and approached the bar. He noticed the poster asking for skilled men.
"Might as well apply." he thought. "I've been looking for some excitement. but first..."
"Bar keep! a tankard of your finest!"
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
As Rando walked about the market he noticed signs had been put up to join a group of bounty hunters. He thought to himself, "This is exacatly what I've been looking forward to."
Rando headed to the local bar, since that seemed to be the place to seek jobs of this type. He walked in, ducking through the doorway carrying his huge mace over his right shoulder, and noticed another one of these recruitment posters nailed onto one of the poles. Two people, who seem to be waiting at the table under the poster Rando yells over to them.
"Are you Oltu and Dorf?" Walking over to them.
"I'm interested in joining you bounty hunters, and it looks like you're gonna need some more muscle seeing how you, are pretty lacking." Rando chuckles to himself, taking a seat to sign-up and sets his mace up against the table.
Nearly drove that spike through my frontal cortex... K'thanix thought to himself, silently chuckling at the Largix who hadn't even noticed his presence.
He had become accustomed to remaining fairly camouflaged even in public places, it seemed that bounty hunters were always on his trail after the incident on Fauna. He cursed his chieftain's name, and glanced around the room.
He noticed the two men mentioned on the poster directly beside his head, watched as they sat waiting for people to apply for a spot. He mulled it over in his head, wanting to get out in the world despite the danger it posed to make himself known.
Well... more allies can never hurt, and surely the chief is not so daft as to send bounty hunters to find me, in the presence of other bounty hunters He concluded, grinning at the absurdity of his plan to remain hidden.
Oh well.... can't hide in the shadows forever He thought to himself, as he slowly melded his scales and trench coat to their natural, and artificial in the case of the coat's, black and purple hue.
He stepped forwards, wondering if the Largix would be shocked he did not see him before.
"Glad to see more non-human bounty hunters out there," Taking a seat and producing a small flask of Reptylian mead, he downed a mouthful before continuing on. "poster says you're in need of more men, I'm pretty useful when the occasion calls for espionage and secrecy."
He thrust his hand forwards to the Troskan figure.
"Name's K'thanix, most call me Specter, care to bring me aboard?"
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Zip awoke from his deep sleep. He pushed aside the cardboard box and relieved himself to the side of a dumpster.
Freshly moved from a different location, Zip had been squatting like this for a week around town.
He walked across the street into the bar and started begging the bartender for a pint of ale. The bartender refused
him just like he did the last couple of nights. The bartender told him that there were a couple of bounty hunters
in town looking for some hired hands. He pointed Zip in the direction of the bounty hunters.
Zip walked up to them and said "Hey, I heard you guys needed some help, what kind of thing did you have in mind?"
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I'll be damned if I have to climb another tree. From now on the Squirrels and Birds can come to me.
Kayden watched in amusement as the amateur Troscavar tempted his fate against an obviously skilled and quite muscular Largix. That Trosckavar wouldn't last 10 minutes on Old Earth.
Kayden disabled his cloaking field, startling the couple of humans further, who were already in shock from the Gamads being flung in their direction. He instinctively zoomed in with his visor to read the recently nailed poster, and read that they were looking for bounty hunters.
Since being sent on The Hunt, after his promotion, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to test himself against some worthy opponents. Perhaps I will find an adversary that can offer me a Beautiful Death.
Kayden waited for the other conversations to finish in the group beginning to gather near the sign. He then stepped out of the shadows and approached warriors. He relaxed his 1000 yard stare hidden behind his helmet, stood tall, and spoke.
"I'm Kayden Darkstryde, of the Clan Kiss of Midnight, based out of Old Earth. It would honor me if you would have me join your band of soldiers. I have fought countless battles, and I believe my experience in close combat would be a strong addition to your crew. You call yourselves the Revenants. Does that name serve any significance?"
"Dorf, must you always cause trouble?" Oltu asked his larger partner.
"He started" Dorf answered back.
As Oltu sat down he commented "Hopefully we can still get some good heads for our team,"
As soon as the words left his mouth a young man quickly asked "Team? What are you, Bounty Hunters?"
The bar suddenly became alive with activity compared to the dreary sight Dorf first saw when he entered. A man came crashing through the window and without any signs of ware asked "May i be off assistance?" Dorf liked the man's tolerance for pain.
A slew of other people flocked in as Dorf and Oltu sat at their table. A camouflaged Reptylia and a cloaked human made themselves visible. Another muscular human read the poster showing signs of interest before quickly moving to the bar for a drink. Another Troskca and Largix approached the two leaders. And then two more humans came up to the gathering before Dorf and his partner Oltu.
Questions flew in "You Dorf and Olta?" "Are you Oltu and Dorf?" "poster says you're in need of more men?, "Hey, I heard you guys needed some help, what kind of thing did you have in mind?", as the group of soldiers eagerly presented their case to join. ?I'm pretty useful when the occasion calls for espionage and secrecy.""I'm Kayden Darkstryde, of the Clan Kiss of Midnight, based out of Old Earth. It would honor me if you would have me join your band of soldiers."
Dorf and Oltu sat their quietly at first, taking in the immediate response to their poster. Dorf and Oltu watched the slew of soldiers, evaluating each one as they watched them.
Dorf finally stood up and yelled "SHUT UP" as his voice left his mouth with a force big enough to blow the men back a step. "We are Dorf and Oltu" He confirmed to the other men. "We are putting together a team of bounty hunters as it is stated on our poster. We are looking for men who can hold their own in a fight and is willing to do just about anything for some money." Dorf explained to the group of soldiers before him.
"We already have a job waiting for us on Old Earth. This first job will be your initiation and test to see if you are worthy of joining us and our group." Dorf informed the people gathered in front of him.
"Follow me." Dorf instructed as he and Oltu walked out of the bar. they headed over to the ship yard where their ship awaited them. "This is our ship, if you are interested in joining the team, get on board. We will be leaving soon for our first mission."
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"Excuse me, could anyone lead me?" Dorf heard as he looked back and saw the blind human stumbling his way, hoping for some help. "A blind man?"Dorf thought to himself. "What could he possibly bring to this group?"
Dorf continued his way ignoring the plea for help from the human.
"If he can't even make it to the ship, how is he going to be able to do what is needed for this mission?"
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Trylk followed the group of men to the large ship. He examined the ships hull and craftsmanship. "Not half bad." he commented. "Although its nothing compared to the old Marine ship." He thought back to those times, Those men were my brothers... I let them down... He quickly snapped out of his flashback and continued to enter the ship, when he suddenly notice a seemingly blind man being carried by another man. Friggin humans.
The Troskca entered the ship, "Well the interior seems to be nicer than I thought, maybe these guys aren't a bunch of dumbasses." Trylk took a seat on the left side of the ship and saw that blind man having a conversation with the man who carried him in. The t\Troskca simply listened and watched the other bounty hunters. He reached for his front pouch, "Aw Hell, outta cigarettes." He said to himself. Well looks like Im outta luck, might as well see what that blind guy is doing here. "You, blind man, what brings you to this job. You certainly won't last without the ability to see."
"Do you know how blind people survive in this world?" Aleksey responded, "We adapt, we learn how to listen, how to feel. We train our bodies to fuse ourselves with technology. We learn how to adapt ones neural center to communicate with microscopic chips. That is how I last."
"Now boy don't start lecturing me about adapting. You have no idea what adapting really is. Back when I was fighting in the Galaxy Wars and our ship was being blow to bits do you think we had technology to help us adapt? No. We had to use our natural instinct." Trylk responded sternly.
Lt. Venom walks onto the ship and is behind the two, one happens to be blind. "The Blind One certainly is a fiery one, wouldn't want to mess with him," Scorpius commented. "He sure is," Venom replied. "Where is the recruiter, you two?"
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Zip stared at the ship in awe, "What a nice ship!"
He walked up inside it and found himself a seat.
"Do you know how blind people survive in this world?" Aleksey responded, "We adapt, we learn how to listen, how to feel. We train our bodies to fuse ourselves with technology. We learn how to adapt ones neural center to communicate with microscopic chips. That is how I last."
"Now boy don't start lecturing me about adapting. You have no idea what adapting really is. Back when I was fighting in the Galaxy Wars and our ship was being blow to bits do you think we had technology to help us adapt? No. We had to use our natural instinct." Trylk responded sternly.
"Well, actually, everybody is adapting all the time, my mother used to read me a book by somebody named Darwin. He says that everything is adapting all the time to become the best species of creature. So, when you say that you had to use your natural instinct to save your ship, blindy over here had to use his natural instinct to make himself learn the technology."
Zip took the pocket knife out of his sack and started to pick his teeth.
"You are lucky to be able to have learned that technology... Where I was born we didn't really have those kind of tools, I was born somewhere on southern Old Earth, my mom was blind but she could never get a visor like that."
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I'll be damned if I have to climb another tree. From now on the Squirrels and Birds can come to me.
"Well, actually, everybody is adapting all the time, my mother used to read me a book by somebody named Darwin. He says that everything is adapting all the time to become the best species of creature. So, when you say that you had to use your natural instinct to save your ship, blindy over here had to use his natural instinct to make himself learn the technology."
"Do you know who you are talking to boy?" Trylk said as he flashed his dog tags to the boy. "I'm the reason your able to be on this ship with this fine group of boys doin' whatever the hell it is we are about to be doin'. So, I suggest you think twice before condradicting me or so help me God I will blow your ever living head clear of your shoulders." The troskca Snarled at the human. He reached for his revolver, took it out, and pointed it straight between the young boys eyes. "You wanna die b- AHAHAHA OH MY GOODNESS! YOU SHOULDA SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!! Im not gonna kill ya kid, I'm just yankin your chain."
Dorf and Oltu stood outside their ship waiting to see who else will brave the journey with them at a chance of becoming a member of the Revenants.
"Wow Oltu, your reputation precedes you. There is no way we would have had this good of a turn out if your name wasn't on that poster." Dorf whispered to Oltu in awe if his experience and his reputation of being a famous bounty hunter.
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The Troskca looked at the young man inside the ship, who appeared to have come from no where. "Who wants to know?" Trylk asked as he looked the boy over.
"Who wants to know?" Not hearing the speaker. Scorpius voices his thoughts, while getting impatient with the others. "Lets leave the ship and go back to the bar." "Alright, I will do that. I could use a plate of hot wings also." Lt. Venom walks off the ship and spots a couple people, one of which seems very familiar.
"Wow Oltu, your reputation precedes you. There is no way we would have had this good of a turn out if your name wasn't on that poster."
Venom walks up to the pair. "Hey, you two, do you know whe..." Venom finally recognizes Oltu. "Oltu, how's everything been? Are you two the recruiters?"
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
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After hanging the poster, Dorf Luger looked at the rag tag grouping of people in the bar. A group of Troscka sits in one corner while two humans stand near the opposite wall. Suddenly, Dorf felt a tugging at his pants. He looked down to see an impish Trosckavar with his two Gamads by his side.
"Are you Dorf?" the Trosckavar asked Dorf.
"I am" Replied Dorf.
"My name is Tryke and I would like to be a part of your team." The small Trosckavar informed Dorf.
Dorf looked down at the Trosckavar and laughed. "Haha" Dorf bellowed out. "What can you do?"
"I'll show you what I can do" The Trosckavar yelled out as he lunged his two arms towards Dorf. The Trosckavar's two Gamads lunged towards Dorf with their snarling mouths bite's landing on his arms, sinking their teeth into his flesh.
"Ahh!! Dorf yelled out as he grabbed each of the Gamads with his other arms. Tearing the Gamads from his arms, he held them up the air. "Damn pest." Dorf admitted. He then through the two Gamads through the air, two humans dodging out of their way as their bodies slammed against the wall of the bar.
Dorf then looked down at the defenseless Trosckavar as he slammed his two lower fists down to his head. The Trosckavar's two Gamads quickly ran back over and carried their master away to safety.
Dorf sat down at the table next to his poster, eagerly awaiting his partner's return from hanging more posters and hesitantly weary of the other rift raft their posters would bring them.
"Hopefully some talented warriors will show up" Dorf thought to himself.
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Oltu arrived at the courtyard where the bar is located as a Troskcavar was being carried out of the bar by two of his gamads. What is going on in there, Oltu thought to himself. Oltu slowly approached the bar giving it a quick look over. As no threat was made, Oltu walked into the bar and up to Dorf, who was sitting a table. He sat down in the chair next to Dorf, noticing that Dorf's arms had teeth marks in them, some bleeding.
"Dorf, must you always cause trouble. Hopefully we can still get some good heads for our team," Oltu said to him, placing his arms on the table, waiting for peope to arrive.
Jim entered the bar with reluctance and approached the bar. He noticed the poster asking for skilled men.
"Might as well apply." he thought. "I've been looking for some excitement. but first..."
"Bar keep! a tankard of your finest!"
Rando headed to the local bar, since that seemed to be the place to seek jobs of this type. He walked in, ducking through the doorway carrying his huge mace over his right shoulder, and noticed another one of these recruitment posters nailed onto one of the poles. Two people, who seem to be waiting at the table under the poster Rando yells over to them.
"Are you Oltu and Dorf?" Walking over to them.
"I'm interested in joining you bounty hunters, and it looks like you're gonna need some more muscle seeing how you, are pretty lacking." Rando chuckles to himself, taking a seat to sign-up and sets his mace up against the table.
He had become accustomed to remaining fairly camouflaged even in public places, it seemed that bounty hunters were always on his trail after the incident on Fauna. He cursed his chieftain's name, and glanced around the room.
He noticed the two men mentioned on the poster directly beside his head, watched as they sat waiting for people to apply for a spot. He mulled it over in his head, wanting to get out in the world despite the danger it posed to make himself known.
Well... more allies can never hurt, and surely the chief is not so daft as to send bounty hunters to find me, in the presence of other bounty hunters He concluded, grinning at the absurdity of his plan to remain hidden.
Oh well.... can't hide in the shadows forever He thought to himself, as he slowly melded his scales and trench coat to their natural, and artificial in the case of the coat's, black and purple hue.
He stepped forwards, wondering if the Largix would be shocked he did not see him before.
"Glad to see more non-human bounty hunters out there," Taking a seat and producing a small flask of Reptylian mead, he downed a mouthful before continuing on. "poster says you're in need of more men, I'm pretty useful when the occasion calls for espionage and secrecy."
He thrust his hand forwards to the Troskan figure.
"Name's K'thanix, most call me Specter, care to bring me aboard?"
Freshly moved from a different location, Zip had been squatting like this for a week around town.
He walked across the street into the bar and started begging the bartender for a pint of ale. The bartender refused
him just like he did the last couple of nights. The bartender told him that there were a couple of bounty hunters
in town looking for some hired hands. He pointed Zip in the direction of the bounty hunters.
Zip walked up to them and said "Hey, I heard you guys needed some help, what kind of thing did you have in mind?"
Kayden disabled his cloaking field, startling the couple of humans further, who were already in shock from the Gamads being flung in their direction. He instinctively zoomed in with his visor to read the recently nailed poster, and read that they were looking for bounty hunters.
Since being sent on The Hunt, after his promotion, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to test himself against some worthy opponents. Perhaps I will find an adversary that can offer me a Beautiful Death.
Kayden waited for the other conversations to finish in the group beginning to gather near the sign. He then stepped out of the shadows and approached warriors. He relaxed his 1000 yard stare hidden behind his helmet, stood tall, and spoke.
"I'm Kayden Darkstryde, of the Clan Kiss of Midnight, based out of Old Earth. It would honor me if you would have me join your band of soldiers. I have fought countless battles, and I believe my experience in close combat would be a strong addition to your crew. You call yourselves the Revenants. Does that name serve any significance?"
"He started" Dorf answered back.
As Oltu sat down he commented "Hopefully we can still get some good heads for our team,"
As soon as the words left his mouth a young man quickly asked "Team? What are you, Bounty Hunters?"
The bar suddenly became alive with activity compared to the dreary sight Dorf first saw when he entered. A man came crashing through the window and without any signs of ware asked "May i be off assistance?" Dorf liked the man's tolerance for pain.
A slew of other people flocked in as Dorf and Oltu sat at their table. A camouflaged Reptylia and a cloaked human made themselves visible. Another muscular human read the poster showing signs of interest before quickly moving to the bar for a drink. Another Troskca and Largix approached the two leaders. And then two more humans came up to the gathering before Dorf and his partner Oltu.
Questions flew in "You Dorf and Olta?" "Are you Oltu and Dorf?" "poster says you're in need of more men?, "Hey, I heard you guys needed some help , what kind of thing did you have in mind?", as the group of soldiers eagerly presented their case to join. ?I'm pretty useful when the occasion calls for espionage and secrecy." "I'm Kayden Darkstryde, of the Clan Kiss of Midnight, based out of Old Earth. It would honor me if you would have me join your band of soldiers."
Dorf and Oltu sat their quietly at first, taking in the immediate response to their poster. Dorf and Oltu watched the slew of soldiers, evaluating each one as they watched them.
Dorf finally stood up and yelled "SHUT UP" as his voice left his mouth with a force big enough to blow the men back a step. "We are Dorf and Oltu" He confirmed to the other men.
"We are putting together a team of bounty hunters as it is stated on our poster. We are looking for men who can hold their own in a fight and is willing to do just about anything for some money." Dorf explained to the group of soldiers before him.
"We already have a job waiting for us on Old Earth. This first job will be your initiation and test to see if you are worthy of joining us and our group." Dorf informed the people gathered in front of him.
"Follow me." Dorf instructed as he and Oltu walked out of the bar. they headed over to the ship yard where their ship awaited them.
"This is our ship, if you are interested in joining the team, get on board. We will be leaving soon for our first mission."
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"A blind man?" Dorf thought to himself. "What could he possibly bring to this group?"
Dorf continued his way ignoring the plea for help from the human.
"If he can't even make it to the ship, how is he going to be able to do what is needed for this mission?"
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"Now boy don't start lecturing me about adapting. You have no idea what adapting really is. Back when I was fighting in the Galaxy Wars and our ship was being blow to bits do you think we had technology to help us adapt? No. We had to use our natural instinct." Trylk responded sternly.
"The Blind One certainly is a fiery one, wouldn't want to mess with him," Scorpius commented. "He sure is," Venom replied. "Where is the recruiter, you two?"
He walked up inside it and found himself a seat.
"Do you know how blind people survive in this world?" Aleksey responded, "We adapt, we learn how to listen, how to feel. We train our bodies to fuse ourselves with technology. We learn how to adapt ones neural center to communicate with microscopic chips. That is how I last."
"Now boy don't start lecturing me about adapting. You have no idea what adapting really is. Back when I was fighting in the Galaxy Wars and our ship was being blow to bits do you think we had technology to help us adapt? No. We had to use our natural instinct." Trylk responded sternly.
"Well, actually, everybody is adapting all the time, my mother used to read me a book by somebody named Darwin. He says that everything is adapting all the time to become the best species of creature. So, when you say that you had to use your natural instinct to save your ship, blindy over here had to use his natural instinct to make himself learn the technology."
Zip took the pocket knife out of his sack and started to pick his teeth.
"You are lucky to be able to have learned that technology... Where I was born we didn't really have those kind of tools, I was born somewhere on southern Old Earth, my mom was blind but she could never get a visor like that."
"Do you know who you are talking to boy?" Trylk said as he flashed his dog tags to the boy. "I'm the reason your able to be on this ship with this fine group of boys doin' whatever the hell it is we are about to be doin'. So, I suggest you think twice before condradicting me or so help me God I will blow your ever living head clear of your shoulders." The troskca Snarled at the human. He reached for his revolver, took it out, and pointed it straight between the young boys eyes. "You wanna die b- AHAHAHA OH MY GOODNESS! YOU SHOULDA SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!! Im not gonna kill ya kid, I'm just yankin your chain."
"Wow Oltu, your reputation precedes you. There is no way we would have had this good of a turn out if your name wasn't on that poster." Dorf whispered to Oltu in awe if his experience and his reputation of being a famous bounty hunter.
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The Troskca looked at the young man inside the ship, who appeared to have come from no where. "Who wants to know?" Trylk asked as he looked the boy over.
Not hearing the speaker. Scorpius voices his thoughts, while getting impatient with the others.
"Lets leave the ship and go back to the bar." "Alright, I will do that. I could use a plate of hot wings also." Lt. Venom walks off the ship and spots a couple people, one of which seems very familiar.
"Wow Oltu, your reputation precedes you. There is no way we would have had this good of a turn out if your name wasn't on that poster."
Venom walks up to the pair. "Hey, you two, do you know whe..." Venom finally recognizes Oltu. "Oltu, how's everything been? Are you two the recruiters?"