The city of Relyt, a bustling city, has been stricken with a new disease. At first only infecting a few, the doctors had no idea what the disease was. Thought to be some blood-borne flu, the infected were allowed to go home to rest. Soon after, the disease spread like wild fire. All infected were asked to report to the hospital immediately for quarantine. Unfortunately, the disease greatly altered the people's thinking and few showed up willing to the hospital.
After continuation of the spread of the virus, aptly named "umbrage", violence soon spread with the disease. Those who were infected went from flu like symptoms to complete rage and animosity. The infected people were attacking the "clean". When blood was transferred from the infected to another person, they quickly contracted the same virus. Police were sent out to collect the infected, or as the people called them "blighted", to keep in a sanctioned area. However, not everyone was caught as suspected and a few still roamed the city, eager to spread the virus. Many people paniced and have locked themselves up in their houses.
Dr. Henry L. Fitzgerald - You have been on a 36hr shift looking after the infected people. You have hidden a few blighted in attempts to try and find a cure for the disease. Unfortunately, your patients have broken free and are running loose in your hospital.
Jenny Wilgreen - Thinking that the situation was blown out of proportion, you continued trying to give tours of the city. Unfortunately nobody has come to take a tour. You remain on the empty streets alone. You see a lone man walking up to you.
Thylonius Martin - Locked up in your mother's basement, the news has done little to distract you from your DnD game. You hear your mother drop to the floor above you.
James Pratchet - While peeking in on your neighbor taking a shower, you notice a man come in and bite her neck. The woman drops to the floor.
Hobo - You have no idea of what is going on. You are just glad the streets are empty so you can rummage through the dumpsters freely. Behind one of the stores you hear a shot fired.
Will Sheldon - You have been diligently working trying to keep the peace and safety of the citizens of Relyt. A woman has walked into your fire station muttering something about a strange man chasing her.
Kon Woods- After just getting off of work, you have sat down to a nice dinner when a car crashes into your house. You cautiously look out your window to see the driver passed out in the car.
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"I've got to get out of here," Dr. Fitzgerald said leaning against some boxes in a janitor closest, "Nothing makes sense anymore," he continued as he slowly opened the door and peered out.
The mindless were roaming the halls looking for any survivors. Dr. Fitzgerald shut the door again and replaced the floor cleaner in front of it. He sat back down on another box, letting out a sigh.
"Why don't they understand? I just want to help them get better," He told himself remembering how he convinced some patients to stay to be tested again, "There's got to be another way out of here."
Dr. Fitzgerald looked up to a ventalation grate and stood up joyfully, "It works in the movies, right?"
Scratching and clawing pounded the wall of the Janitor's closet. The door began to shake violently as the blighted began making there way in, towards the doctor.
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Sounds of battle and clashing steel are heard from the depths of the computer screen.
"Ah-hah! Take that, Faragrim, son of Varathorn! Taste the steel of my blade!"
Thylonius begins to cheer on himself as he is clicking mercilessly, intent on gaining a win over his foes. A crashing noise is heard from above the basement ceiling. Thylonius is oblivious to what's going on.
"MOOO-OOOM! Bring me some Cheeze-its!"
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"There's no doughnuts in Diablo. Oohhhh, I just threw it down. BlizzCon exclusive: no doughnuts. -Jay Wilson
Only mumbles are heard when Thylonius asks his mom for Cheez-its. The door to the basement slowly opens. His mother takes a step down the stairs and falls down, hitting each step with her head and neck. She lays motionless on the floor for only a second. As she stands back up, Thylonius can see the trade mark white irises of her eyes that the blighted have.
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James looked through his binoculars at his neighbours' shower. "Yeah, get yourself soaped up" he muttered to himself. Even though he spied on a woman, the thrill of her not knowing he was watching was undeniably exciting.
A man walked into the shower, but he seemed off. He stumbled through the bathroom and reached the shower curtains. As though it was a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's 'psycho' the man opened the shower curtains and set his teeth in the unsuspecting woman's neck.
"Gross" James said to himself, "Definitely a boner-killer. Now I need to get out of here." He put away his binoculars and clutched his pistol.
"Let's just hope there aren't any more of those around here."
As James turned around in the bushes, the sound caught the sensitive ear of the blighted. The man turned around and stared at James with his white-filled pupils. Quickly leaving his newest victim, he headed for the door. The blighted raised his leg and kicked the front door hard enough to knock it off of it's hinges. The blighted began his chase after James.
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the man in the car sat there with his head against the steering wheel. Kon sat there continuing to eat his dinner. After a couple of minutes the man in the car raised his head. He stepped out of his showing signs of being dizzy. The man had q noticeable bite mark in his arm.
As Jenny asked the man if she could help, he looked up at her. His eyes, brown, looked at her in desperation. "They're after me" he cried out.
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James heard a loud bang and some clatter when the door fell to the ground. "Not good, not good!" He said in an anxious manner. He crawled through the conifer hedge that separated the two houses. His heart was racing like mad.
The blighted was in a blood frenzy and thus took no notice of the hedge. He ran towards James and struggled through it.
As James saw the hand reaching through the hedge his heart skipped a beat. His palms were sweaty as he tried to aim the pistol in front of him. The blighted's feet and head appeared through the hedge.
James started to shoot. "DIE!" he screamed with a desperate look on his face. The first bullet hit the inhumane being in the shoulder, but it still fought its way through the hedge. "What the..." James exclaimed. He fired more bullets, and after 4 little plops left the muzzle of the gun the blighted seemed to stop moving.
"Oh god", he buckled to his knees and breathed heavily, "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this."
Jenny - As Jenny hid in the dilapidated building, the stranger she brought with her has begun freaking out. He is screaming and yelling about the events has has seen. "Blood, brains, they don't care. They want to eat us!!"
Kon - Kon points the gun to the man's chest threatening to shoot him. Rather than face certain death, the man runs away with his car still in Kon's house.
James - James has shot the blighted four times and the man has finally dropped to the floor. (First profile update)
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"Everything is going to be alright, follow me to the back room so we may hold you" Will said as he lead the woman into the unoccupied room."I'm sorry, you are one of them now..." Will said as he reached for the ax placed on the wall. He swiftly swung the axe for her head slicing through the skin and watched as the head fell to the floor.
Only mumbles are heard when Thylonius asks his mom for Cheez-its. The door to the basement slowly opens. His mother takes a step down the stairs and falls down, hitting each step with her head and neck. She lays motionless on the floor for only a second. As she stands back up, Thylonius can see the trade mark white irises of her eyes that the blighted have.
Thylonius rises from his computer chair.
"Holy ka-moley, mom! Why are your eyes so white? I think you've been watching too much news."
Only moans are heard from the boy's undead mother. She slowly stumbles towards him.
"Jeez, mom. No manners today. Well I'll just go get myself some Cheez-its."
As Thylonius makes his way past what used to be his mother, the blighted one turns and makes a sudden lunge in his direction and slips on a plastic lightsaber hilt. Completely unaware of the condition of his zombie mother, the boy slams the door behind him, latching the door's lock, and sets off up the dreaded stairs of misfortune, on a quest to find the Cheez-its of destiny.
As Thylonius is happily munching on his quest reward, he notices a limping figure across the yard on the sidewalk. He wonders if it's injured and takes a look out the window.
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"There's no doughnuts in Diablo. Oohhhh, I just threw it down. BlizzCon exclusive: no doughnuts. -Jay Wilson
Across the city an announcement is made. Every radio, television and loud speaker announce the same message:
*Attention all citizens of Relyt. The recent epidemic that has hit our fine city has spun out of control. All humans infected with the Umbrage virus should be quarantined. If you know anybody who has been infected through a blood transfer of another infected, please avoid them at all cost. As of now, there is no cure for the virus and the outbreak has reached critical state. The government has quarantined the whole city. Nobody is allowed to leave. If any attempts are made, that person will be shot on the spot, no questions asked. We ask that all clean citizens please make there way to the police station. We are attempting to gather everyone together to ensure everyone's safety. If you run into a person who is infected, kindly ask them to report to quarantine on the edge of the city and then leave them. If they attempt to attack you, avoid all measures of being bitten as this is the main way the virus is being spread. God speed everyone.*
The message is repeated over and over again, nobody living in the city of Relyt has missed this message.
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Will heard the voice boom over the loudspeaker and looks at the body of the dead woman. "Well, at least I ain't no friggin' zombie. Might as well make my way to the police station" He exited the fire department seeing a sea of traffic, as well as people walking and running to the police station. "Well this is a clusterfuck..." he said as he began to take a brisk jog to the police station.
@edi-lupus - No, you cannot. If you want to participate you have to ask at the profiles page, this is the story thread. Don't post here unless you are contributing with the permission of ScyberDragon.
*Attention all citizens of Relyt. The recent epidemic that has hit our fine city has spun out of control. All humans infected with the Umbrage virus should be quarantined. If you know anybody who has been infected through a blood transfer of another infected, please avoid them at all cost. As of now, there is no cure for the virus and the outbreak has reached critical state. The government has quarantined the whole city. Nobody is allowed to leave. If any attempts are made, that person will be shot on the spot, no questions asked. We ask that all clean citizens please make there way to the police station. We are attempting to gather everyone together to ensure everyone's safety. If you run into a person who is infected, kindly ask them to report to quarantine on the edge of the city and then leave them. If they attempt to attack you, avoid all measures of being bitten as this is the main way the virus is being spread. God speed everyone.*
The message hit Thylonius like a bag of very hard spherical objects.
"Wooooow! Like zombies?! That limping guy's a zombie? Luckily, I know of the exact procedure in which to kill a zombie. Hmm... this chef's knife will be sufficient."
Thylonius picks up the knife from the counter and makes his way out the door. Something catches his eye as he awkwardly stumbles outside.
"Oh, it's a package for me. Gasp! It's the sword! The sword of Azeroth!"
The box is ripped open in a matter of seconds. He takes his prize in hand and triumphantly power walks toward the zombie. He swings the katana, aiming for the blighted's neck.
"Hiii-yaa!" A crunchy noise is heard. "Uh-oh." The sword is halfway between the right side of it's neck and the left side, covering it's trachea. He kicks the zombie away and off the sword with his large boot and finishes it off with an overhead slash. "Hii-yaaaaaa!"
"Phew! That was awesome! I guess I'd better head to the police station, mom can meet me there. She was acting weird."
(Also, Scyber, whenever you post, you should include a time of day (morning, noon, night etc.) and date, also an xx number of days since zombie outbreak. It'll add to the vibe of a zombie survival. :D)
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"There's no doughnuts in Diablo. Oohhhh, I just threw it down. BlizzCon exclusive: no doughnuts. -Jay Wilson
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After continuation of the spread of the virus, aptly named "umbrage", violence soon spread with the disease. Those who were infected went from flu like symptoms to complete rage and animosity. The infected people were attacking the "clean". When blood was transferred from the infected to another person, they quickly contracted the same virus. Police were sent out to collect the infected, or as the people called them "blighted", to keep in a sanctioned area. However, not everyone was caught as suspected and a few still roamed the city, eager to spread the virus. Many people paniced and have locked themselves up in their houses.
Dr. Henry L. Fitzgerald - You have been on a 36hr shift looking after the infected people. You have hidden a few blighted in attempts to try and find a cure for the disease. Unfortunately, your patients have broken free and are running loose in your hospital.
Jenny Wilgreen - Thinking that the situation was blown out of proportion, you continued trying to give tours of the city. Unfortunately nobody has come to take a tour. You remain on the empty streets alone. You see a lone man walking up to you.
Thylonius Martin - Locked up in your mother's basement, the news has done little to distract you from your DnD game. You hear your mother drop to the floor above you.
James Pratchet - While peeking in on your neighbor taking a shower, you notice a man come in and bite her neck. The woman drops to the floor.
Hobo - You have no idea of what is going on. You are just glad the streets are empty so you can rummage through the dumpsters freely. Behind one of the stores you hear a shot fired.
Will Sheldon - You have been diligently working trying to keep the peace and safety of the citizens of Relyt. A woman has walked into your fire station muttering something about a strange man chasing her.
Kon Woods - After just getting off of work, you have sat down to a nice dinner when a car crashes into your house. You cautiously look out your window to see the driver passed out in the car.
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The mindless were roaming the halls looking for any survivors. Dr. Fitzgerald shut the door again and replaced the floor cleaner in front of it. He sat back down on another box, letting out a sigh.
"Why don't they understand? I just want to help them get better," He told himself remembering how he convinced some patients to stay to be tested again, "There's got to be another way out of here."
Dr. Fitzgerald looked up to a ventalation grate and stood up joyfully, "It works in the movies, right?"
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"Ah-hah! Take that, Faragrim, son of Varathorn! Taste the steel of my blade!"
Thylonius begins to cheer on himself as he is clicking mercilessly, intent on gaining a win over his foes. A crashing noise is heard from above the basement ceiling. Thylonius is oblivious to what's going on.
"MOOO-OOOM! Bring me some Cheeze-its!"
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A man walked into the shower, but he seemed off. He stumbled through the bathroom and reached the shower curtains. As though it was a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's 'psycho' the man opened the shower curtains and set his teeth in the unsuspecting woman's neck.
"Gross" James said to himself, "Definitely a boner-killer. Now I need to get out of here." He put away his binoculars and clutched his pistol.
"Let's just hope there aren't any more of those around here."
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As Jenny asked the man if she could help, he looked up at her. His eyes, brown, looked at her in desperation. "They're after me" he cried out.
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Will makes his way towards the woman, "Excuse me miss. What's the problem?" Will said softly, in an attempt to calm the obviously scared woman.
"It-it bit me..."
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Kon heard the sound of the car's door open, he took his loaded 9mm gun and stepped outside to see the man walking towards him.
Kon noticed the bite mark on the man's arm, "You are one of them arent you? you are infected!" he said nervously.
"Stay back bitch!" Kon held the gun up and aimed at the infected man's chest; ready to shoot.
The blighted was in a blood frenzy and thus took no notice of the hedge. He ran towards James and struggled through it.
As James saw the hand reaching through the hedge his heart skipped a beat. His palms were sweaty as he tried to aim the pistol in front of him. The blighted's feet and head appeared through the hedge.
James started to shoot. "DIE!" he screamed with a desperate look on his face. The first bullet hit the inhumane being in the shoulder, but it still fought its way through the hedge. "What the..." James exclaimed. He fired more bullets, and after 4 little plops left the muzzle of the gun the blighted seemed to stop moving.
"Oh god", he buckled to his knees and breathed heavily, "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this."
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Kon - Kon points the gun to the man's chest threatening to shoot him. Rather than face certain death, the man runs away with his car still in Kon's house.
James - James has shot the blighted four times and the man has finally dropped to the floor. (First profile update)
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Thylonius rises from his computer chair.
"Holy ka-moley, mom! Why are your eyes so white? I think you've been watching too much news."
Only moans are heard from the boy's undead mother. She slowly stumbles towards him.
"Jeez, mom. No manners today. Well I'll just go get myself some Cheez-its."
As Thylonius makes his way past what used to be his mother, the blighted one turns and makes a sudden lunge in his direction and slips on a plastic lightsaber hilt. Completely unaware of the condition of his zombie mother, the boy slams the door behind him, latching the door's lock, and sets off up the dreaded stairs of misfortune, on a quest to find the Cheez-its of destiny.
As Thylonius is happily munching on his quest reward, he notices a limping figure across the yard on the sidewalk. He wonders if it's injured and takes a look out the window.
Across the city an announcement is made. Every radio, television and loud speaker announce the same message:
*Attention all citizens of Relyt. The recent epidemic that has hit our fine city has spun out of control. All humans infected with the Umbrage virus should be quarantined. If you know anybody who has been infected through a blood transfer of another infected, please avoid them at all cost. As of now, there is no cure for the virus and the outbreak has reached critical state. The government has quarantined the whole city. Nobody is allowed to leave. If any attempts are made, that person will be shot on the spot, no questions asked. We ask that all clean citizens please make there way to the police station. We are attempting to gather everyone together to ensure everyone's safety. If you run into a person who is infected, kindly ask them to report to quarantine on the edge of the city and then leave them. If they attempt to attack you, avoid all measures of being bitten as this is the main way the virus is being spread. God speed everyone.*
The message is repeated over and over again, nobody living in the city of Relyt has missed this message.
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The message hit Thylonius like a bag of very hard spherical objects.
"Wooooow! Like zombies?! That limping guy's a zombie? Luckily, I know of the exact procedure in which to kill a zombie. Hmm... this chef's knife will be sufficient."
Thylonius picks up the knife from the counter and makes his way out the door. Something catches his eye as he awkwardly stumbles outside.
"Oh, it's a package for me. Gasp! It's the sword! The sword of Azeroth!"
The box is ripped open in a matter of seconds. He takes his prize in hand and triumphantly power walks toward the zombie. He swings the katana, aiming for the blighted's neck.
"Hiii-yaa!" A crunchy noise is heard. "Uh-oh." The sword is halfway between the right side of it's neck and the left side, covering it's trachea. He kicks the zombie away and off the sword with his large boot and finishes it off with an overhead slash. "Hii-yaaaaaa!"
"Phew! That was awesome! I guess I'd better head to the police station, mom can meet me there. She was acting weird."
(Also, Scyber, whenever you post, you should include a time of day (morning, noon, night etc.) and date, also an xx number of days since zombie outbreak. It'll add to the vibe of a zombie survival. :D)