I'm thinking ranged too..but maybe something darker. You know something that uses dark, demonic arts; like summon demons of some type. Also using more stealth and shadow; being able to turn invisible or something. Would be nice to see throwing skills too like some said; maybe the class could throw a ton of daggers at once or something. I always felt Necro was their dark, mysterious character and they have yet to fill that archetype.
I have to say the idea that the monk replacing the pally within the mechanics of the game would not be so accurate... pallies gave alot of group support, which i do not see happening with the monk... mechanically i see more of the assasin comming out with the monk than the pally.. now this idea alot of people are talking about with the bard class suggestion seams that it could kill two stones with one bird... fufill the ranged class and bards gave really nice party buffs in dnd more than dmg.. so i think this could be a really interesting twist.. really excited to see really how it unfolds!
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"Always respect the purity of battle. For only in the heart of combat are all pretenses of nobility and quality stripped away, replaced by survival and death."
Like most of you, I there is no doubt in my mind that the 5th class will be a ranger sort. I since the WD took the place of the Necro I believe he is meant to be the "darker" class. Many of you are striving to see a "dark" class, but what does this mean??
The whole theme of Diablo is dark. Do you want to play Diablo himself??
I in my opinion, I doubt that Bliz will make a extremely "dark" and sinister class.
I think that the next class could possibly hail from the Tristram region as maybe a plainswalker who would wield a bow and possibly a polearm (its not meant to be a pally or anything close... just a hunting nomad basically). Possibly pets? or maybe that's too obvious... who knows.
I personally absolutely hated everything about the druid, his summons where a poor excuse to replicate what only the necromancer could do, his elemental attacks all fell short unless you went the hurrican root which i never really enjoyed looking at, and lastly his shape shifting was ugly beyond belief. Werewolf? more like Wererat O.o
But anyway back on topic,
If the bow/crossbow skills are completely necessary then fine but shape shifting and bow usage does not mesh unless you are shape shifting into a bow wielding something or other O.o
How about a skill tree starting with ranged and branching out from there:
needs a better name but Bow/Crossbow/Throwing Tree
It would have skills thats would apply to any 3 of the ranged weapons which would in my opinion make the class with this tree alone a favorable choice due to the added customization available from the thrown weapons
I that the next class could possibly hail from the Tristram region as maybe a plainswalker who would wield a bow and possibly a polearm (its not meant to be a pally or anything close... just a hunting nomad basically). Possibly pets? or maybe that's too obvious... who knows.
Actually, I like your idea better than my idea. I think a "nomad" type character would be pretty cool; someone who just travels around from town to town and doesn't really have a homeland. Would maybe make for an interesting background story. On the flip side though, could also make it difficult if there is no trace back to a culture.
I'm assuming this because now we have 3/4 classes which have in some way magic abilities
Err no thats wrong. The barbarian has his Ancestral Magic aswell meaning all characters have magic of some kind the barb and monks magic is more based around KI or Warrior spirit though. So in the end does it really matter if every character has some kind of magic attacks? the only character in previous diablo games without magic is arguably the barb in d2
Ok. so for the fifth class we obviously need a ranged melee. I think that he will come from the Sharval Wilds. Its a pretty big area with nobody coming from it. I also believe that the class will be a classic ranger type character as for as look and lore go. the skill trees are a little harder to figure out. They will probably have a tree to enhance thier bows. I think the second will rely on traps similar to the assassin in D2. The last tree is really difficult, I think the only clue we have for it is the remark about a place holder not working for it. It could be a pet summoning class but unlikely since the WD has pets and could have been used to test the class. The only other reason I can think of is shape shifting, This however seems unlikely because as far as I know the lore in diablo only has the druids who can shapeshift. Therefore the only thing I can think is maybe a darker class. possibly a ranger who lived near the dreadlands and has become slightly corrupt. he could then transform into certain demon shapes.
To sum up:
Lore/look : ranger with a slight dark twist.
trees: Bows - traps - transformations.
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I would definitely say its the wizard. Lots of magic looking stuff, female, Xian sai look (aka asian) and I doubt they would let a giant banner with the new class slip by.
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hmm its definately a range character. Sharpshooter/Hunter/Rogue/Archer.
But i personally would like a blend of an assassin and a hunter.
Like have the new character be able to attack in very fast speeds, allow her to cloak, get invisible and kill with her whip. Or Allow her to set up traps so monsters will be held still while the character shoots from a distance.
Bow/Crossbow Tree: Basically spells that enhance her range, damage and everything else related to the bow.
Whip/Stealth Tree: Allows her to be cunning, fast, dark, and crazy whip attributes
Traps Tree: Allows her to survive from mobs, control the field and be "full of surprises",
Going with the ranged+shapeshifting+traps idea, I think I came up with something plausable. A guy who can shapeshift into various demons/animals, which have ranged attacks like say shoots blood stars (from d1) from their mouth. Just as a melee weapon determined the damage of the werewolfs attacks, a bow could determine the damage of the ranged attacks from the shapeshifting creatures. Now for the traps, he could summon demons that act like traps and shoot things (pokes his head out of the ground and stays static), ones that summon demons over a certain area and slow enemies, and maybe even pull them in. Pretty much a mini prime evil How's that sound?
Okay, I've got a theory that differs from what a lot of people are saying here.
First off, I honestly don't think it'll be a pure ranged class. If you look at the current four classes, you'll see that they are all adept at both short and long range combat. Even the Barbarian, which is supposedly the sword and shield archetype, has ways to destroy long-ranged opponents. To create a class that specializes in specifically long ranged abilities seems to break this idea to a point of being bad.
That being said, what we have here is a classic "What's missing" case.
We have:
~Pure Strong Melee (Warrior)
~Disease and Fire (Witch Doctor)
~Lightning, Arcane, Cold (Wizard)
~Holy and Fast, Weaker Melee (Monk)
What're we missing as far as damage archetypes?
~Shadow // Magic
Now, I personally feel that the last class will focus on the last two, Shadow // Magic and // or Poison. I stated in a different thread that, simply put, all of our current classes are on the right side of good. I feel that the last class will be the "Neither evil nor good" class.... that class that balances between the two. Someone similar to Horazon or Bartuc. I feel that this class will be a self-enchanting melee // caster hybrid.
But it's unfortunately too late for me to expound on this idea, so I'll have to come back tomorrow and fight off the seething posts intended on mindlessly flaming a post they don't agree with.
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------------------------------------------- Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
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-Leoric of Khanduras, The Craft of War
The whole theme of Diablo is dark. Do you want to play Diablo himself??
I in my opinion, I doubt that Bliz will make a extremely "dark" and sinister class.
I think that the next class could possibly hail from the Tristram region as maybe a plainswalker who would wield a bow and possibly a polearm (its not meant to be a pally or anything close... just a hunting nomad basically). Possibly pets? or maybe that's too obvious... who knows.
5th class...Tracker.
This would allow for ANY culture origin as well as a single Lycanthropy skill (wolf).
But anyway back on topic,
If the bow/crossbow skills are completely necessary then fine but shape shifting and bow usage does not mesh unless you are shape shifting into a bow wielding something or other O.o
How about a skill tree starting with ranged and branching out from there:
needs a better name but Bow/Crossbow/Throwing Tree
It would have skills thats would apply to any 3 of the ranged weapons which would in my opinion make the class with this tree alone a favorable choice due to the added customization available from the thrown weapons
Whatcha think
Actually, I like your idea better than my idea. I think a "nomad" type character would be pretty cool; someone who just travels around from town to town and doesn't really have a homeland. Would maybe make for an interesting background story. On the flip side though, could also make it difficult if there is no trace back to a culture.
Give me a bow and some better area affect skills and I'm a happy camper!
3 skill trees will be:
Ranged attack skills - Demonic or Naturist skills
Summoning skills - (Animals or Demons/Monsters)
Earth elemental skills - (Earthquake, Stone Wall, Bolder Toss, Volcano)
or one of the Skill tree's could be Shape shifting into Demonic monsters.
To sum up:
Lore/look : ranger with a slight dark twist.
trees: Bows - traps - transformations.
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I would definitely say its the wizard. Lots of magic looking stuff, female, Xian sai look (aka asian) and I doubt they would let a giant banner with the new class slip by.
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I really liked the earth elemental idea.
but ive come to the conclusion that its probably better to just wait and see what blizard comes up with lol
But i personally would like a blend of an assassin and a hunter.
Like have the new character be able to attack in very fast speeds, allow her to cloak, get invisible and kill with her whip. Or Allow her to set up traps so monsters will be held still while the character shoots from a distance.
Bow/Crossbow Tree: Basically spells that enhance her range, damage and everything else related to the bow.
Whip/Stealth Tree: Allows her to be cunning, fast, dark, and crazy whip attributes
Traps Tree: Allows her to survive from mobs, control the field and be "full of surprises",
First off, I honestly don't think it'll be a pure ranged class. If you look at the current four classes, you'll see that they are all adept at both short and long range combat. Even the Barbarian, which is supposedly the sword and shield archetype, has ways to destroy long-ranged opponents. To create a class that specializes in specifically long ranged abilities seems to break this idea to a point of being bad.
That being said, what we have here is a classic "What's missing" case.
We have:
~Pure Strong Melee (Warrior)
~Disease and Fire (Witch Doctor)
~Lightning, Arcane, Cold (Wizard)
~Holy and Fast, Weaker Melee (Monk)
What're we missing as far as damage archetypes?
~Shadow // Magic
Now, I personally feel that the last class will focus on the last two, Shadow // Magic and // or Poison. I stated in a different thread that, simply put, all of our current classes are on the right side of good. I feel that the last class will be the "Neither evil nor good" class.... that class that balances between the two. Someone similar to Horazon or Bartuc. I feel that this class will be a self-enchanting melee // caster hybrid.
But it's unfortunately too late for me to expound on this idea, so I'll have to come back tomorrow and fight off the seething posts intended on mindlessly flaming a post they don't agree with.
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.