I think everybody knows how to play this, but since this is a forum game, I better lay down some rules.
I will ask the first question. The next poster will answer it and post their own question, and it will repeat in that pattern. You can only answer the question of the preceding poster, but... you can put the answers to the questions you liked in a spoil tag.
I expect you all to uphold the site's rules, and if you need a recap, here they are.
So, to start things off...
Would you rather live without Diablo until D3's release or lick a monkey's foot?
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
If you had to choose would you rather have sex with a 1969 Shelby GT or a rollercoaster?
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Thats such a hard one. I'm an artist so for obvious reasons I choose deaf. I would rather be deaf.
Consequences of being blind: Cant see where to walk. Cant see naked girls Cant make arts. Cant play Diablo 3.
Consequences of being deaf: Cant hear good music. Cant hear bad music. A serious dose of peace and quiet.
So, definitely deaf.
Would you rather die in a plane crash or a bungee jumping accident.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Thats another really hard one. At first I thought definitely the snake since you would have a better chance at taking out 1 snake versus a mass of ants. But it gets complicated. Firstly, depending on how big the cage is, 100000 might not be that many if you find a place to tuck yourself away. Secondly, Anacondas are not poisonous so how big is it?
I think I would still rather be in the cage with the snake. I think I could take it out before it could take me out.
Would you rather go to jail for life or have one shameful night of homosexual love making?(lol)
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
One shameful night of homosexual love making, without a doubt.
Since in jail, it's basically inevitable that you're going to get raped.
And since it's for life, you've got a lifetime of shameful homosexual love making ahead of you.
Would you rather walk in on your grandparents banging, or have your mother appear in your favorite porno?
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
I would rather time travel. I would go into the future and buy a copy of D3 and steal a kickass computer. I would then pay for the computer once I get there the correct way.
Would you rather watch Harry Potter or Twilight? Or would you sacrifice your left nut?
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Smile, even though I don't know what the question is...
Wait, is it what you would rather have sewn shut?!
Would you rather gain the power of flight or the power of immediate seduction?
Well, I'm goddamn sorry that you disapprove of my answer, but how about you think a little more rationally before you hand out negative reps, would you buddy?
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
As much as I love chocolate..I must be honest, chocolate ice cream is not nearly good, plain, as vanilla. So vanilla.
Would you rather be Mephisto or Baal?
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
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I will ask the first question. The next poster will answer it and post their own question, and it will repeat in that pattern. You can only answer the question of the preceding poster, but... you can put the answers to the questions you liked in a spoil tag.
I expect you all to uphold the site's rules, and if you need a recap, here they are.
So, to start things off...
Would you rather live without Diablo until D3's release or lick a monkey's foot?
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
If you had to choose would you rather have sex with a 1969 Shelby GT or a rollercoaster?
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Consequences of being blind: Cant see where to walk. Cant see naked girls
Consequences of being deaf: Cant hear good music. Cant hear bad music. A serious dose of peace and quiet.
So, definitely deaf.
Would you rather die in a plane crash or a bungee jumping accident.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Would you ratherbe stuck in a cage with a hungry anaconda or 100,000 fire ants. Unarmed.
I think I would still rather be in the cage with the snake. I think I could take it out before it could take me out.
Would you rather go to jail for life or have one shameful night of homosexual love making?(lol)
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Since in jail, it's basically inevitable that you're going to get raped.
And since it's for life, you've got a lifetime of shameful homosexual love making ahead of you.
Would you rather walk in on your grandparents banging, or have your mother appear in your favorite porno?
would you rather to lose an arm or a leg??
Would you rather have sex with the hottest chick in your country or would you rather have Diablo III.
...be able to time travel or explore deep space??
Would you rather watch Harry Potter or Twilight? Or would you sacrifice your left nut?
Would you rather have to eat a piece of crap every day to be happy or never be happy?
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
... sex and no money or money and no sex???
would you rather be cooked alive or eaten alive?
@Ivaron: walk in my mom, otherwise she might die... and I still love her
...to kill lady gaga or britney spears??
Undergo water torture for 12 hours, or keep vinegar on an open wound for half an hour?
...eyes or smile?
Wait, is it what you would rather have sewn shut?!
Would you rather gain the power of flight or the power of immediate seduction?
Well, I'm goddamn sorry that you disapprove of my answer, but how about you think a little more rationally before you hand out negative reps, would you buddy?
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
would you rather to have the worse rep or the best rep???
Would you rather have chocolate ice cream or vanilla?
Would you rather be Mephisto or Baal?
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"