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    posted a message on D3 Looting Drops explained
    I have to wonder if the new devs were simply playing the game and got tired of having to kill Baal while 6 others just stood at the ready with empty chars to grab everything.

    It is clear with everything we have seen so far in terms of information on this game that they are working hard to get people to play together more cooperatively than D2, which is really nothing more than a free for all no mans land of everyone in it for themselves. Which goes against the whole concept of cooperative play.

    I personally love the idea they will implement. I want to go into a game, and have people focused on actually playing the game and not worrying about the stupid items. I will admit that it is frustrating when someone teles over to grab something that essentially is from your kill. Last ladder at the beginning this happened twice where I lost a Lo and Ormus thanks to people that did no fighting, but simply waited for drops. It also seems to me that they are attempting to make this game less about items and more about gameplay, here having players focus on killing and not on what drops.

    So in summary - :thumbsup:
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reasons why PK should stay in D3. A detailed analysis (long)
    Hi all, read through this and first let me say that it is a good read. There is nothing more I want to see changed in D3 than the ability to PK. Not PvP, but PK. It should never have existed in the first place, and it is obvious the devs have realized this. I am a longtime Diablo player, dating back to the first one (96?). I remember almost it seemed from day one when D2 was released people getting angry about how Hostile was implimented. Diablo series, especially MP has always had at it's core the element of cooperative play. But as much as some wish to praise the original devs as gods, they were very short sighted in many aspects.

    Fact of the matter is nobody has a right to intrude on my entertainment for their own selfish pleaseure. To put a simple analogy together, think of this. Would anyone at all agree it to be a appropriate if I was to go to a park where some people where playing baseball, or basketball, and basically chase them away? No, in fact in the real world I would get arrested. The reason being is that society does not reward anti-social behavior.

    Now I know this is a game after all, but we still need to apply some lessons in life. And one of those is that childish, selfish, anti-social behavior simply should not be rewarded. If a high level PK'r thinks it is "OK" to do what he does, then would it be equally OK if I was to say hack into his account and take all his items.....for my selfish needs?

    The apex to this came to me about 2 years ago when after returning to D2 after a long time away. I was in a Norm Baal game where we did the quest, and all 7 of use went on together to do NM. After 2 hours of some of the best fun I had ever had playing D2, it would of course have to be ruined by some lvl 95+ who comes to PK us. He did not succede in killing anyone, but basically everyone in my team just became angered and fed up, so they left the game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzcon '07: Complete Disappointment
    I think many need to face the facts about Blizzard, this is a company that has always care less about the community and as time has gone on more about the mighty dollar. Now this is not exactly abnormal, they are a for-profit business after all. But many game companies are much more involved to dealing with the community and what they want. Blizzard has never shown really any interest in what people care for, instead they have an arrogant "We know best" attitude.

    The arguement that people make that we should be impressed and thankful that Blizzard even keeps the Diablo realms up should please consider that these realms, which are hardly maintained anymore, are drawing revenue through in game advertisement. Instead what we have is a company that has never listened to anything to which the community has asked for, but instead made changes to a game to which nobody wanted.

    I have played Diablo since the first game came out. It is now what, ten years? Since that time I have played 5 different versions of Close Combat, 5 different versions of Heroes of Might and Magic, even factoring in that that company that produced the original series went DOA. Also consider all the addons they made for HoMM 3 and 4. What they did with Diablo was what, 2 games with 2 addons.

    Personally I have gotten to the point I despise Blizzard so much as a company that at times I hate D2. Actually in fact I quit for over 5 years, only picking up the game last fall by accidently coming across the CDs while cleaning.

    Does the community want a D3? Yes. Would D3 be profitable? Yes. Does Blizzard care what the community wants? No.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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