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    posted a message on well diablo is dead to me
    Quote from blacknemesist

    Quote from Cleglaw_Xendlar

    please remain here so i will remember what new generation of blizz fanboys look like. this gives me more reasons to not return again.

    I'm 32 years old small man. And it is not fanboyism, its loyalty to a company that always provided me with over 15 years of gaming, support and honesty. If you have a problem go back to your LOL or your halfassed games that have been dropped support long ago and any update that comes is to sell you stuff that adds nothing but cosmetics to the game instead of making the game actually...you know...progress!Bye. You will not be missed, noone misses the ungrateful whining kids.
    And FYI, WoW costs you $13 monthly, so they have alot of reasons to push more and more content to keep players paying, what about Diablo? You bought the game and after that how much content were you given for free? How much more is coming? Ah... I though so. I respect the announcement meaning nothing to the player but to bash them for free content out of their own pockets to try and please fans that will never have to drop a cent on the game... as a developer myself, it is insulting. At least respect their effort even if it does nothing for you.

    Diablo 3 is the best-selling Blizzard game of all time. If you think a 3 year content drought while Blizzard hemorrhages talented developers isn't a major disappointment, then fuck help you because nobody else can.

    "Out of their own pockets" LOL

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Frustrated SOS
    Quote from Wazza180»
    Ive got a pile of jewels and gems, 114million in gold.. had G rift keys but because my speed is slow (not sure how to get that up) I run out of time in the G rifts if solo.
    Thanks for the advice..

    Well I mention even more gold and gems so that you can get around to upgrading all of your socketed gems to Flawless Royals. Roll sockets into your chest and pants, and get 5x Flawless Royal rubies into your gear- that's 1400 more strength you stand to gain from that alone. That could certainly give you the edge you need to complete some solo GRifts, and yeah -as Angry_Roleplayer mentioned- you'll start gaining the Legendary gems that you can put into your Neck and Rings from those GRift bosses.

    This is far from min-maxing, as it's just not worth crunching numbers at this point, but some pointers:

    -Re-roll Armour in your necklace to Critical Hit Damage

    -Re-roll Life Per Hit on your Pandemonium Loop ring to Critical Hit Damage

    -Re-roll Life Per Hit on your Gloves to Critical Hit Damage
    -As a general rule of thumb, you want to keep your Critical Chance and your Critical Hit Damage at a 1:10 ratio. That is, if your Crit Chance is 30%, aim for 300% Crit Hit Damage bonus. 35% : 350%, and so on.
    -I know I told you to roll off a bunch of Recovery, but at the point you should be playing at, a great offense will make far more difference than having a balanced Defense.
    -Make sure that in your Paragon allocation you're supplementing your Movement speed up to 25% (confirm this on your character sheet) as that's sort of the max run speed (there are a few exceptions) - anything left over should go into Strength for the time being.
    -Barbarian might not be your forte, and that's ok! Personally, I couldn't get into the groove of Barb at first, so I tried most of the other classes until one stuck with me, or I just happened to get a string of good luck on gear. Remember, in general, the game kind of decides what your build is going to be. Sure, you may desire and build for a certain play style, but you might keep getting gear for an entirely different one - that's just the randomness of loot. The thing is, the entire game gets a lot easier once you have a "main" character that you love playing, and can amass gear, gold, materials for crafting, etc. You might try Monk or Wizard, and the better you get with them, the sooner you can re-visit Barb with a fresh view and more resources at your disposal.

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Frustrated SOS

    Seems to me like you just need to play in more public games. Join some Torment 1 Rift groups, grind out Rifts until you've amassed more gems, gold, and Greater Rift Keys. Then grind out Greater Rifts- you're practically guaranteed a Legendary or two per Greater Rift you take down. Progression in D3 can be a bit slow at first if you've simply come upon a rash of lousy luck, but if you're persistent, your luck will likely change and you can start forming goals based on what drops are in your fate.

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Leg Drop?
    They removed Legendary drops from the game on Tuesday, saying that too many people complained the game was becoming casual.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Green beams? Set items? Do they exist?
    Quote from Shurgosa
    The last 2 years have also been under Jay Wilson. I have faith in the new Lead Game Designer; almost the moment he stepped in, we got Loot 2.0, and they plan on releasing new items and features periodically. Seemed like the first 2 years was just a boat load of damage control. D3 is on an upward trend.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Green beams? Set items? Do they exist?
    Really. "why go through the hassle at all?" Because it's a fun game.; the moment it stops being fun, you need to put it down and do something else. You guys who play for 10 hours a day, I really hope you're having a good time, because you can't take your loot with you when you stop playing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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