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    posted a message on Wizard Support Build

    I'm trying to make a wizard support build using vyr instead of dmo, it has to be hardcore friendly. Whilst the build is somewhat for fun (so far as id rather play this over twisters and slow time with a bow), I still want it to be as competitive as possible. It will predominantly be used in a 2 and 3 man group with a hammer crusader dps and ww barb support.

    This is where I'm at currently. http://www.d3planner.com/451311803

    I managed to clear a GR 40solo, however it took nearly 16minutes, with most of this gear. I felt pretty much invincible with all the stuns

    Anyone got any ideas on how to make it better? Clean up some rough edges etc?

    Edit: updated link, found zodiac ring largely irrelevant, and swami much better for survivability than leorics crown, only really get another 5% cdr from the crown, and it doesnt make a large difference compared to living more with swami.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Please, a Spender build that can do GR70 +

    Well, I play hardcore with MOTE(might of the earth, also known as leap quake), and I've done GR72, and there is still room for improvement. I don't fish for the perfect rift, and I have never failed a rift for time or quit one. I will probably hit a brick wall for damage soon, but it can achieve more than GR70 solo. I'm not saying whether you will find it enjoyable, but it can achieve what you want it to.

    And Raekor/IK doesn't suck in terms of potential, it can just be annoying to play. Also, why not use unity and band of might instead of Focus/Restraint if you keep dying, or one of them and convention of elements. You could also use wrath of the beserker (Striding Giant) instead of insanity, if you don't want to change rings.

    Also, I've been messing around with LoN, and for barbs it just doesn't seem to be anywhere near as good. I can clear T10, but it's not gonna push higher GRifts

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on 3Piece Blackthorn vs 2 piece Aughilds...
    Quote from Kshatriya
    Quote from MightyWizard8

    You need 3 piece of aughild to get 15% less and 15% more damage to elites.
    I am guessing you don't have RoRG?
    Without that u would also need 4 pieces of blackthorn ;-)
    "I really like the bonus you get when you wear 3 pieces blackthorn" This would make me assume you are talking about the 3piece bonus, which in conjunction with the 2 piece, is comparable to aughilds set. You also only talk about the elite damage reduction, so you can understand why I might have been confused.

    Personally I don't think the 4 piece of blackthornes is worth using because blackthornes doesn't seem particuarly well itemised (even more so if you aren't using a RoRG).

    Also with a RoRG you don't have to choose between blackthornes and aughlid's. Just take aughild shoulder and helm, and blackthorne chest and pants (or belt if you decided not to use pride for some reason). Get the 3 piece bonus of both.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on 3Piece Blackthorn vs 2 piece Aughilds...
    You need 3 piece of aughild to get 15% less and 15% more damage to elites.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on [VID]Wand of Woh - My Complete Encyclopedia
    Quote fromJustTee

    Faster attack speed = more conflag stats faster = higher dot dps.

    But wouldn't that still do less damage than just having more damage, chd, cc and elemental damage?
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on [VID]Wand of Woh - My Complete Encyclopedia
    Quote frommoses_2254

    MM Needs attack speed so more DoTs will stack on targets for long duration fights

    I've seen this said a lot, but I honestly don't understand why attack speed is apparently so vital to mm conflag, shouldn't it be the worst dps stat?(behind cc, cdh, fire, int, dmg). Obviously cdr is 0 benefit compared to ias so its less optimal, but why is attack speed meant to be good for mm?

    You could have ias or one of the other more powerful stats, and then each dot would tick harder instead.

    What am I missing?
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on [VID]Wand of Woh - My Complete Encyclopedia
    Quote from Hayvanadam

    Triumvirate also rolls with 4 affixes, counting fire/arcane/lightning bonus dmg% as 1 affix ofc.
    Triumvate has 4 + damage. Example of 1 of the 2 I have: (Dmg), Fire/light/Arc, Int, CC, %mm dmg. secondaries: + 14ap and ignore durability loss

    Late edit: and yes using the 65 and 70% cc resistance. So you can stun/freeze for a while before they reach that cap.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on [VID]Wand of Woh - My Complete Encyclopedia
    To perma stun/freeze boss mobs, you need to apply a ~1.8sec stun every .5 seconds. Basically, it's not gonna happen. Elites are slightly easier to perma freeze in that I think the stun duration only needs to be 1.5seconds, but still needs to be applied every .5seconds.

    The only way I can think this MIGHT be possible, is a lightning wiz, with a wyrdward, paralysis, electrocute, and an insane attack rate, and then if you wanted to perma stun bosses, you'd need that neck that increased stun duration (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/dovu-energy-trap). Even then, I doubt the proc rate would be high enough to perma stun.

    If you wished to do so with frost nova, you'd need the cd on frost nova to be 1.05sec(86% CDR) for elites and 0.9(88% CDR) for bosses. (only for the cold snap rune)

    That being said, spamming frost nova on cooldown + Teleport Calamity between will get you pretty damn close.


    Edit: (actually came to point out the error in the explosive blast bonus dmg calculations, but saw it was already amended. If you want to understand how crowd control works better https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8770117237#3 , same link that Moses linked just a couple posts above) :)

    Edit2: Not that it is related to this build, but you could probably perma stun using gesture of orpheus + frost nova and a very high CDR build.

    Edit3: I could be wrong, but pretty sure all legendary sources will have 5 primaries except for the dud which is chantodos. The damage roll is innate to sources, plus the standard 4/2 split of primary/secondary.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Wand of Woh What to re-roll
    It will be less than the above 11% because you can use other spells, you'd have to calculate how much of your dps comes from EB.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Call of the ancients exploit for almost 2 month's now.
    Quote from CheehC
    Is this to do with Unity ring or something?
    Nope, but you can do that as well...
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Thunderfury vs. Thunderfury!
    The one that you roll to 7%attack speed, or 10%dmg (for next patch). The sheet doesnt lie, the higher dps one is 2.6% better. I think the higher dps one will be better, after some very very quick and rough maths, but it's pretty close, the higher dps one will just be more consistent.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Whelp, it finally dropped for me. Thunderfury, now how to reroll?
    Quote from takuto712

    I thought that the type of damage on the weapon didn't proc tal meteors?
    It doesn't, but you have an aoe way to apply elemental exposure for arcane, lightning(tfury proc), fire(through meteors from sparkflint), all of which are at range, the frost damage however needs you to be near an enemy. Still really a choice between fire and cold.

    EDIT: and you can't use frost nova in archon, where as the others will all still apply
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Whelp, it finally dropped for me. Thunderfury, now how to reroll?
    Reroll it to high fire damage for elemental exposure (or even cold if you don't find yourself using that frozen mist much)

    Edit: Just noticed you have tals 4 piece, so cold might be the way to go when sparkflint is dropping meteors.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Basic gear options - Crit vs Elite Damage vs Elemental/Skill damage
    You should get CC and CHD on both rings and neck if possible, even for hardcore. Get magefists (Kadala), they have 5 stats, so you don't sacrifice anything important for the extra fire damage.

    Most of the time elite vs elemental vs crit isnt a choice, get them all (SoJ is probably the best ring with RoRG, but you will only get chd on the soj and need super luck to get both on the RoRG). What class are you btw?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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