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    posted a message on Diablo 3: Changing RNG
    Not bad... i like the "tempering" concept... like Leg. gems... other items could follow a similar upgradable path. Tieing items to zones SUCKS... sooo bad ... instead of farming Grifts over and over with "randomness" i get to farm the same Fields of misery ... over and over and over... yea.... cant wait to do the blood marshes for 100 hrs.... NO... same reason they removed the legendary crafting unique materials.... the concepts sounds good on paper... but in practice, it sucked. I do not want to farm the butcher, or any zone / boss to get a drop... Ubers suck not because the Hellfire gear isn't great, but farming the keys is sooooooo boring. (Hence why they made t6 100% drop and made keys a group drop)

    Items to zones... same song , different tune.... both are this bad
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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