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    posted a message on "How to survive in diablo3 for dummies"
    Hi, hello there, take a seat…what…you can’t sit because a goblin impaled you in the you-know-where, well that’s awkward! Well anyway let’s get started with this beginners guide for rpg’s. So you’re new to this and you would like some tips on how to deal in the fantastical world of rpg’s? Alright no problem, I’ve got some for you. Here are 5 tips for the unexperienced:

    Tip 1:
    You’ll die. Though this may sound rather final, there’s no need to be optimistic thinking you won’t die, because you will, a lot, and often quite unexpected. This is one of the fundamental designs of an rpg, gaining experience, which includes the experience of death! And then after you’ve magically come to life again trough one means or the other…you’ll die again. Get over it, if you want to play an rpg, you have to be ready for this, else there’s a little game called “happy happy sunny island 3” or something.

    Tip 2:
    Stack up on potions! “But we have floating orb thingies that give us hp now, so no need to stack up pot…” WRONG! This doesn’t mean you don’t have to bring any potions with you, because you can bet your ass that those floating orb thingies will be there in abundance when you’re at 90% hp, but when you’re down to 20%, there will be 1 floating orb thingy, and most likely, that will be in a place that it is either impossible to reach, or in a fire, which makes you lose 10% because you’re standing in a fire with nothing on but a “Light armour of Inflammable Goods”…way to go. And what about when you’re down on health and there are no mobs around, huh, did you ever think about that?...off course you didn’t, that’s why I’m here!

    Tip 3:
    BRING ANTIDOTE! This is a very important potion, that’s in the game for a reason, so use it. The whole idea of being poisoned is dying in a slow and painful way, most of the times without people knowing it. So _always_ bring antidote potions. “But I need the inventory space because I can’t…” WRONG AGAIN! *slaps*. How are you going to use those phat lewtz when you’re dead!...that’s right you won’t you …*sigh*…anyway let’s carry on.

    Tip 4:
    Armour upgrades. Yay, you’ve found a huge upgrade for your chestpiece, and then the most annoying thing will happen…another item drops with similair stats, but slight differences! Don’t go crying in the general chat about what you should choose, don’t even go whisper your friends (if you have any) for advice, just make up your damn mind and choose one; chances are, you’ll find a better one in 30 minutes anyway, so it makes you look stupid and dumb, do you want that?...that’s what I thought.

    Tip 5:
    Stat points. Okay, so this one might be tricky, because it requires you to do some reading. You know how when you hover over a certain stat (like VIT, STA, STR, WHTVR) it shows a little textbox that tells you what it does…yeah?...READ THAT! Once you’ll understand what your character is about, and what his strong points are, you’ll know what stats to fill out, and this will also help you with nr. 4, choosing your items. And remember, if you’re not sure…don’t spend them. “Like omg what are you saying, you’re saying I should keep stat points undefined for a while?” yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying, just play with your character and then you’ll feel what he needs. If it’s taking you 8 slashes with your axe to kill one enemy, you might want to put some points in your STR stat…that is…if that’s the stat that enhances that for your class, hence the “hard part” of stat dividing.

    Well, if after all these tips you still can’t manage your way trough the game on your own, there’s one last, but final tip which will come in handy…read the manual. If you haven’t read the manual during the installation, that means you are a slow reader…no it doesn’t mean you’ve got a fast computer, because you know, and everyone else knows, that you don’t…because if you had such an awesome rig, you wouldn’t suck THAT much, and you’d be reading the booklet anyway. So get out there and kill some monsters!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Main Question regarding the new artistic style
    We all know that everyone that's going to say no, will buy it anyway...we all will...this is diablo_fans not diablo_ehm....people..that...don't like it...or something.com. yeah im gonna buy it =)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo III PK and PvP
    if you look at what the game is about, then it doesn't make sense to remove PK'ing. Sure as an actual game-mechanic it's not always very nice and fun to experience (depending on which end of the stick you are though), but last time I checked, you're fighting hordes of demons and stuff that's crawling out of hell. So it's not a "nice" world; it would feel wrong not being able to kill someone, just because you feel like it...

    on the other hand obviously, they should find a way where it's annoying that you get killed, but it's not like you would lose stuff you've been working for, or at least not for consecutive kills. Let's say you would lose XP as a percentage based on your level, they could make it so you would lose that the first 3 times, but after that, within a given time, the penalty is removed, since there's obviously something else going on.

    Anyway, I hope it's in there, I'm not a big fan of PVP in Diablo2 or any game for that matter, but it takes the game to a whole other level, if you can get killed anytime, and I personally enjoy it =)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson Talks About Plot, Lore and Battle.net
    Quote from "Azoruk" »
    Isn't his old news? =x

    any stuff regarding d3 is good enough for me :D

    (btw love the sig man ^_^)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on "The Internet Hates Diablo III" Writes SomethingAwful
    Quote from "ShmeeLeeMaster" »
    Yes you would if there was a currently divided debate going on about if he was indeed a classical poet.

    Here's 2 definitions
      1. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
      2. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
      3. I don't see you posting any articles or blogs in support of an artistic change.

      whinev. whined, whin·ing, whines
      v.intr.1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
      2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
      3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

      ...honestly just let it go *rolls eyes*
      Posted in: News & Announcements
    1. 0

      posted a message on "The Internet Hates Diablo III" Writes SomethingAwful
      yeah, shame on you Sol, for supporting something blizzard made...it's not like we're on www.diablofans.com or anyth....oh wait a second yes we are >.<. Btw, how does 35k+ signatures classify as "the majority"...honestly...MILLIONS of people play this game, that's probably not even 1%, and then still, it's all from people who are lazy and just click on the "i agree" button at the end, so it's in no way representative.... damnit you took me off-topic again >.< (so easy)

      anyhowz, funny story, but like the first post said, 2 bad it's a bit on the short side ^_^
      Posted in: News & Announcements
    2. 0

      posted a message on Petition to have map revealed when complete
      But ehm, no please keep it like it used to be, maphack was so lame, sure it speeds up your runs, but it still feels like cheating (in d2 it was obviously), but even if they made it like this in D3, it would still feel like cheating to me.
      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
    3. 0

      posted a message on Polls. Anyone who loves making polls please read.
      Quote from "ShadowGoat" »
      STOP IT! This forum doesn't need a poll for every question. There is a specific area where you can make your polls. Just ask your question and let people talk about it, you dont need to do a survey every time. Half them get closed anyway. Probably more then that.

      qft, every new thread is: 'zamg, what do you think the inclination of diablo's horn should be...15, 20, 25 degrees, DISCUSZ"

      +1 for op :D
      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
    4. 0

      posted a message on Heroes JUMP ? in diablo III
      Quote from "UnD3RD0G" »
      i asume it might be a setup map, in other words, not a real D3 map , but a map used to give the demo?

      yeah, and I think that they'll put in an alternate route in the real game, so the non-jumping chars can take that route (obviously filled with more demons :D)
      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
    5. 0

      posted a message on Diablo 3 Items and Inventory
      Quote from "Mr.Yoshida" »
      The system, though changed slightly, is still going to be very similar... weapons just won't say slow, fast, normal... They are probably doing this to give weapons a wider and more diverse range of speeds.

      as long as we won't get this...theorycrafting stuff, where you need to find a 0.37646 speed mainhand and a 0.31276 offhand, so you can perform flawless combo's ...or something
      Posted in: News & Announcements
    6. 0

      posted a message on Diablo 3 Items and Inventory
      don't know why everyone is bashing stuff if it comes from wow. There are some pretty nice things in wow, which I hope will make it's way into diablo3. Also think about this...if they didn't make wow first, then they wouldn't have the knowledge they have now for when they release D3...so basically learn from their mistakes.

      items being only one slot right now is fine with me, means you get to do more runs without having to mule it out. so in that sence I don't mind. offcourse it was nice to throw stuff around in your inventory just so you could pick up that 1 thing...but meh, things change, and I for one like it.
      Posted in: News & Announcements
    7. 0

      posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
      Quote from "Zellogs" »
      This thread is full of win towards the fight for keeping the graphics. Thanks for trying though.

      It does and you know why right? Because the D3 one is rendered in the browser, where as the D2 one is from the 'actual' game. Not some flash thing

      but unfortunately it's full of loss towards the respect & trust in blizzard...it will be good, and everyone will buy it and everyone will play it...you know you will so stop crying.
      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
    8. 0

      posted a message on Diablo III Gameplay screen + Explanations
      Quote from "Zellogs" »
      because complaining about anything is the new black.

      haha that's so true =P
      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
    9. 0

      posted a message on Oh My God He has a Diablo III beta!
      could be real, could be fake, couldn't care less anyway. The only time I'll go "oh daimn" for new info, is when Blizzard themselves say it, not some dude I don't know / nobody knows ...
      Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
    10. 0

      posted a message on Φ Game Graphics - Please keep all DIII graphics discussion here
      dear god...

      for years everyone is going: "aah we want diablo3" and now we get diablo3 and it's STILL not good enough...

      honestly just wait till they release more information. And LISTEN TO THEM...before the presentation they said: "_nothing_ is final, this is a work in progress"...so don't go crying already...

      Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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