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    posted a message on What Bill Roper Thinks About Diablo 3.
    Quote from "Kenzai" »
    So do we actually all agree now that the style of the previous games were different in some ways while this isnt necessarily bad but is the reason why some who loved it more are mad?
    I agree that Diablo 2 aimed for highly-detailed photo-realism (which a 2D game can afford), and Diablo 3 aims for stylization (assuring a timeless quality). But they share the same spirit despite the difference in style.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Fixed Isometric Camera
    Do you understand that Sacred 2, Fallout 3 and NWN are not isometric games?

    It would be like saying how D3 should not be isometric because Quake 3 isn't. Fallout 3 was migrated from a 2D environment into a 3D one because there was no arcade factor to the gameplay style. Diablo is an arcade game. No one wants to see it migrated to anything else but another isometric hack and slash.

    I think you are also forgetting that Fallout 3 doesn't have randomly-generated dungeons, are you? There's a matter of randomly piecing together detailed assets, and the fact that they can be viewed from one angle only is the only reason why Blizzard will succeed implementing random worlds in a 3D game, which will be the first time ever that anyone does something like that.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shaders on Metal?
    When you focus on graphics, you are making something that will last as long as the current best technology lasts. When you focus on other qualities and pull that off, you are making something that is timeless.

    That is what separates Blizzard from other companies and makes their games special. Do you think ten million people play WoW and pay every month because of the crappy graphics? Why aren't they playing something else, instead of sticking to a 7-year old game that looked kind of crappy even when it was new?

    You care about graphics in a game that you will play for a few months then turn your back to it. Blizzard fans look for substance and something that lasts.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Narrowing down the last classes
    Quote from "Atrumentis" »
    No, thats not the definition. The definition depends on your culture, and culture depends on the latest trend (which is what culture is). The word 'warlock' comes from the old english term 'waer logger', meaning 'covenant breaker' or 'traitor', which is why they are generally considered evil. Nowadays though, thanks to the media (like games), people now define it as just a male witch. But call a real male witch a warlock and he will likely be highly offended at being called a traitor. As I said, it depends on the latest trend and culture. The definition of every word is based on some sort of latest trend.

    It does refer to only male witches being the traitors though, so yes I was wrong about there being female warlocks, but "warlock = male witch" is certainly not the only definitive term (and its certainly not a definition that isn't based on culture).
    Zeitgeist is the word you're looking for.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Art Direction No Going Back
    Excuse me Ollo, but are you refering to Diablo or Diablo 2? As far as I can tell, Diablo didn't have skill tree's either. Also Diablo 2 didn't have Diablo classes either. Also D3 has light radius but I guess you were too overwhelmed with awesomeness of the gameplay trailer to notice it, so it's forgiven. Creepiness seems to be more present than in D2, more like D1 to me. That leaves us with 'pseudorealism' and 'inventory' but guess what. D3 was supposed to be a sequel and not a remake. I'm sure we would all be happy if Blizzard just re-released D2 with a different name but yeah..... That kind of 'pseudorealism' doesn't work in a 3D engine.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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