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    posted a message on No... This is Diablo 3!!!
    Stop living in the past people, stop whining about the game not being enough like diablo 2. Its diablo 3 and it is a different game. "But i want open fields"... how do you even know what you want when you have never played the game and seen twenty minutes of footage in two areas known as "the forgotten tombs" and the "leoric highlands". Blizzard had alot of haters when people cried out that warcraft 3 was cartoony graphics. In retrospect, warcraft 3 is one of the most popular games of all time.

    For the people who say they want it dark and grittier, the area was the "forgotten tombs". Doesnt sound like a super evil place, and thats why it wasnt. Diablo 3 is obviously mixing up the areas to give yourself some reprieve from the horror and darkness, so that when you do finally enter a super evil defiled area, it will definatley make you shit your pants.

    Just wait for the game to come out before you make your decision on it. You dont know if you like it more then diablo 2 yet.

    end rant
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh My God He has a Diablo III beta!
    yes it is definately fake

    1. Look at him playing he is barely moving
    2. After comparing the footage from the trailer it is the exact same, just watch the fire on the second last cultist burn out at the same time of the death of the last.
    3. After pressing escape, the look on his face just screams mischief!
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on What font?
    i meant the new d3 logo's font, exocet doesnt seem to be the same
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on What font?
    Do any of you guys know what font is used for the diablo words.? Id appreciate it alot!
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on WWI Teaser - Day 5
    Sometimes i think people post their ideas without reading through the hundred or so odd pages of this thread, hence why so many people say the same thing and look like retards.

    Anyways onto what that other guy revealed as Evil Penguin > Unveiling D3. I believe that to be the biggest tell tale sign that blizzard is definitely unveiling diablo 3 this weekend. Lots of the other clues were 'Red herrings" trying to lead you astray.

    For the people who keep trying to tell us that those eyes are the lich kings, or protoss's it is obvious that blizzard would try to MAKE it look like their other franchises to confuse the dimwitted and create speculation. This is called making hype and promoting their product, because face it, if on monday their splash had a face with red eyes, everyone would have already worked out what game it was going to be and not talk about it until the announcement.

    In turn blizzard has created their own sort of promotion for a product not yet announced.

    It looks like blizzard is pregnant.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on WWI Teaser - Day 5
    tundra 04 = T and R cold 16 = O and L cavern 15 = A and N harbinger 08 = H and R icy 23 = Y and I evilpenguin 42 = P and I T,R,O,L,A,N,H,R,Y,I,P,I -> Dont know if it came up with anything, medieval dragon said the other day that this digit counting method might come up with a word. What do u think?
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on WWI Teaser - Day 4
    In regard to the teaser, blizzard could put up any image they want, its there own website. They can put up an image that leads to WOTLK but in the end they can release Diablo 3. Its blizzard and they do what they want and lead people astray where they want.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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