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    posted a message on A Crossroads
    Alright, I was reading on the main page of the Diablo III website and I couldn't help but notice at the very end of the little blurb about the game's storyline, it says something about 'the failing luminaries of the heavens itself.'

    Now, here's my theory. Rather than the storyline being completely linear, there could be certain juncture in time where you have to choose sides.

    Maybe the heavens themselves will turn against you, judging the human race to be insufficient or whatever and the heroes will have to turn to hell to help them.

    That, or you can stay on the side of heaven and wipe out your former comrades.

    Finally, you could even just stay on the side of Sanctuary itself and fight off both Heaven AND Hell.

    Basically, I think the diverging paths idea would add replay value to the game, as well being able to break down the two clearly-defined 'good' and 'evil' roles down to something more primal.

    I noticed that in the manual for Diablo I, it says something about how The angels and the demons have been in a state of constant warfare, where the Angels emphasize complete control and the demons advocate the exact opposite -- chaos -- but we must remember that both methods cannot work. Too much of either results in the whole structure of something collapsing.

    Can you imagine how cool it'd be to have Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal on YOUR side? Becoming the next Dark Lord as opposed to always being on the side of 'good'. I don't know how plausible it is, but I don't see it as impossible!

    Thanks for reading my ramblings!
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Φ Ask Lore Questions Here (No Theories)
    A few questions...

    1. Why did the Hero of Diablo 1 choose to put the soulstone into his head rather then to destroy it?

    2. If someone like King Leoric had a strong enough will to not be fully possessed by Diablo, how on earth did the Hero get fully possessed? Wouldn't he have an even greater spirit?

    3. How much time is there between the Hero of D1 slaying Diablo to the heroes of D2 saving Deckard Cain?

    4. Where does it say the Hero of D1 has a 'dead' daughter? Is this exclusive to the warrior, or does this happen with the Mage and Rogue as well?

    I was really young when I played Diablo 1, so the storyline elements were really lost on me (unfortunately.)

    Thanks in advance!
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on PC Gamer July 2008 Edition Hints Diablo 3?
    Dude, that attachment is sick. Did you make it, or did it show up on the site or something? >_< Impossible, right? I'm so looking forward to Diablo 3!!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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