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    posted a message on PSA: Just to clear some confusion

    Quite an interesting and insightful post, based on your perspective.

    Seasons implementation was definitely an incentive to get old players back into the game, but so far they've bombed every season. Like you described, the first 2 seasons were completely ruined by their poor management. I felt S2 was just a rehash attempt of S1 because of how hard S1 failed, with the bugs and the patch being implemented towards the end.

    But the point of seasons for the average player? Other than playing with the active side of the community, I sometimes question why some play on Seasons with no intent to get on the leaderboard. I've played all seasons so far, with my goal of getting within the top 500 of a solo class leaderboard, and that's where I find incentive to play through seasons. Overall though, I find the game to be a basic, mindless hack-and-slash which I use to simply kill lots of time. I haven't taken Blizzard as a serious gaming company for a while anymore. I was a WoW player before Warlords. They destroyed that game by putting you into your own single-player facebook hub while making you pay to play that hub.

    Best of luck to your gaming adventures, Mannercookie!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Viable build that's easy on hands

    Currently with 2.2, I've found that Monks and Demon Hunters have fairly easy specs.

    To summarize:

    For Monks, running with the Sunwuko set allows you to simply cast an ability that's given the 500% damage bonus from the set to nuke the enemy. No consistent cooldowns to watch or buffs to maintain. My monk's build consists of the Incense Torch weapon and Sunwuko set; I simply cast epiphany and teleport to hordes of enemies, clearing them with the click of 1 button. (The build is also called Fire Annihilation Monk, posted on this site)

    For Demon Hunters using the Marauders set, you simply place down a turret or two next to some enemies and cast a Multishot or two. Move onto the next pack. And repeat. Minimal management needed. Of course the higher you go in greater rifts, the Demon Hunter is notably harder to keep alive compared to the monk.

    Specs I've currently found a lot more taxing in comparison to these two builds are the Tal'Rasha's Wizard set, the Roland's set, and the Natalya's DH set. You're constantly managing buff up-times or ability cooldown management. I'm not saying they're bad, I'm saying they're just more dependent at being aware of their mechanics.

    Firebirds is definitely a relaxing and simple set. I personally still enjoy it quite a bit.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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