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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Quote from "Kenzai" »
    Heres my theory about the five classes that will be in D3:

    -Paladin (There has to be a char with auras)
    -Witch Doctor
    -Assasin/Ranger Hybrid (Ranged skills instead of martial arts)

    In a way I agree, and the Assasin/Ranger Hybrid is a plausible scenario for the Zon replacement.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    In a way, WoW keeps fidelity from WCIII but that fidelity does not belong with DIII. There seems to be far to much comotion about this, I do hope blizzard does the right thing and reworks the textures.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    I bet they only try to make it more cartoony so it will appeal to a WoW audiance as well as diablo fans. This is quite a shame as they should keep separate teams for both game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    Quote from "SithDiablo" »
    There are MORE than Rainbow, guys, there are ALSO Bunnies!!!

    Now we are getting somewhere, some more flowers and ponies and we are set for launch.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    Quote from "Equinox" »
    No, that actually proves that people have no idea how graphics are made at all. You keep using sharp edges on those screens and that would take a lot more polygons in 3D. It's easy to operate with 2D. It's easy to put a tint on a static picture. But when it comes to models and lighting and performance it gets much more complicated.

    The most notable complaint can be addressed to the 2D background on which the game is played. It may be modified. Everything else is not really that simple. You say the armor is too bulky - try to make a model that has curves, is not bulky, and doesn't have too many polygons. You'll end up with a bulky model or a high-polygon model, or a compromise, which is what most 3D game kinda strive for.

    Now, maybe you don't care about buying a super computer for Diablo III, some people do, and that's to whom Blizzard will sell.Yeah, with TPS perspective, great example...

    Im not sure what you know about 3D but if they did manipulate those pictures in photoshop, it means that the poligons on the models where untouched. How a set texture looks sharp is dependant on the texture size and the games resolution. Yes, blizzard likes to use low polly, it give fast and accurate gameplay that works well in battlenet. The changes are nothing tragic, blizzard has just to change textures to allow the color and tonality to look like those photoshoped pictures.

    I know that DII was played on a 2D BG but if you notice carefully, the ground is only so different in 3D. It stays very low on poligon and keeps most basic shapes while still limiting your ground movement on a pre designed path.

    You have to understand that just Like WoW and SCII, DIII uses low polly and lets you keep a smooth path on the edges, its called a smoothing group. though you have a low polly model it makes it look fairly round and accurate.

    I do however dislike the current look, you dont need to be an artist or creative director to know that rainbows dont fit in DIII (yes they have rainbows in DIII).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Like Joecatty said, there is only so many spots for a new class, the summoner spot is taken by the WD and the brawler by the Barbarian. There will be one more caster class and 1 more mele class to preserve balance. I am sorry that the Necro wont be in the game, it is a devastating disappointment on my side especially since he was literally replaced by a class who does not fit the lore of the game.

    Blizzard made one of the most popular games in the world called Diablo II and with only so many characters no matter what they do someone will be disappointed. I do not blame them for removing the necro, a couple of classes have to go but for him to be replaced by a WD, they could have tried harder.

    I do like games that think outside the box, they tend to be mildly more interesting but in this case blizzard did not look outside the box, in fact it looked into an already opened box called WoW.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Quote from "fezman" »
    I think that they will pretty much keep the same classes they had in DII. I would also think that they would keep the assasin because it is very different to all the afformentioned classes due mainly to its light weapons and fast martial arts style of attack and seems like it would fit in well with what I can guess the story line will be about.

    I have to agree, they should have kept the original classes including the druid and assassin. Unfortunately it will not be the case. It is possible that some of the old classes like druid, siin and necro who most likely wont be part of Diablo III will appear in its expansion pack if there even will be one.

    But luckily for us consumers, we have a say in this, as long as blizzards gets enough complaints/ recommendations there will be change. Now is the time to tell them what you think, while the game is still in alpha ans subject to change.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    In my opinion, I see this trough skills. Those of the witch doctor clearly replace the necromancer; He has Mongrel (Skeleton), wall of zombies (Wall of bone), poison like attack (Locust) and he has fireball as single heavy damage (Bone spear). And he is a caster class.

    Taking in consideration they will opt for 2 caster 2 mele and 1 ranged like in Diablo II its doubtful that the necromancer will come back as already one of the 2 caster classes can now summon creatures.

    I know that story wise paladins should be extinct but I have to say that the holy magic fits fairly well in the diablo world and thus I doubt that they will remove the class. This is unless he is replaced by the Monk.

    I know we can only speculate at this time as blizzard really only gave a taste of what is to come but I must admit that amongst my appreciation for the third installment I am disappointed in the choice of both the witch doctor as a class and the happy WoW look of the game.

    They even put a rainbow in the exterior scene, I mean come on blizzard what where you thinking?
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Quote from "kaul" »
    A Sorc/Necromancer hybird, that would be cool.

    As much as I like the Necromancer, I think that both him and the Sorc will be replaced by the Witch Doctor. This is probably the reason why so many people do not like the class. Myself included.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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