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    posted a message on [GROUP] GR40-45 speedrun meteor build ?

    Well right now I'm messing around with a Tal Rasha build that uses the skills:

    Black Hole - Spellsteal

    Blizzard - Snowbound (this is to help give stacks and to reduce the energy burden so you can spam more meteors during the ring's proc)

    Meteor - (no rune)

    Magic Weapon - Force Weapon


    Unstable Anomaly - naturally

    Elemental Exposure - using a Thunderfury as I'm hoping it's proc adds a stack - honestly not sure, but the wep dmg on the thing is sick so I'm using it regardless (3,047.7 for those curious)

    - other two slots I'm messing around with combinations right now

    - ditto on the skills, but usually have teleport in there

    Noteable gear outside of the Tal Rasha set is, 2 (sometimes 3 pc) bonus on firebirds. Usually just the 2pc for the added survivability:

    Convention of Elements ring - this thing pairs up nicely with the combo, as it cycles thru Arcane > Cold > Fire

    I've tried adding in another lightning attack, like Wave of Foce (Static Pulse) which is really nice in the low grift range and nefelem stuff, but you simply end up needing more defense in the higher grifts, and this just becomes a liability and not much of an increase on the total dmg. As it is, the meteor's i'm dropping usually hit for 1-2 billion and I've had some 50 billion ones drop when all things lined up and was buffed nicely in a 4 man.

    If I solo with it, I'll usually pack the black hole belt to snare the targets.

    ATM just trying to figure out a combo of active and passive skills (as well as gear) that makes it all work a little more nicely in the high grifts.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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