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    posted a message on Diablo III in 2011?
    You guys are so silly, everyone knows they are going to release it on December 21st 2012... Even the Mayans predicted this! When D3 is released everyone will become so addicted and stop doing any work and eventually the world will decay from 7 billion addicted D3 players.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Respecs can be expected (confirmed, i guess)
    Quote from "Morden79" »
    Now that you mention it, another thing comes to mind...

    So you played the entire game with ONE choice of talent trees, now you are expected to make ANOTHER (insert class here) just to figure out what is good in the other trees? That leads to a less common basis of what talents are good and what are not.

    I have never been a firm believer in "cookie-cutters", but knowledge is power. Having to replay the game 4 times for a character is what you are asking to require if you oppose respecs. You would have to play the game 3 times with each spec to see what is good, and try to make a final spec based on what is the best or funnest for you. Lets not even try to bring Duel specs into the picture, that would be madness.

    That being said, Diablo 3 would become just another Diablo 2, where you had to remake characters over and over and over and over again to know what works best. Then by that time you have "mastered" a class after months of playing it, and have like 4 other classes? I would rather know that I can get to the end of the game and retalent my existing character to perfection instead of having to reroll every time I turn around. It would allow the average player with the average time more ability to have fun playing this game instead of wasting their life away or finding a cookie-cutter build just to be viable. Who wants to get to lvl 70 and find out your spec sucks because your new to the game and the only option you have is to reroll? You surely won't find my name on that list....
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Respecs can be expected (confirmed, i guess)
    Good! Synergies were stupid, it makes the character too focused instead of being able to have a variety of skills at his disposal. In D2 you're only using 1-2 skills, and it makes it boring.
    Re-specing i hope makes it because screwing up one skill point at lvl 60 or something and having to redo the whole character is just stupid.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Question/Suggestion about gold
    In D2, gold was sort of useless and worthless. If you wanted to buy something off of someone the standard "currency" was high runes usually or other items in D2, whereas in other games like WoW and Guild Wars, gold actually matters and isn't so easy to get. Does anybody know if they plan on making gold super easy to get like D2 or more valuable? I think it should be like GW/WoW
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 2008 Leipzig: Diablo 3 Bosses Dynamic Explained
    Quote from "lights_warrior" »
    not that different from the old system.

    Ummm.... r u kidding? The old system was spam pots and spam one massively upgraded spell at the boss.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Bill Roper Shares Diablo III Thoughts
    Quote from "shelledfade" »
    People keep saying that its the gameplay thats important. So if the game really looked like something from pokemon and pokemon was actually made by blizzard, you would not complain? Right. that makes a lot of sense. rofl.

    The fact is it looks a lot like WoW. When it could look a lot better with it staying in its own territory and not copy/pasting from WoW. WoW is a great game, but its visuals are very corny after awhile.

    And why should it be corny, when it can be great?

    Oh, and i still play D2/lod as well. And it looks nothing like warcraft.

    One: No it doesn't look like WoW you ignorant kid.

    Two: If pokemon was made by blizzard and it had the gameplay for d2 i would not complain and I would be happy. So yes it does make sense "rofl". And does D3 look like pokemon? no so stfu that was a stupid argument on your part.

    Three: You should be more worried about gameplay and online (pay to play and battle.net 2 features)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Bill Roper Shares Diablo III Thoughts
    You guys who complain about the art are seriously lame. If you want art go to a %&^#ing art museum for christ sake. You say it looks like warcraft games and isn't the separated diablo franchise anymore. YOU'RE WRONG because it's not the art that made diablo what it was. It was the gameplay and the fact that it's not MMO like WoW and GW and those type of games. It's unique GAMEplay is what makes it unique and that wont change very much thank you stop complaining about fancy arts and graphics. D2 is 2-D and I play it, I don't need better gfx
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on An issue I don't think has been discussed...
    I don't believe I've seen anyone concerned about how they are going to do the skills system... I mean in diablo2, personally I think it sucked. You had to pour ALL your skills into one skill and its synergy for it to be effective in Hell, and therefore ur character is stuck to one skill and he becomes boring. In D3 if they make it so you can have a more versatile character with more EFFECTIVE skills in your arsenal then that would rule. Take guild wars for example, you have so many possibilities for character setups/types by making one new character. You can combine first/second classes and combine skills left and right. Diablo 2 you were stuck to one skill and its synergies.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Char Ideas Quik
    they should make a horseman o_O; like skill tabs being Horse skills and the Knight's skills and other one mastery or wutever
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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