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    posted a message on D3 has no endgame.
    Quote from Kevan»

    I didn't make any reference to other games, saying it's better or worse.

    Probably you're right that it's a common issue in this genre of games.

    I played tl2, van helsing, tq...but not d2. these are single player games, without bnet or any other form of "competitive" gameplay, so it was different

    But as you quoted poe, i played it a few hundreds hours: yes, the endgame is getting to the top level, and only some players can do it because of maps, exp loss, etc. The gameplay is clunky and don't like it so much, so because of many factors i quitted it.

    Still, the build/skills system is interesting, there is a reason to play new leagues..and a char can be considered at the endgame in the 80 range, when if you don't want to struggle for 100, can start to work towards a build and minmaxing, as there is a wide choice.

    Trading is slow and "old" as there is not an ah that could make it much easier....but still has an appeal to many.

    endless pl does not address the issue of the longevity, it's just repetition...numbers.

    I'm saying you are not making reference, I em, for it was there to point out how all loot based games have cookie cutter builds.
    D3 does have end game content, BUT! that does not mean D3 does still need more. Over all the simple reason D3 in its state can not have a AH is because of the lack of number of different sets and normal legendary in the game. Once D3 have more class sets, and normal legendary & new gear slots been what ever blizzard wish's to call them. The the game would be ready for a AH, the game would still need some other work in adding more affix's and class, but over all D3 has been going in a good path.
    Some people don't always like my point of view, and that is mainly because I point out goods and bads to even games that I love, and yes I love D3 as a game, but it does still need work.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 has no endgame.
    Quote from Kevan»

    about loot tables: I think that the actual drop system is not bad.

    what is bad is the poor itemisation that at each patch forces players to use one or two builds per class...after copypaste cookiecutter builds and getting that few gear required, it's all about your pl.

    So I take it u have never played D2 then, because D2 was the same. and so is every over loot based game. You google best build/set up and you follow it. I could not even play POE till I had to look up a strong build to level with.
    I can tell your new to these types of games. or ur trying too hard.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 has no endgame.
    Quote from Kevan»

    Unlimited exping is not endgame.

    Loot hunting, trading, pvp should be.

    0/10 nice try but you debunked your own thread.
    Trading is not an end game.
    And we do have Loot Hunting, the fact your pretending it does not ether means you don't play the game or your fishing for bites.
    And lastly PVP is not an end game, it is just a mode which allows people to attack each other and cry that they have better gear / more paragon levels or they are OP.
    End game is farming for exp/loot/crafting mats/gems, and fighting over leader board spots, which yes is part like PVP, but the difference is the leader baord system is more balanced because it is based off of PVE not PVP.

    Try hard next time.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quin's Itemization Rant
    Quote from Shapookya»

    how many items are there with %WoL dmg or %LTK dmg or other skills with the same "problem"? because, if there are multiple items, it's not a problem at all. Small example for those who see 200% on an item and think that's alot.

    yes, it's a lot for the first item. it increases your dmg from 100% to 300%. it triples your dmg (ohbabyatriple.mp3).

    now what happens if there is a 2nd item with 200%? it increases your damage from 300 to 500% that's an effective inrease of 67%. still good. broken? far from it.

    What happens if you have a 3rd item? 500->700%. an increase of 40%. maybe not even the best dps choice anymore.

    So, how many %skilldmg items are there?

    It is good to see some one who understand how the system works.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quin's Itemization Rant
    Quote from Cachekith»

    Let's face it guys, D3 future is a snow ball falling down the hill. And devs don't seem to accept dedicated players advices. That's stupid.

    You mean players who don't always know what they are talking about? Yes feedback is good but the last thing blizzard should do is listen to it word for word and do it all.
    Yes D3 needs still a lot of work and more content, but listening to every cry baby will not do the game any better, What we need is a better system were we can ask blizzard why they do thinks and understand what and why changes are happening to get a deeper understanding of the design of the game.
    But seeing you 2 posts I get the feeling you just want to listen to streamers who spend there life playing a games, and thinking they know every thing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lvl 50 Gem Effect Ideas

    I would rather see Legendary Gems for weapons more then higher effects on the ones we have for rings/neck.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quin's Itemization Rant

    Would you still be upset if this was put into the Legendary Power Affixes? rather then the Primary Affixes? No you would not because you would see it like most other Legendary items, which would mean most people will cube it for the bonus damage and just use a set over that gear slot.

    Blizzard doing what they are doing does many different things, I'm not going to go over it because the fun of theory crafting is working this stuff out your self, But to give a hint, This does a couple small things 1) adds more tail end to gearing as you now have to roll a new Affixes and hope for a good % 2) it stops all these Affixes been just rolled into the Legendary Power, But from Quins crying he wants it too or just keep buffing the skills, which will not work out the way he thinks it does. Those are two points rest you guys can work out your self.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Acquiring Crafting Mats suggestions for Patch 2.4

    As I made a post above a idea on how to use crafting mats for end game system, I was also thinking over how to make getting crafting mats less painful.

    My idea was: Been able to get a Pet though Achievements that all players can get, that when summoned picks up all gear other then Sets and Legendary's, when this pet picks up Gray's, Whites, Blues and yellows it will brake it down into crafting mats and also put them into your bag space.

    This gives you the choice if you wanted to do this or not, so fresh 70's don't have the night mare of not finding good base line yellows to do T1 with.


    Link above is also about my idea for using these crafting mats you farm, kind of links into the idea of why making picking up mats easier would be better too.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on (Idea) Empowerment + System

    The point of it!: The point of this idea is to give an end game system that is a bit like gambling, while not tying all of the system behind Greater Rifts as right now Diablo 3 has become. Diablo 3 has become a game all about greater rifts, which has left players feeling a little burnt out and bored from doing the same thing a million times over.

    Power Creep: I know a lot of people will always bring up power creep, which I think a lot that do fail to understand in Patch 2.4 we will have two systems that will have an over powering amount of power creep coming all from Greater Rifts.

    This idea would have a Cap to it, but a cap that is very hard to get too, and feels not too over rewarding but still rewarding in a sense like you have worked hard for your time put in. This system also works very well with Bounty’s, and allows for the Bounty system to come bigger and more used.

    The TLTR part of this is a gambling system that sinks all different forms of crafting mats, while giving an end game system not linked to Greater Rifts but to Bounty’s and farming crafting mats.

    What does it do? : The idea of this system is to sink crafting mats to give a +1 and above to all forms of loot you wear and use, each type of loot giving different things based on it, shown below.

    • Armor: Each “+” Gives 10+ Str/Int/Dex & 30+ Vitality
    • Weapons: Each “+” Gives 30+ Str/Int/Dex & 10+ Vitality
    • Off Hands & Shields: Each “+” Gives 40+Vitality
    • Rings & Necks: Each “+” Gives 0.20 % to increased damage to Bosses and Rift Guardian’s

    (Note) All numbers can change based on balance, the point of the idea is a give a base look at what the system does not say what all numbers and %’s it should be.

    The point of the idea does many things first it gives a small reward for putting in hard amount of work in adding power to each gear slot, while the system does not give much power creep. The system also makes paragon levels a little less powerful after paragon 800 as you will gain a small amount of Str/Int/Dex.

    Limits: Yes there should be some limits to the system, like only been able to put the “+” on Legendry’s. So say you can only go up to Plus 5 on a normal Legendary, while an Ancient can go to cap.

    Each Rank: Each rank as it goes up higher should have a less chance to work, but does not remove a “+” just uses the crafting mats, shown below the % chances.


    • 1 – 3 (Easy) - 50%
    • 4 – 5 (Hard) - 30%
    • 6 – 8 (Very Hard) - 10%
    • 9 – 12 (Night Mare) - 3% Or 5%
    • 13+ (Hell!) - 1%

    (Note) Depending on numbers and how many ranks blizzard wishing to add they can change the % chanced based on all that, the point of the idea is to make gaining this power harder as you gain more ranks, which gives an end game time/mat sink for your time.

    Cost: All Ranks cost the same, but again as time goes on the % chance does down, which then makes the overall mat cost more, Numbers below again are just an idea and can change.

    • Realm of “?” = 3 (Note) using the Key mats idea is just a fun idea I thought would give more uses for them as in 2.4 they will be easier to farm, plus they give more reasons to go around in the open work of bounty’s hunting for monsters. Also there are 4 “Reals of “?”” which also works well because there are 4 armour types to work with.
    • Forgotten Souls = 10
    • Veiled Crystal = 150
    • Arcane Dust = 150
    • Reusable Parts = 150

    Over all thoughts: The point again of this idea is to give an end game reward that is capped and is not 100% linked to Greater rifts, because right now Bounty’s could use a bigger reason to be used. Plus giving something that sinks crafting mats, and adds a fun bit of gambling that does not feel punishing if it fails, but also feels rewarding without giving a mass amount of power creep.

    I do have many other ideas that could make this system work better or even little things to make players life easier when it comes to looting and crafting mats, but I might post that after people just see the base idea first. Thank you.

    Sorry about bad spelling and grammar. And please don’t come into here just posting one line with “power creep” or But this is only good for hard core players. Feedback is always welcomed.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Season Journey
    Quote from Bagstone»

    It might be easier if you include battle tag or at least region in your post ;-) I just took a guess and assume you're NA servers and moved this to the proper forums - if you're EU let me know and I'll move it again. Also, although it won't help with finding people, not sure if you checked out this thread already which might provide some help for how to do the conquest.

    Note that for the season journey you only need to do a TX rift in 3 minutes, as opposed for the conquest where it needs to be in 2 minutes or less. If you advertise with that (LFM for TX in less than 3 minutes) you might have more luck - I see that request popping up multiple times every day on various websites. People seem to not be interested in the conquest, just season journey, so articulate your goal more clearly. Even if you're genuinely interested in the conquest, maybe a season journey group will turn out to be so fast that you get it in less than 2 minutes rather than 3.

    Ah yeap I understand ty heaps mate :) yeah I just want the Season Journey, just thought the speed demon would be some how part of it all. And yes I'm on the NA servers.

    I would love to ask how does the "On A Good Day" work for the Conquest, because I need a 2nd Conquest done for my Season journey and I swear I have done over 5 different level 50 Legendary gems.

    Posted in: Looking For Group [NA]
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    posted a message on Season Journey

    So I have asked around a lot, used pugged groups, geranal chat, LFG chat, even clans I have gone to and asked around. But I have found no one wanting to do the Conquest "Speed Demon" I wanted to get it done so I could get my Season Journey, but sadly all my friends stopped playing D3 till next season.

    I would like to ask, who would like to team up to finish this content? willing to help u if u help me :D

    I hate asking people like this on the forums here, but I have no were else, I even asked the D3 forums and only post I got on my thread was to "Solo it". :(

    Posted in: Looking For Group [NA]
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    posted a message on Follower sets, should we have them? Do you want them?

    Folloers should have most of the gear slots, so we can use more gems on them, and even augment there gear too. Plus sets would allow for things to mix up combos with the class ur playing and the follow u pick.

    BUT! I would like to add Followers need to be account wide so we only have to gear the 3 once, rather then gear them for ever new char we play, just is a pain in the ass and boring and un-fun play style.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Whats the point of nerfing everything?
    Quote from nergoza»

    Is blizzard still wants us to stay around 70-75 GR's?

    They nerfed LoN to the ground where it's now only working for T10 and also firebird set.

    Wtf blizzard?

    Nothing to do with what GR's they want us to do, it is about LoN been much stronger then the rest of the builds.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2015 - Diablo is dead
    Quote from head0r»

    Quote from Esspiritu»

    Story of the day it, D3 is getting cool stuff, but the fans are never happy... u got every thing u asked for! EVERY THING, yet here we are listening to the crying again of unhappy babys, I give up with u people.

    sorry, but i don't think you can be serious. everything we asked for? what? can't you see that the dev team is absolutely not getting any funds?
    my girlfriend came home this morning. i showed her the legion cinematic, i showed her the warcraft trailer. and we both played wow and we play d3. i summarized everything those new and old franchises got and i had nothing to report on diablo. then came the bits from the ONE HOUR talk and i quickly realized in my report that i was talking about QoL improvements there. something i tell when the big news of new features in other games are told and i then talk about the small stuff.

    except that the small stuff is the big new "feature" in diablo. you get some small improvements, you still know there won't be coming any funds to this game from the fans for another year and you know that there is a skeleton crew at work to provide a basic level of effort to do something for this game. you can't call a season content. a season is done after two weeks of heavy playing, after that it is justing praying to rngesus to min-max your gear.
    diablo is in a very sad state now.
    Ok so let me get this right, you already payed for D3 and u have gotten a number of "FREE" updates. yet ur unhappy because you want "MORE" "FREE" updates....... You see how you sound right now?
    This is what I read " WAHHHH I WANT MORE FREE STUFF WAHHH" If you want better updates then tell them ur willing to pay real money for it. Grow up and learn that money does not grow on a tree little boy.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on BlizzCon 2015 - Diablo is dead

    Story of the day it, D3 is getting cool stuff, but the fans are never happy... u got every thing u asked for! EVERY THING, yet here we are listening to the crying again of unhappy babys, I give up with u people.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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