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    posted a message on Riding horses / other creatures
    Ok what do people think about characters being able to ride horses or other creatures. You could allow it for certain set parts of the game or have it exclusive for one character as a power for say a knight character (he could summon it).

    Riding the horse (or other creature) would make you faster and you could charge ect but your defence might go down. You could be knocked off the horse and there would be a recovery time where you are vunerable. You could be vunerable against spears ect.

    There could also be a turning circle or something when riding a horse which makes it abit harder to manuver in tight spots.

    I think this would suit a heavily armored character like a knight or something that is otherwise slow to have the speed of a horse.

    Also with respect to the witchdoctor that can summon pets he could summon some sort of creature to ride. That would fit in nicely with his theme. \

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Horserider Class
    Ok basically this guy is a knight decked out in armor ect. He has a shield that has a tree for it and it can be used to smash, charge, reflect, reflect sunlight to blind ect ect ect.

    Then he has a sword or something that can be his main weapon.

    Finally he can summon a horse to ride. You could make up some sweet story about how come he has a horse that he can summon.

    So his horse makes him super speedy, can jump, gallop and charge ect but makes him vunerable to certain things like spears. He can get knocked off the horse and their would be some recovery time where he is vunerable. It might boost attack and speed but decrease armor ect.

    So he has a tree dedicated to his horsemaster abilities making his horse better ect. He could also have powers like charge of the horsemen or something where like 10 horsemen 'ghost' in, ride like 10 - 20 meters killing anything in their path and then ghost out. He could be the king of the horsemen on a quest to free his army or something.

    So anyway basically the idea is that there is a guy that can summon a horse to ride and has accociated powers. This would make him unique to the other playable characters and give some variety.

    Even if you dont like my idea for the character what do you think about the ability to ride a horse or other creater even in just certain parts of the game? I think it would be cool...

    Pleae excuse my poor writing skills.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Click and drag controls
    Ok i'm not too good at wording things so I will just give examples from the demo.

    The zombie wall: you select it and then click and drag where you want to place it

    Using the enviorment to bring down a wall: Ok think God of War for ps2 using the blades of chaos where you must rotate the joystick to pull down walls / monsters heads ect. Basically you would click on the wall and whatever the item is like a whip or something would hook onto it and then you click and drag away from the wall and your character pulls, pulling down the wall. Same sort of thing could be done when latching onto enemies and then riping their heads off ect.

    Boomerang: Just like in zelda: phantom hourglass where you must use the stylus trace where you want the boomberang to go to hit multiple things. Same sort of thing could be used just clicking and draging.

    Melee Attacks: Rather than have you constantly changing different moves you could do things like click and drag a circle around your character quickly and then he does a spin move or something.

    Ok so you get the general idea. What do you think. It would only be for some things just to make it abit more interesting to play and not.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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