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    posted a message on Vampire
    You maybe on to something but i wouldnt think it would be a specific class , they could put it on a TREE and let you pick Vampire and put blood on the right side like they did with the druid and his wolf shapshifting ect, Changing in to a vampire would be kool, like when u get ready to fight the camera would zoom in and show the fangs and a skill that alows you to run up a large boss enemy and tar his A** up with your fangs and while doing so thrust your swords pherhaps through his body and leap off him. Good thinkin
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Φ Witch Doctor
    I wish they will give the WD the ability to Juice up his summons with like acids and stuff/also adding increase in strength and speacial effects on enemys and the surrounding enviorment
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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