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    posted a message on Does Blizzard really respond to fan feedback?
    Quote from "DarkMagicc" »
    Of course they listen to feedback .. they have a huge fan base, more than 50, 000 that signed the petition. It is common sense that the beggining of a game , a sequel beginning 20 fricken years AFTER! all prime evils of that world were destroyed. I don't consider myself that hardcore of a fan because compared to the people that play this game that buy the books that buy t-shirst and go to blizzcon every year and buy everything the company even throws out their window I am not even a fan. I love the franchise and the company ...

    The art controversy was like taking the release of the plasma screen and say it is too flat, all the room i have from the old tv will be too much. Its hard to think of a good analogy for this even! Look at d2, then take a look at D3 - look on the bright side (it might look better when looking at colors then looking at brown blotches) the game upgraded from 2d to 3d, ok thats good .. they went from using shades of black and brown and other colors! Here is a good way to explain what they explain .. Look at an animation of someone dieing in black and white.. then in dark shades of black, brown, gray all the goth colors ..

    ok he is bleeding, what color to use .. black!

    What they are trying to show you is with color (sarcastic voice) you --- can --- see --- demons -- die --- with --- coooolllllooooorrr!!! imagine seeing blood that has shades of red or leaves that are greeeeennnn... or hell that iss redddd..... diablo is redd...

    I made this sound stupid .. D2 had colors too.. Look up the word contrast then put it in a sentence.. They --- are -- trying ---too ----- show --- you contrast from when time is gooooodddd - to when time is baaaddddd.. and even when they are bad the color black doesn't take control of our world , Diablo does..

    It is either people have problems or all diablo fans, sorry a fraction of diablo fans are goths....

    To answer your original question, they look at fans feedback, but 50,000 isn't a lot its a fraction of who they are selling to .. and 99% of those 50,000 will buy it anyway and brag about it .. standing infront of bestbuy and gamestop trying to be first... If you draw something and all great important artists and EXPERT develepors like it .. they care more about their feedback then yours .. even after the controversy, people admitted to liking it .. people that wrote a few threads about hating it.. and people say it isn't staying true to the lore and that BS...they make the LORE, the lore is whatever they want it to be.. Its like you doing something productive with your life and build a stone model of a building or something like that .. you ask someone their opinion but you continue working on it, you keep that thought they gave you in mind but you dont take a sledge hammer, cry and say life isn't fair ..

    If you know anything about business and selling stuff .. something you think is ugly is beautiful to someone else. Every product has it's customer. There is not one person that will say this game sucks because of graphics .. im 100% sure this game will win game of the year it already looks more unique than any other game .. including D2

    If you read this far pat yourself on the back and in your continueing post have this in the top left corner


    Sooo... Basically you said:
    Yes, of course they listen to fan feed back, you dummy!
    But no, I don't have any proof or evidence that says they do. :D!

    You really didn't answer his question, and you wasted a LOT of time typing up all that junk about the Art controversy that had NOTHING to do with his question, because we all KNOW that Blizzard didn't even look twice at the "50,000 signature petition".

    Good job.

    This is what the OP is trying to ask:
    Is Blizzard REALLY listening? Or will they continue to do what THEY thing is best for the company?

    I'm pretty sure Blizzard can do whatever it wants.
    If the Fans comment/suggestion is in tune with what they want to do, then they'll do it.

    Case closed.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
  • 0

    posted a message on The Cheif
    Ehh. I think it would be too close to the Witchdoctor in some ways. Being all Tribal and Spiritual n'stuff. Not to mention we already have two spell casters. WD - Light Spellcaster + Summoning, Wizard - Pure Magic.

    But I like the idea of bringing a Druid-type back into Diablo, and having someone who can Transform into different things. The Bear/Wolf/Snake/Eagle thing would be pretty cool if Blizzard did it well. (Which I know they would) :P

    Pretty good idea over all. Just. A bit too much like the WD. :[
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Φ Monk Class
    First to Virigo, they already said there isn't a Paladin in the game, but that doesn't mean there wont be a Paladin-TYPE character in the game. I'm hopefully thinking this will be the Monk, or somthing along the lines of a Spear and Shield Spartain type guy. Haha. :P

    Next, Cureingangle, The monk could use Claws, and Fist-WEAPONS like the Assassin, not just his bare fists. I guess they go could either way with this, but I guess like you, i'd want to see some actual tearing apart of the enemy, and having their limbs torn off and such.

    What did you guys think of my Sample Talent tree? Hahaha.
    Anyone want to make an Elemental Skill tree? :D
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Φ Monk Class
    I remember the Monk in Hellfire. Hahaha.
    He wasn't all that great, but neither was the Barb or Bard. Though did they have a few pretty cool ability's.
    I'd rather just stick to the Warrior. :P

    But I hadn't heard of the Dragon Soloing Monk. That's pretty tight. :o

    I just wish they hadn't made the Wizard come from Xiansai, because the Monk seems like he would come from there with all the Buddhist kind of asian monk kinda thing, ya know?

    But then again, the Wizard DID move to Caldeum, and that doesn't mean the next Shieldy/spear/bow guy can't come from there. Maybe even a Monk could come from there.
    Whos the say there can't be a Middle-eastern monk? :P
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
  • 0

    posted a message on Φ Monk Class
    It's really late and i'm about to fall asleep, butttt, I thought i'd post this suggestion and see what you guys think about it.

    - I don't know how many of you have played Baldur's Gate 2, but the Monk class in that game was actually pretty sweet. He/she didn't wear any armor, and they didn't use any weapons (Well, you could, but they were best without them). Instead, they used their fists and feet, and had a bunch of talents related to Martial combat - Iron fist/skin kind of things. They'd run faster as they leveled, and had a lot of Natural resistances to Magic, Poison, that kind of stuff.

    - Or, if you've played Ragnarok by any chance (No flames please. xD), the Monk, or Champion class in that game was probably my favorite class of almost ANY game i've ever played. They used fist/claw type weapons like the Assassin in D2, and used Fist/punch-combos to kill things. They also had a few Holy ability's (they are a MONK, after all), which could sort of combine the Paladin and Assassin together. The Monks in Ragnarok also had these spirit spheres they could summon which they used to power their Fist skills, and most of their Fist skills used up one or more of the 5 spheres you could have at one time - which kind of reminds me of the charge-up ability's that the assassin had(Remember the 3 orbs that charged up when you used certain skills?), and could release to do one HUGE attack.

    - I know you're probably thinking "It's too close to the Barbarian, with all the hitting and stuff", but if you add in Auras, An Elemental Tree (He could be a TRUE Elementalist - like Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire), and build upon the Martial Arts tree of the Assassin, I REALLY think this could be a vveerrrryyy badass class.

    - Just THINK about that one for a second. Close your eyes and try to imagine it in Diablo 3.
    Blindingly fast, bone crunching, skull fracturing Fists. Cracking a fissure open and dropping zombies inside, blowing a huge gust of icy wind from his lungs to knock back and freeze a few Goatmen. Maybe pushing a huge wall of water out from his palms, or summoning a giant Fire Typhoon from the sky.

    - Also, he would be a neutral character, just like the rest of the heros of Sanctuary. He doesn't have to be holy, or good-natured like the Paladin, or shady and ill-natured like the Assassin. (Though I do Imagine Monks to be more on the Good-natured side, but it doesn't HAVE to be that way.)

    What do you guys think?
    Also, sorry for the wall of text. :P

    Edit: Thought i'd try my hand at a Skill tree. Haha. Maybe you guys can think of one as well? Or spells I can add? :P

    Martial Arts Talents (Another name? XD)
    • Level 1
      • Iron Fist
        • Rank 0/10
        • Increses damage done with Fists, and Fist/claw type weapons by 3% each level
        • Passive
        • Triple Attack
          • Rank 0/10
          • There is a 29% chance that when you attack with a Fist/Claw type weapon, you will hit three times in the amount of time it took to hit once. Higher skill level decreases chance of this happening, but increases damage output.
          • Passive
          • Dodge
            • Rank 0/15
            • Increases dodge/block rate by 1.5% per Skill level
            • Passive
            • Lightning Speed
              • Rank 0/15
              • Increases run speed and attack speed by 2% per Skill level
              • Passive
                • Level 2 (5 Martial Arts Points Required)
                  • Iron Skin
                    • Rank 0/1
                    • Mana Cost: 30
                    • Turns your skin to the hardness of Steel. Increases defense by 150%.
                    • Fists of Lightning
                      • Rank 0/10
                      • Mana Cost: 25
                      • Hitting an enemy with this skill gives the Monk one Lightning orb which floats around him. Can charge up to 5 times. Releasing this Combo skill with a Finishing move releases a devastating explosion of lightning that pushes out from the Monk, stunning and knocking back all foes within a 10 foot radius.
                      • Tiger Strike
                        • Rank 0/5
                        • Mana Cost: None
                        • Finishing move that does 200% of Fist/Claw damage, and unleashes all Combo skill orbs.
                          • Soft Winds
                            • Rank 0/15
                            • Converts 5% of all damage taken into mana.
                            • Passive

                            • Level 3 (10 Martial Art Points Required)
                              • Raging Quadruple Blow
                                • Rank 1/10
                                • Mana Cost: 8
                                • Useable only after a Triple Attack. The Monk hits the enemy rapidly 4 times, breaking bones and ripping tendons, leaving the enemy stunned and unable to attack for a short period of time, opening the target up for a finishing move.
                                • Mental Wall
                                  • Rank 0/1
                                  • Mana Cost: 15
                                  • Pushes all targets away from the Monk, knocking them down or stunning them.
                                  • Fury
                                    • Rank 0/5
                                    • Mana Cost: 5 every 2 seconds
                                    • The Monk concentrates for a brief period of time, pulling out his inner-strength, increasing his Attack Speed by 10% and increasing his base damage by 15%. All Mana regeneration is halted while the Monk is in his Fury state
                                    • Spiritual Cadence
                                      • Rank 0/10
                                      • Mana Cost: None
                                      • The Monk's base Health and Mana regen are incresed by 25% every level. If sitting or standing still, the Regen increases by an additional 50%. This skill is useable in the Fury state, but is cut by 200%.
                                  Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
                                • 0

                                  posted a message on /arcade mode
                                  Quote from "Ivaron" »
                                  Oh right, I do remember that..

                                  Haha, yeah. I forget what the exact profession is called, but. I dunno. I think it works a lot better with Diablo than with WoW.
                                  Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
                                • 0

                                  posted a message on /arcade mode
                                  Quote from "Ivaron" »
                                  What are you talking about? Those runes just replace mana/rage/energy. They don't customize skills.

                                  In WOTLK, the new Profession allows you to customize your spells/skills, probably to do the exact same thing that Diablo3 is doing with their runes.
                                  Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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