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    posted a message on Making an ARPG, (Diablo Like)

    Hey all, I always wanted to make a game. For a lot of gamers Diablo 3 fell a bit short or just was not the atmosphere others were looking for etc.

    All in all Diablo 3 is a very fun and polished game not here to knock it at all. After spending time on many different forums and lurking through threads about what people wanted or didn't want or how they think it should be I seen lots of replies to those people on the lines of something like: "Well if you don't like it make your own game".

    I say let's do it! Not to piss in Blizzards cheerios or any thing like that but because we can. What better place to gather a community then here the number one ARPG/Hack N Slash on the net.

    Before I talk your ear off here is a link to the youtube playlist so you guys can get a gist of what the basic concept looks like so far.


    IndieDB link: http://www.indiedb.com/games/warfront-arpg

    Official Website: http://www.warfrontrpg.com

    I would like to make this a free to play game with the option of buying weapon effects and armor skins etc kinda like PoE. But I would also like people to be able to find these same effects and skins within the game for free. Other than that I'm the only developer. So that is why I came.

    Anyone interested in game development is free to help and jump aboard. For the rest please post comments, feedback, ideas, criticism etc.

    My main goal here is to create the ARPG all of us always wanted. We will use diablos core features and expand upon them. Instead of a game built by developers lets build a game based off the players! So if your game post up tell me how you guys feel, ideas etc thanks!

    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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