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    posted a message on Obama Funds Stem Cell Research!!??
    Thank you Magistrate for your kind words. What you said here, really made my day.

    Quote from "Magistrate" »
    I'm probably going to look more in to what you've said via the marvelous, all-knowing Google, but thanks for that. It sparked my curiosity in many ways.

    Here is a website you may wish to consider showing pro/cons of both types of therapy........and the successes of stem cell therapy.

    http://www.stemcellresearchfacts.com/ If the site looks one sided.....it is......but the truth in the evidence speaks for itself. How many people in this thread would actually believe that there are 72 treatments or cures out today using stem cells.

    Yet, the average person on the street (or even the OP here) seem totally oblivious to what is actually happening in our world today.

    "Eh, what? I thought Bush banned stem cells." <------this is not an uncommon response

    Or even better.....are the people on here that are actually expressing adulation over what they do not understand, and worse yet....will undoubtedly give credit to any further stem cell research break throughs to Obama, when all he did was come in at the tail end of it. Now THATS a politician.

    The extent of the peoples ignorance greatly depresses me.

    Only when you constantly seek the truth are you your own person, once you stop seeking the truth do you belong to them.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Obama Funds Stem Cell Research!!??
    ****************** LONG POST WARNING, BUT INSIGHTFUL ********************

    I am going to attempt to explain the ins and outs of the stem cell research debate, as thereis alot of mis-information and rhetoric surrounding this issue.

    First of all....Stem Cell research was never "banned" in the US.

    The US Government since 2001 has given $100m to embryonic stem cell research (for embryos already slated for harvest up to that point) and $250m for adult stem cell research.
    The "ban" in this bill was only restricted to FEDERAL FUNDS for research.

    The research done on embryonic stem cells has been less than promising, in numbers of cases, researchers have found that embryonic stem cell therapy has had tumorous results. Yes, you read that right....embryonic stem cell therapy has consistently produced tumorous growths.

    A number of countries (Spain in particular) has mostly abandoned embryonic stem cell therapy research in humans and is focusing on adult stem cell research in humans as it doesn't have the high tumor rate found in embryonic stem cell therapy.

    If you have seen a few of the articles where researchers are able to regenerate an organ for someone, like the lady (in France iirc) where they regrew her an esophagus, you need to realize these were done with ADULT STEM CELLS from the SAME PATIENT.

    Furthermore, researches can now harvest embryonic stem cells from amniotic fluid, baby teeth and now it seems.....even from a single human hair.

    So, if all of this is true....if embryonic stem cell therapy has been a failure....and adult stem cell therapy has produced nearly all of the positive results....why are we still arguing?

    Be assured, adult stem cell research still goes on to this day in the US.

    The battle that is being waged over the stem cells isn't really about stem cells.

    The far left needs embryos to remain non-life, a non-entity to keep it's arguments for abortion viable. So if an embryo is nothing and can be destroyed for human gain, then an embryo in a woman can be destroyed for her gain.

    The far right is desperately looking to make embryos life so they can combat the abortion debate, because one of the mandates of the US constitution is to preserve life.

    So why, if researchers can do their research, and the adult stem cell therapy trials look so promising, and we can now get embryonic stem cells without destroying an embryo, are we still arguing this point!!??

    Certain researchers are actually fanning this argument, enlisting the far left to help them to their ends, and they have won it seems, because after all of this, there is one thing you CANNOT DO with adult stem cells that you CAN DO with embryonic stem cells.

    Clone another embryo.

    All of this fighting after all of this time isn't really about getting a "ban" overturned that never really was a "ban" to begin with, it is about getting the non-cloning clause removed.

    Only time will tell if they succeed that far, but they have already won a first step victory.

    I haven't had time to look through Obama's resolution to discern what all it entails, hell, they might have already won.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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