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    posted a message on Melee or Caster?? Which are you?
    Quote from "Cvoisgreat" »
    I would consider the Monk a melee character.

    I think the Monk is more like the Paladin, I think they'll have some spells in their skill tree. Unlike the barbarian who has zero spells. I would consider him pure melee.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point?
    Quote from "Huck" »
    This discussion has gotten stale. No one here cares what you think of guilds. The fact that you, or other people like you, do not understand the advantages of being in a guild is not the fault of me or the other posters in this thread.

    Please think of something to contribute before you barge into a forum with your thousand year old signature .gifs and your colored text.

    Like I said you can't come up with a good reason, I haven't said anything about your FPS signature or avatar (they at least look like it) on a Diablo forum. But ya this topic is getting a little boring. Sorry guys.
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Melee or Caster?? Which are you?
    I'm probably going to be a combination of the two. Which I think is the Monk? But if I had to choose melee or casting. I would choose melee for sure.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point?
    Alright let me clarify a few things.
    1) I made this topic so that people could actually sit down and convince somebody who usually wouldn't join a clan (not just me, I'll explain) to join one.
    2) I made it to have something to talk about; something fresh, not to argue, really.
    3) I love the idea of a clan, I've just learned from personal experience that it's more enjoyable to build your own "social network" from meeting and playing with random people. I feel as though the clan systems of Diablo just hold you back. But I will admit that joining a clan is like having X number of friends instantly. I have no idea what support features will be in Diablo 3 for a clan so I can't comment on those.
    4) You guys still haven't made any good points yet. Why not say some unique things the clan your in does differently from other clans? Something besides, "I like playing with the same people everyday, all day, 24/7." S0Met1NG/!!1!!!?!?/?!
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on What's the point?
    You guys have yet to convince me of any good reason to be in a clan. The two best reasons so far that I've heard though are something like. "We are a group of like minded people." and "We are a group of people who like to maintain an image and a certain standard of game play".

    I mean I've had tons of friends play Diablo and sure we've tried to start clans but they never really make it. The only way I'm going to be in a clan is if Blizzard adds a clan tag, and I join a clan. Just to kind of say I'm not a newb and I roll with these guys. Sitting there all day and helping people is as boring as hell (lol).
    Sometimes you've just gotta get out there on your own and have fun, right Sixen?
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Difficulty.
    Quote from "SFJake" »
    I have no doubt about that myself. Its just how things are now. Games are often so god damn easy nowadays, but watch out, multiplayer games which pits player vs other players will always be as punitive as they can be, and make sure as many people in the world want to rage quit every day. What the hell?

    Sorry, got carried away.

    I don't WANT to waste months on a character. Farming is lame, in any shape or form, I never did it. If "progress" is farming weeks to get farther in the game, then the game sucks. This is not an MMO, which are all cursed with that ridiculously stupid system of losing your life to get something.

    There is a difference between wasting a pointless eternity to level up and get appropriate items, and having some sort of challenge.

    By the way, why do some people insist on having custom text colors? Cut that off... and I mean, light blue over black? Yeah, sure, after I read your text, looking at a wall I still your lines on it. I didn't actually read the whole thing, hurts my eyes.

    I didn't really say farming for months. I said farming, leveling and basically playing. I don't mind farming, because that's what diablo's all about. But I agree with you that it gets lame after awhile. I didn't mean to imply that I want my life stolen on top of that. I just want to be able to sit down for an hour or two a day and have something new to do, and not be at end game within a week. I'm sure the more HC (I'm assuming like you?) won't have anything to worry about...

    Sorry I just can't get my mind around the fact that you said: "Farming is lame, in any shape or form, I never did it. If "progress" is farming weeks to get farther in the game, then the game sucks." - You have played Diablo before right??? I think you apply to my second paragraph in my original post, WhER3 tTF!11!! did you get your gear from little boy!?1?!....Sorry got carried away..........but srzly.......

    P.S. As for text colors....I happen to like cyan.....my favorite song by Rise Against is Like The Angel..and yours is?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Difficulty.
    If it's too easy I probably won't play it, even most of the exciting video games aren't doing it for me anymore. But I have been waiting a long time for this game so I'm holding in there.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point?
    It is alot more fun playing with friends. But what's the point of adding any complexity to it? Why call it a clan? Why add rules? What do you get from adding a name, rules and complexity?

    In my opinion, there is no point. The idea of a clan is tantilizing but there just isn't anything keeping it together. Atleast until Blizzard adds a reason to be in one. And I can't think of one good suggestion that would work in a game like Diablo. Except pay people to be in one or have clan only areas?
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Difficulty.
    In Diablo 2 it wasn't hard to get to Hell Difficulty. And when you were there, it was hard until you received the right items, or leached enough experience to level up to a high enough level. But when you finally obtained the "right" items and reached the optimal level, it became too easy.

    How many of you have ever found the "right items" on your own? So how did you get them? Everyone seemed to have them. The game was so broken that it started revolving around the fact that items just seemed to appear in peoples inventories.

    I don't even want to see the end of Diablo 3 unless I've spent months (or at least awhile of time) questing, farming and leveling up and that's just with one character. I want the end to still be a challenge when I have all the "right" items. I never want it in easy mode.

    How about you guys
    ? :bigD:
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point?

    So over the years I have attempted to make a few clans. On Diablo 1, Diablo 2 and World of Warcraft (boring btw); and it's never really worked out for me. I know there are such things as successful clans/guilds out there, but I still have yet to see one (except for WoW).

    So my question is, what's the point of being in a clan anyways? Even on WoW there isn't much someone can't do by themselves. And for a game like Diablo there is literally nothing someone couldn't do by themselves or with a friend or two at most. There just isn't anything there keeping everyone together. So what's the point?

    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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