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    posted a message on After returning to Diablo 2 since the patch...
    Quote from "MasterMorality" »
    I'm still unsure of whether I agree on the stats bit, but other points, yes!

    Stats would be ok if they were tooled differently... but in a min/max world most of us live in, it would end up what it is now... People would figure out the formula and would be "Put X in this stat, and the rest in that stat", in which case, a computer might as well be doing it, anyway. Just like now with D2, it almost always ends up being: "Put enough in STR to wear what you need to wear, then put the rest in VIT" or whatever.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.13 Sign-up's [Fallen Angels]
    Hello everyone. I'm pretty much in the exact same boat as UchihaVegeta. Haven't played D2 in years and a bug in me needed to see some D3 info. I came here and discovered the new patch. Haven't played in ladder either, but that seemed intriguing.

    Also, I've never played D2 online with a group of people consistently, so that seems really nice to help with monotony and motivation. And there are many things I've never done in the game that I would be very grateful if I could get help on (Like leveling a MF character... and absolutely no idea about this FG system). I'll have to install everything tonight to get ready.

    Anyways, if you guys are willing to accept a player 5 years removed from the game, I'm willing to give it a good shot. I dunno about all nighters, but something is better than nothing :))

    Should be on East, with username MrProcrastin8.

    Looking forward to it.
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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