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    posted a message on These D3 devs are a joke
    Quote from Twitch Exidon_»

    So it looks like they will not change the stupid buff to 2 of the top tier builds for speedfarming and push (rathma, inarius)

    Good move buffing useless builds but who cares if they buff that both builds aswell. So, we will change the LoN WD for an Arachyr at pushing, and the rest its literally the same.

    From 96-100 rathmas to 103-106 the whole season for speed GR.

    Some variety at solo maybe but another 3 months farming paragons with the same shit.

    This devs jesuschrist...

    Where's the rule that says you HAVE TO play the top meta builds at the most efficient GR level all day every day? There are so many 'viable' builds now, why not take a rest from being uber efficient and enjoy some variety? Who wants to grind the same stuff over and over and over? A bot?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on No feeling of progression

    You want every season to be the same as the one before?

    Changes that enhance the game, improve balance, shake up the meta and make more builds viable are what the game needs to stay relevant and somewhat fresh

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on POLL: How rare should Primal Ancients be!?

    1%. At present, Ledgendaries have a 10% chance to be Ancient, and Ancients should have a 10% chance to be primal.

    Primals should be fully-rerollable, every stat on it should be customisable, otherwise what's the point of them? We already get enough worthless Ancients that are instantly turned into souls because they don't have the right rolls, it would be super disappointing to get Primal with +% to gold from monsters and 31 reduced level requirement as its secondaries and not be able to do anything about it.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bringing back the Auction House - Ay or Nay?

    Absolutely not! When the AH was active it made no sense to actually play the game if you wanted better gear for your characters; you just went shopping instead. Now, gear is pretty easy to find or craft or cube, it is hard to see what value - if any - an auction house could add.

    That said, a more open trade system, say between players in the same clan, would be good for the game IMHO

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo IV: Who is going to GamesCom?
    Quote from head0r»

    they simply stopped to care.

    we have to be an unpleasant community..

    We are an unpleasant community! The most toxic and hostile in all of gaming. Why would anyone want to remain part of the D3 team, or join to be part of the 'unannounced project' when they can see first hand the endless torrent of insults the game devs get from this community. Jay Wilson is STILL copping abuse from a hard core group that just cannot let go of what he 'did' to 'their' beloved franchise.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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