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    posted a message on maybe I am wrong but DIII just doesn't look or feel like DII
    Not only are diable 2 and diablo 3 different games, they are different type of games. D3 will be leaning heavily towards an action game, somewhat like a hybrid of Monster Hunter,DOTA,WOW and Diablo
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on RE: New skill system
    Quote from Azjenco

    Quote from def0

    This is exactly the issue. With skill points, a class is devided into sub-classes, or say viable builds, e.g. for barb, we have ww barb, frenzy barb. Each of them require you to create a new charactor. With new patch released, blizzard can add new viable builds, which requires you to level up again.

    Now there's only barb. Even with patch released, you still don't need to re-level.
    And with respeccing there would be an incentive?
    Why start over when you can just pay some gold, and change your character to the new builds. That way you wouldn't have to go through the hassle of restarting, and get to try the builds with the character you've been playing. Respec was no different and Blizzard explained this in their reasons for taking away skill points.

    The thing is, once you hit lv 60, your only interest is hell diablo. You'll never go to other place. Let's say blizzard release a new patch with one skill enhanced. In the past, you may want to re-level a new charactor for it. And that gives you 20 more hours game play from normal to hell.

    Now, you switch to the new skill and go directly to hell diablo to see how it looks, that 2 hours game play.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on RE: New skill system
    Quote from pernunz

    One question I want answered.

    Where is the incentive to create a new character for a class you've already got up to level 60?

    This is exactly the issue. With skill points, a class is devided into sub-classes, or say viable builds, e.g. for barb, we have ww barb, frenzy barb. Each of them require you to create a new charactor. With new patch released, blizzard can add new viable builds, which requires you to level up again.

    Now there's only barb. Even with patch released, you still don't need to re-level.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Regarding Asian Farmhouses/Organizations
    Quote from EndersGameD3

    Quote from def0

    The key point that Chinese farmers can make money is they use bots/hacks.

    If blizzard can control this, they are just dedicated players.

    No, they use actual Chinese people to farm items. What's the point of having people in a workshop if they are just gonna turn on bots.

    Yeah they hire people, and each of the workers run something like 20 accounts with 20 bots. That's how it works.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Regarding Asian Farmhouses/Organizations
    The key point that Chinese farmers can make money is they use bots/hacks.

    If blizzard can control this, they are just dedicated players.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the haters
    Quote from BobJobBob

    paying money has been apart of the game for ever!!!! about 80% of the D2 players bought their shit online so what point are you trying to make

    Is that 80% true? I'm asking cuz it's astonishing. D2 has been sold 4 million copies. 80% means 3 million players.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the haters
    Quote from _incarnate_

    Quote from def0

    One question: how about built-in cheating code? ShowMeTheMoney not cheating?

    I'm pretty sure the fact that the word "cheat" in the name answers your question, irregardless of whether it was built into the system intentionally or not. It's still a cheat because it breaks the rules of the game, it bypasses the intent of the system in which it works.

    Oh, and by the way taking one small part of a statement out of context and arguing it may seem cool, but it really doesn't do anything to further the debate one side or another.

    OK I totally understand now. You are suggesting that paying real money to buy item is now part of the game. Paying real money is the game itself so it's not cheating any more. I see.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the haters
    Quote from _incarnate_

    Then you're operating on a different language, i'm afraid, because cheating, in the english language and in the context of this discussion is breaking the rules of the system to achieve something that you normally wouldn't be able to. It means bypassing the structure of the system, or it's intent, in a manner in which was not inherently apart of that system.

    For out of context definition of cheating refer here: Cheating

    Since the AH is built into the game, it's certainly not cheating.

    One question: how about built-in cheating code? ShowMeTheMoney not cheating?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the haters
    Quote from bawinkl

    Quote from def0

    Quote from BobJobBob

    RMAH - If you dont like it DONT USE IT! however its a great option to have

    The more threads I read, the stronger I feel that RMAH is the equivalent of cheating code in single player.

    People use them for the same reason, people defend them with the same words.

    Uh, I think they are inherently different. A cheat is something that gives you an advantage over a system or person that they cannot achieve otherwise. The AH is simply another way, (mind you not the *only* way as people seem to be implying) to get the same equipment you can by simply playing the game. It's just another trade system.

    But if we're into generalizing arguments for the sake of it, what you're basically telling me is that I'm "cheating" because I choose to shop at a grocery store instead of growing my own food. That sound about right?

    I don't agree with your defination of cheating. To me, cheating is gaining in-game benefit without in-game effort.

    I can only consider a gold coin AH as a grocery store you mentioned, because gold coin is what you earn in game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the haters
    Quote from BobJobBob

    RMAH - If you dont like it DONT USE IT! however its a great option to have

    The more threads I read, the stronger I feel that RMAH is the equivalent of cheating code in single player.

    People use them for the same reason, people defend them with the same words.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Better way to introduce real money
    1> Money should be use to accelerate your game process, not affecting your final status:

    E.g. You can pay to unlock level 35 items when you are only level 30. If a sorceress feel hard at level 30 in nightmire, she can pay to use level 35 items to help her get through more easily. But after she reached level 35, she should be no different from other non-payed player.

    2> Even if there's real money sale, it should be implemented this way: Using money to buy gold coin directly from Blizzard, then use coins to buy items. The key point here is, the price for gold coin should be high enough, that makes it gerenally a bad choice to buy gold from blizzard. However you can still do it if you have extra to spend.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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