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    posted a message on How do I handle leechers?
    Quote from froshambo

    First off, I think that fans have made a big deal over something that's actually pretty small. Blizzard will provide us with tools to deal with obvious leechers in the form of vote kick and ignore options. If the public matchmaking works anything like WoW's dungeon finder, you should not be automatically partied with people on your ignore list. In the worst case, you can always put the offenders on ignore and bail on a game.

    I used the term "obvious leechers" in the proceeding paragraph because this thread touches on a huge can of worms that unfortunately I think is going to get carried over from WoW. What do you define as a "leecher?" The traditional definition is someone who sacrifices damage stats in order to build as much MF as possible, and expects the rest of the party to carry him to epic loot drops. Therefore, the real issue is that the leecher is not doing enough damage. This is a slippery slope. Someone who stacks Gold Find will end up labelled the same.

    Let's get a little greyer. What about a player who stacks a lot of +health globe HP? More +Vit than you think he should? Are they also leechers? What about skills? What if I take Threatening Shout on my Barb instead of another dps skill? Am I at risk of being labelled a leecher? With no real way of measuring dps, a lot of these accusations are going to end up being subjective and based on a cursory inspection of a player's gear. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    Ultimately, I don't think it'll be a huge deal. I'll get the occasional public game where my party can't kill a boss in Inferno because of a lack of dps. I'll probably shrug, chalk it up to bad luck, and move on.

    Exactly people are going to say you need to be built a certain way so we can kill every boss in .5 secs instead of 1.0 secs. Hopefully these kinds of people will stick with private games w/ people on their friends list. I can see it now I am experimenting a new build idea and before I can even give it a fair shot I will be labeled a newb. and then kicked. Having an ignore list is all they need.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Battle Net Balance
    Just linked my Paypal account to my battle.net account

    /sign of release Less money in my bank account
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 100,000 Diablo III Beta Invites
    I am in the US and have not received a key yet. No disrespect to you EU, but if you are trying to stress a server and test it's limits, by inviting tons of players that are far away from the server would bring high latency problems, that wouldn't be there during release.

    It was dis-heartening to read, "We’ll have more information about these global giveaways as well as regional betas in the coming weeks"
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Yet another speculative longshot
    CSI Diablo: Coming to Network Television.... Soon
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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