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    posted a message on Do You Miss Boss Runs?
    I miss boss runs for loot. I don't miss the endless baal runs for exp.

    Honestly, D3 feels a little aimless to me when I'm farming... I just wander around hoping to run into a random monster, and then I hope that monster drops a random yellow that rolls random stats that are better than the vastly more rare legendary items. Having a few fixed places to get decent drops, maybe not the best drops, but something decent, would at least give me a goal as I farm. I feel very "meh" about D3 right now.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Quote from Hiero

    I'm a Christian. I beg your forgiveness if I seem bad at it.
    I'm going to attempt to give you some responses from the perspective of the Jew who Went to Catholic School. I'm pretty bad at that, too. At least we're in good company!
    Quote from Hiero

    With a topic title like you have, I was ready to descend with disdainful contempt on your thread and condemn it to the flames for approaching a matter such as this with such hostility. Then, I read your post and realized this was a civil discussion reaching for enlightenment, not a thinly veiled attempt at bashing my beliefs like so many I've seen before. Personally, I don't understand why people think it's fun to do that as anyone, in a moment of anger, can portray themselves and others affiliated with them as much less than they really are. But that's beside the point of this post.
    Many kudos to you for approaching the topic in kind! I'm quite pleased to find both the level of discourse and the character of the participants to be mature, respectful, and open. D3 fans rock!
    Quote from Hiero

    I believe because I choose to believe. A corollary to that, depending on your beliefs, believe it or not, is that I've been chosen to believe. Personally, I think everyone's been chosen to believe, some people just haven't chosen to believe. I'd also like to be quite clear in that I believe in the existence of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

    Here I was ready to jump on you for the assumption that being chosen to believe led your your choosing to believe, and then - lo and behold - you presented what I think is probably the most profound sentence of your entire post. That everyone is chosen to believe, but not everyone choses to do so.

    However, I'm going to throw out two arguments (which are at odds with one another, but in the interest purely of exploring the choice of choosing, I present them both)
    1) The old testament clearly states that the Hebrew tribe was chosen by God to be his people. The new testament will later say that this was God choosing to use them as the primary source for spreading His Good Word, and was not a choice that limited forever The Chosen to only be Jews and their descendants, but even in that case it means that no one else is truly chosen to believe until they have been told the Good Word. This would mean that, in fact, not all people are chosen to believe, because not all people have been told the Good Word of God.
    2) God presents Himself as fact. No where in the bible does God every ask, tell, or command people to believe in Him. In fact, He is wholly presented as an entity the existence of which cannot be denied. Belief, then, is distilled down to merely knowledge of the existence of God. If you show someone an apple, and then ask if they believe in apples, would be a pretty silly thing to do. Likewise, once someone has been shown God, they can no more chose not to believe in Him than they can chose not to believe in apples. In this argument, it is impossible to choose not to believe once you have been chosen to do so (the assumption being that, in order to know you have been chosen to believe, God has presented himself to you such that you would understand the nature of your choosing).

    While these two arguments are at odds with one another to some degree, the both lead to a similar conclusion: Some people are chosen to believe, but not everyone is. This leaves then, in God's plan, space for nonbelievers through no conscious act of the non-believing party. A very simple way to say this would be: It's okay with God if you don't believe in God. Corollary to this, I think most non-believers are perfectly fine with the existence of believers.

    Thus, whether or not God exists, everyone should be perfectly happy and secure that God isn't going to get upset with either party, either because He does exist, but is okay with non-believers, or He doesn't exist, and isn't around to care either way.
    Quote from Hiero
    Now that we've established what I believe and the bare skeleton of why, I'll go in to a bit of detail. Let's have a look at the nature of God, in particular, where He is. If wikipedia can be trusted, (I've looked for a relatively neutral source) then God omnipresent. With the linkage of space and time, as has been proven by science, this means that God is everywhen, also. Let us assume we agree thus far on the nature of God if He exists, which I maintain that He does. Simplified, God is outside outside the bounds of time and space. Forgive me if I assume that you know the difficulty in reaching any sort of evidence in proving in temporal and spatial terms the existence of the one being that is not only beyond those boundaries, but can move through them as you and I would move through water (a weak metaphor, but I hope you get my point).

    I'm with you to a degree, but is there any reason you can think of why God would "move through" those boundaries rather than simultaneously existing in all places and times with no need to move at all? I've always imagined that - should a supernatural being of unlimited power exist - God would always be everywhere (and everywhen).
    Quote from Hiero
    I've heard it claimed before that God can't exist simply because evil exists. This theory irritates me to no end because it oversimplifies. That plaintive voice whining, "How could a God that is good allow this world to be filled with such evil?" is a coward for refusing to dive deeply into the matter see what exactly happened to bring about evil. (For this point I'll speak as if you believe, pray forgive me) Simply put, man was created to love. A part of love is the ability to not love, a choosing to love. We were created to experience all good things, and one of those is obedience. To choose to love by acting not by our own will, but by another's. And so, Eve was tempted, caved, and Adam listened to her and caved, too. It's my belief, and I've seen this belief reflected in others such as C.S. Lewis and Ted Dekkar, that sinning (doing evil things) became much easier after "The Fall of Man." I realize this is vague, and presently I will explain it to the best of my ability.

    If you read Genesis, it speaks of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was not God's wish that we choose that fruit, because there's nothing good about evil. He only wanted good things for us, so He gave them to us. Thus we had the knowledge of Good. In the choosing of that Tree, we gained knowledge of Evil, and now that we know it and have it, it's difficult to stop. The paradise of only good was lost, and then we had evil along with the good.

    My understanding of the Garden of Eden would be that - prior to eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, all acts were performed in innocence and ignorance - neither good nor evil, and that - even after eating of the fruit, any act performed in innocence or ignorance would remain neither good nor evil. What changed in people was the knowledge of intent. We can - since eating the fruit - be good, or be evil. It was a blessing and a curse. The ability to act with moral intent is what we gained from that Tree. Similarly, one could view the punishment of being tossed out of the Garden as an interpretation of the result of knowing that moral acts existed: Adam and Eve simply could not abide a place where all acts were acts of naiveté, nor could such a place abide them.

    I don't believe that the Paradise was a place of pure good. Clearly, there was a snake there whose actions were not "good." Rather, I believe that the Paradise was a place where creatures were unable to act with any desire to harm or benefit. It was a place of pure curiosity. I believe that the snake was curious as to what would happen if someone ate from the tree, but I do not believe that a snake such as that would be allowed in the Garden at all if the Garden was a place of pure Good.
    Quote from Hiero
    That covers some of the points, but that is by no means the entire picture. I'd like to take this opportunity to commend proletaria for asking about this topic without hostility, and, as an aside to give you a bit of background on my character, would like to condemn the condemning of others. Christianity doesn't teach disowning or hatred or redneck ignorance about real issues. It just says to love God, love others, and love yourself. It is surprisingly difficult, though.
    Amen brother.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    My last post appears to have been moderated (presumably because the vagueness of the post led a mod to think I was trolling), so I'll elaborate here.

    There's a fundamental philosophical exercise for proving that anything exists. The litmus test, if you will, is to turn the "Prove X exists" around on the person asking the initial question.

    The classic example is "Prove that this chair exists." It's ostensibly a test of perceived reality vs. actual reality. The response that proves the existence of the chair, in the most simple and obvious fashion, is to ask "What chair?" The person who challenged with the initial proof is now stuck. They either have to say "That one" and admit that they truly believe that the chair exists within their perceived reality, even when the it is fully possible that the person whom they asked does not believe that any chair exists, OR the person who posed the initial question has to admit that they issued a proof challenge for something that they literally cannot perceive in any way.

    The postulate offered by the OP, then, is explicitly "Prove to me that God exists."

    So here's the philosophical challenge: "What God?"

    I ask that, in the vein of the current discussion (which I really enjoy, by the way), please seriously consider your answer and try to specify what you're talking about before jumping to any statement of "I don't know what God is." There's more to this whole train of thought, but I need to know what you're really describing as the God you want us to prove before we move forward with the discussion from this philosophical direction.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on I smell WoW
    Quote from chippydip

    Quote from LordRayken

    Diablo 3 is finished.


    Having spent the past weeks digging through the data files and looking at the changes that have come since the original beta client build up through the current build 7338 (Patch 3), I can tell you the game most certainly is *not* done.

    A few examples:
    * An extra salvage treasure class was added to the item tables (ie internal data structures are still in flux)
    * Many Legendary/Set items have associated affixes that aren't being applied due to affix level restrictions
    * Many Legendary/set items are in the data files, but don't actually have any stats yet
    * Some icons are still missing for items
    * etc

    Activision was most likely pushing for a holiday release for financial reasons, but at their latest status meeting the D3 team decided that they just weren't going to be able to make that deadline so they pushed the release date. (If they wanted to meet that date they really only have a little over a month left before the game would have to go Gold Master and be packaged and shipped to retailers. They could still have a patch on release, but testing release builds takes considerably longer than developer/beta builds so even that doesn't buy them all that much time.)

    Having worked for Activision some years ago, and being familiar with both that company and the standard practices of several others, I can say that this assessment is almost certainly true. In fact, to maximize sales in December, the game would have to be on shelves by the 20th (and probably by the 15th) of December. To do that, the game would need at *least* 30 days of physical production (that is, the gold master would have to lock on November 15th). To actually deliver a locked gold master on the 15th, the game would have to be in release candidacy for a minimum of 2 weeks prior (which is no time at all and only terrible, awful games give themselves that little time) - which would be Nov 1st. Realistically, the game would want to be in release candidacy for 6 weeks (with a planned delivery date of the gold master on Nov 1st with a two week buffer in case of major issues), so the actually RC1 date would likely be Sept 15. Which we can quite confidently say that we missed.

    I think the hope was to have the closed beta start on Sept 1 and for there to be zero issues aside from network-stress related ones. However, it's quite clear by reading the official bug report forum (why isn't there an interactive in-engine database for bugs? Or at least a web-based one? Seriously - forums are the second worst way to report bugs next to snail mail. But I digress) that major gameplay design choices are still going on, never mind actual bugs with the game in a non-net-stress situation.

    In light of the overwhelming publicly available evidence, the game has to be pushed. I can only imagine how bad things are behind closed doors. Re-tooling fundamental game play design at this point in the process is a terrible idea. They really couldn't tell that weapon-based spells vs. flat damage spells was going to be an obvious consideration? They couldn't have figured out prior to the closed beta that the DH could run out of both resources? No one in their internal QA bothered to mention the questionable artwork of the monk resource?

    I give blizzard a lot more credit than that, and I think December was - given the state of the beta - a pipe dream all along. January still might be. My money right now is evenly split between a botched January release combined with 2 GB of patches on day 1, or a clean March release.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your best/strangest item drop
    I got a Sur and a Cham to drop in the same screen running around the Tamoe Highlands on my way to MF the Pit. Imagine my shock when the best / rarest items I've probably ever gotten both dropped within seconds of each other, and not even in the zone I was trying to farm!

    A close #2 is that I rolled a perfect Insight in an Eth CV. Almost 900 damage for my merc, with the level 17 aura. Mmmmm. People I show it to usually say "oh yeah, Insight is goo- woah. That's absurd." /grin
    Posted in: Diablo II
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