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    posted a message on Skill Swapping and Rune Changes
    Going back to town isn't a big deal, but having players using programs that allow them use of all of their skills simultaniously is....so just make people go back to town, it takes 10 secs!

    I want to experiment with skills too but I don't want to be forced to use more than 6 active skills because thats what would be best if you could instantly swap them out always.

    A time delay after taking damage still wouldn't make me happy because it would allow players to do it in PvP (especially WD who can go invis for 10 sec w/ a rune).

    Maybe they could make it so you could do it up to lve 20 or so then make it so you can only do it at a vendor.

    I want them to add a progressive (huge gold cost at lve 60) gold cost to switching skills so that it gives toons more of a perminant feel along with taking gold out of the economy.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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