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    posted a message on Whoa We Got Noticed
    I'm not reading 12 figgin pages of this topic, but http://kotaku.com/5021118/diablo-fans-petition-against-diablo-iii mentioned the petition also.

    If this was already posted then.......too bad, I'm not sorry lol.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 Art Director explains the game new looks.
    I like how they misspelled stylization in the second screenshot on the first page. "sylization" lol. Good job Blizz lol.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thank You Medieval Dragon!!!
    Signed. Thanks for a great site :D
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Some interesting observations from the HD version of the game play movie
    good eye!! I never noticed that.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hidden Gem on main D3 Page?
    All actionscript from the swf file for the gem:

    // Action script...

    // [Action in Frame 1]
    var vGemSelected = false;
    _level0.mcGemOn.onRelease = function ()
    trace ("Hai");
    if (vGemSelected == false)
    new mx.transitions.Tween(_level0.mcGemOn, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _level0.mcGemOn._alpha, 100, 3.000000E-001, true);
    vGemSelected = true;
    new mx.transitions.Tween(_level0.mcGemOn, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, _level0.mcGemOn._alpha, 0, 3.000000E-001, true);
    vGemSelected = false;
    } // end else if

    // Action script...

    // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 7]
    #initclip 1
    class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon
    function OnEnterFrameBeacon()
    } // End of the function
    static function init()
    var _loc4 = _global.MovieClip;
    if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon)
    var _loc3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876);
    _loc3.onEnterFrame = function ()
    } // end if
    } // End of the function
    static var version = "";
    } // End of Class

    // Action script...

    // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 8]
    #initclip 2
    class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX
    var _listeners;
    function BroadcasterMX()
    } // End of the function
    static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray)
    if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined)
    delete o.broadcastMessage;
    } // end if
    o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
    o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
    if (!dontCreateArray)
    o._listeners = new Array();
    } // end if
    } // End of the function
    function addListener(o)
    if (broadcastMessage == undefined)
    broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
    } // end if
    return (_listeners.push(o));
    } // End of the function
    function removeListener(o)
    var _loc2 = _listeners;
    var _loc3 = _loc2.length;
    while (_loc3--)
    if (_loc2[_loc3] == o)
    _loc2.splice(_loc3, 1);
    if (!_loc2.length)
    broadcastMessage = undefined;
    } // end if
    return (true);
    } // end if
    } // end while
    return (false);
    } // End of the function
    function broadcastMessage()
    var _loc5 = String(arguments.shift());
    var _loc4 = _listeners.concat();
    var _loc6 = _loc4.length;
    for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < _loc6; ++_loc3)
    _loc4[_loc3][_loc5].apply(_loc4[_loc3], arguments);
    } // end of for
    } // End of the function
    static var version = "";
    } // End of Class

    // Action script...

    // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 9]
    #initclip 3
    class mx.transitions.Tween
    var obj, prop, begin, __set__position, __set__duration, useSeconds, __set__finish, _listeners, addListener, _time, prevTime, __get__duration, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, __get__time, isPlaying, _fps, __get__FPS, __get__position, _pos, prevPos, change, __get__finish, _intervalID, __set__time, _startTime, __set__FPS;
    function Tween(obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds)
    if (!arguments.length)
    } // end if
    this.obj = obj;
    this.prop = prop;
    this.begin = begin;
    this.useSeconds = useSeconds;
    if (func)
    this.func = func;
    } // end if
    _listeners = [];
    } // End of the function
    function set time(t)
    prevTime = _time;
    if (t > this.__get__duration())
    if (looping)
    this.rewind(t - _duration);
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this);
    if (useSeconds)
    _time = _duration;
    } // end if
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this);
    } // end else if
    else if (t < 0)
    _time = t;
    } // end else if
    //return (this.time());
    } // End of the function
    function get time()
    return (_time);
    } // End of the function
    function set duration(d)
    _duration = d == null || d <= 0 ? (_global.Infinity) : (d);
    //return (this.duration());
    } // End of the function
    function get duration()
    return (_duration);
    } // End of the function
    function set FPS(fps)
    var _loc2 = isPlaying;
    _fps = fps;
    if (_loc2)
    } // end if
    //return (this.FPS());
    } // End of the function
    function get FPS()
    return (_fps);
    } // End of the function
    function set position(p)
    //return (this.position());
    } // End of the function
    function setPosition(p)
    prevPos = _pos;
    obj[prop] = _pos = p;
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos);
    } // End of the function
    function get position()
    return (this.getPosition());
    } // End of the function
    function getPosition(t)
    if (t == undefined)
    t = _time;
    } // end if
    return (this.func(t, begin, change, _duration));
    } // End of the function
    function set finish(f)
    change = f - begin;
    //return (this.finish());
    } // End of the function
    function get finish()
    return (begin + change);
    } // End of the function
    function continueTo(finish, duration)
    begin = position;
    if (duration != undefined)
    } // end if
    } // End of the function
    function yoyo()
    this.continueTo(begin, this.__get__time());
    } // End of the function
    function startEnterFrame()
    if (_fps == undefined)
    _intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps);
    } // end else if
    isPlaying = true;
    } // End of the function
    function stopEnterFrame()
    if (_fps == undefined)
    } // end else if
    isPlaying = false;
    } // End of the function
    function start()
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this);
    } // End of the function
    function stop()
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this);
    } // End of the function
    function resume()
    this.broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this);
    } // End of the function
    function rewind(t)
    _time = t == undefined ? (0) : (t);
    } // End of the function
    function fforward()
    } // End of the function
    function nextFrame()
    if (useSeconds)
    this.__set__time((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000);
    this.__set__time(_time + 1);
    } // end else if
    } // End of the function
    function onEnterFrame()
    } // End of the function
    function prevFrame()
    if (!useSeconds)
    this.__set__time(_time - 1);
    } // end if
    } // End of the function
    function toString()
    return ("[Tween]");
    } // End of the function
    function fixTime()
    if (useSeconds)
    _startTime = getTimer() - _time * 1000;
    } // end if
    } // End of the function
    function update()
    } // End of the function
    static var version = "";
    static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init();
    static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true);
    function func(t, b, c, d)
    return (c * t / d + b);
    } // End of the function
    } // End of Class

    // Action script...

    // [Initial MovieClip Action of sprite 10]
    #initclip 4
    class mx.transitions.easing.Strong
    function Strong()
    } // End of the function
    static function easeIn(t, b, c, d)
    t = t / d;
    return (c * (t) * t * t * t * t + b);
    } // End of the function
    static function easeOut(t, b, c, d)
    t = t / d - 1;
    return (c * ((t) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b);
    } // End of the function
    static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d)
    t = t / (d / 2);
    if (t < 1)
    return (c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b);
    } // end if
    t = t - 2;
    return (c / 2 * ((t) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b);
    } // End of the function
    static var version = "";
    } // End of Class

    That's a lot of action script to just have the gem "activate" lol.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 on a console??
    Depends on the laptop, discrete, mobile graphics cards have come along way and even the newer chipsets are capable of some 3D gaming at lower resolutions/settings.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    Quote from "VanCrackin" »
    I know which one is WAY more appealing to my eye, and its the original.

    By the way. I believe you can set GAMMA and BRIGHTNESS in your video options.
    Indeed you can. Like I said, I really like the art style of the game, but I wouldn't be opposed to a revision of the color palette. Either way though, it's the gameplay that matters and if the colors remain the same, I'll love it just as much.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    I love the graphic style, but I do agree that the color palette is too pastelly (I know, not a real word.) Anyway, I was messing around with one of the screenshots and I tweaked it a little to represent what I would personally prefer. That said, if the colors stay the same I'm still beyond pumped for the game and the wait to play will be a long one :)


    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Things that are disappointing to you in D3
    Love the graphics, my only complaint is that the screenshots are all 4:3 aspect ratio (1600x1200), where are the nice 1920x1200 widescreen images.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    Hmmm, that's weird I just tried it and Camtasia recorded the video stream off of WMP with no problems. I still prefer WM Recorder though.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    Quote from "Zetiam" »
    i dont havea mic anyone help plz.......... wm recorder only works for 2 minutes and then you have to pay -.-
    Well, that's what I'm using. Maybe there is a freeware WMP recording program.

    Yes, WM Recorder records audio also.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    Quote from "Zetiam" »
    damn it how can irecord the sound taht sofware doesnt record any sound from the video >.<
    You can use a mic with Camtasia and record sound. I personally will be using WM Recorder.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    Quote from "Zetiam" »
    I was thinkinf of that too so i will let it record and have a good nap til then.. anyone knows of a software that can record out of a windows media player stream??
    Camtasia will record it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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