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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    There are several ways to record it. An easy one for beginners would be Camtasia.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on WWI Site is down for maintenance.
    Live Feed links in case you can't pull up the WWI site.

    Main Stage


    Tournament Stage

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    Basically it will go live at the following times here in the US:

    2:45 AM Pacific
    3:45 AM Mountain
    4:45 AM Central
    5:45 AM Eastern
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard Live Streaming to Begin at 11:45 AM There time. [Proof]
    It's been showing that all day lol.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kind of cool modified splash iamge
    Quote from "Zkid" »
    HOLY CRAP youd be rich what youd have about a dollar DANG!
    Yes, Napoleon, I'd have about a dollar lol. Actually, according to you I'd have about $100 (if it really was posted about a 1000 times.)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kind of cool modified splash iamge
    If I had a dime for every time that image was posted............ :P
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone Remember The Lost Vikings?
    LV3 huh. Sounds like a winner :)
    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on recording gameplay
    Quote from "Siaynoq" »
    I always had mixed results recording the audio with FRAPS. I guess it depends on how good your mic is. Or unless there's some way to just directly pick up the audio.
    You don't need a mic, just set audio to "What U Hear". Why even mess with a mic?
    Posted in: Other Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Countdown box
    Quote from "dettol" »

    Funny watching people chase their own tail... :D

    Has anyone noticed both www.diabloii.net and www.diabloiii.es are down? Or is it just me?

    Also, im starting to wonder whether there is more to www.diablo2.com 'maintenance' than meets the eye...
    www.diabloii.net is actually up and running as normal.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    @ Obalobex, this is the problem I have with your case (in particular your case #2) once again you are stating your opinion of what you believe the facts to be and how the world is truly run without providing anything in the way of support. You mention "lots" of so-called expert analysis and evidence but you fail to actually provide any. Name an expert, name an article that expert has written. I'm sure you are aware there is obviously other expert analysis and evidence to disapprove most if not all of your beliefs and theories as well. So why are you so convinced that the experts you believe in are right whereas the majority of experts most likely disagree? Are the experts you stand behind superior in intellect, analysis, understanding etc. then the rest of their peers?
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    Quote from "Obalobex" »
    Violet, this is a thread to discuss our opinions about the government. It is my opinion and the opinion of many others who took the time to research and find answers, that the United States government is corrupt and there are many lies that the public eats up. I don't owe you any proof. I am not a professional at this and so I don't have the hard resources that you obviously need. If I had complete proof for everything I believe to be true about the government of the USA, then the population would be up in arms.

    I suppose the videos I posted (as well as the THOUSANDS of others if you do a simple google search) and articles could all have been elaborate forgeries made explicitly to support each other... But honestly what do you find to be more realistic?

    If this sounds ridiculous then try putting yourself in the banker's position. These bankers own the federal reserve and have many ties to the government (G W Bush's Grandfather was one of the powerful bankers). So here you are:
    1. you want to get as much money as possible.
    2. war creates enormous amounts of revenue.
    3. war allows the creation of laws that take away civil liberties and allow more control over the population.
    4. the population does not want war unless they are attacked.
    5. you want to eventually achieve world government and new world order
    6. in order to create world government, people must be denied fundamental freedoms
    7. people believe income tax to be real and the money goes right to your pockets

    what would YOU do?
    I absolutely believe 100% that corruption is rampant within our government. I also believe 100% that there are cover-ups and lies told both by government and big business. You are obviously an intelligent (if slightly misguided) person and I believe that you really do care about the things you have posted. What I'm wondering is why do you buy into all of it? Have others shown you proof/evidence to support their findings and if so, I'm asking that you share that with us, so that the rest of us can look at it and possibly research it.

    You must understand, I'm not a teenage kid as you may think. I'm 38 years old and I have a wife and three kids. Long story short, I've been around long enough to see these types of debates go on for decades and I've seen the same claims made over and over and over and over again without any substantial/credible evidence to back up a lot of what is said. Is there gross misspending/misappropriation of taxpayer funds? Without question. Are there ulterior motives for events that happen within our government/nation that are never aired? Of course. All governments have corruption (some more than others obviously) but it's the level/severity of the claims that are made that I have a problem with. Far too often you find people making outrageous claims that border on ridiculous and yet they believe it lock, stock and barrel. Why is that? Are they smarter than you or I? Have they miraculously stumbled upon some kind of governmental Da Vinci code that uncovers super secret happenings that none of us has been privy to? Look, the reality (as I see it) is that government has too much control over our lives. We are kept in the dark about things that go on. BUT, as has already been said, it's a better system than you will find elsewhere. And we still have as many if not more freedoms than other nations. There are tax laws in place and they are legal (I'm not saying I agree with the current system, only that it is enforcible.) Do some research into the Russo video and you'll see that facts have been misrepresented. You can check this site for more on that: http://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/jsiegel/Personal/taxes/F2F.htm

    Suffice it to say, even though the jury acquitted him in a criminal case (and if you read the article I linked to you will understand why) the IRS still won a subsequent case and taxes were paid ;)
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    Quote from "Obalobex" »
    OMG you are driving me crazy. Yea, I'm making all this shit up and I'm a friggin' dork that forges videos within minutes of you asking for them. Your ignorance is epic and it is people like you that makes me hate being American. The fact that you are instantly dismissive of everything and have so much blind faith that you will refuse to even LOOK at anything that may go against you. Grow up and open your damn mind kid. I'm done here, if intelligent people want to discuss openly then go ahead. I'm finished with this backlash and attack on my credibility and person. If you want to live blissfully in a world with the wool pulled over your eyes forever then go ahead, I don't know you and I don't give a shit.
    Typical liberal temper tantrum. When asked for proof/evidence (which of course you can't find/don't have) you stamp your feet, take your ball and go home LOL. Once again your facts are wrong and let's take a look at where you went wrong.

    1. I didn't call you a dork, I called the person who posted the video you linked to a dork (or maybe that was you.)

    2. I didn't say the videos were forged only that they have nothing to back them up.

    3. I didn't say they were posted minutes after posting my argument.

    4. On what grounds do you have to say I'm epically ignorant, because I'm looking for something more than a youtube video to help you back up your claims? Gee, who is the ignorant one here?

    5. I'm dismissive of claims that I've heard a million times before from others of your ilk that (like you) can't back anything up (which BTW I REMIND YOU) was one of YOUR rules to begin with.

    6. Backlash on your credibility? You have to have established credibility first, before there can be a backlash against it LOL.

    You make claims, you have no "credible" proof, so you cry and run away. Why am I supposed to find credibility in you again???
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    Quote from "Obalobex" »
    Damn you vultures, sucking me dry. I sent you a link that showed experts exposing the invalidity of income tax. I don't have a tax breakdown sheet in front of me and I don't know where I could find a hard copy showing the EXACT breakdown of American taxpayers money. However many experts know this a lot better than I do (and probably you do). So here is ANOTHER link which should answer some questions.

    I'm sorry, Google videos, youtube videos etc. aren't credible. I have video editting software also and I'm sure that given a few days I could make my own video with numbers I've made up and make it look credible. Stop looking for stupid videos and find something substantial. Also where is the case where someone beat the IRS?

    Heh look at the other videos that guy posted and more importantly look at the kid himself. Do you really expect me to take his word as a credible source of anything, he's a friggin' dork LOL. Listen to him spout all sorts of figures and claims with no references or evidence to back anything up, yeehaw, I can do that too, I have a camcorder ;)
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    Um, still haven't seen any financial info on tax spending, nor have you provided any cases of someone beating the IRS on not paying taxes :rolleyes:
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on America: land of the free?
    Quote from "Obalobex" »
    It's 100% of Income tax goes to pay interest to the bankers, not all tax. I am not over exaggerating, please read clearly.
    I did read it carefully. Got any evidence to support your claim? If so, I would love to read it. I would love to see a financial break down of exactly what goes where.

    @Violetskye I am not an expert at this but maybe I'll try to find one (thinking where I could look). This is the kind of news you will NOT hear about because it would be very, very bad for America if that was made well known.
    I disagree, if such cases do exist then they would be widespread. After all why wouldn't everyone in that same area do the same thing if they know the court will rule on their side. Also wouldn't the anti-tax proponents use those cases to bolster their own beliefs? If you honestly take a moment to think rationally about it, you'd realize how ridiculous it is to think that if people actually got away scott free without paying taxes that it wouldn't be headline news, you're sorely mistaken. It would be bannered across every anti-tax group's website/literature/newsletter etc. in no time flat. Seriously, find me ONE, just ONE case where the defendant won.

    BTW Ron Paul is a nutjob. The IRC is the tax law. It has been voted on and it has been reformed several times.

    I'm not saying I agree with Big Government, in fact I'm all for WAY less government control, but let's keep things in the realm of plausibility when making claims and at least have something (even semi reliable) to back it up.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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