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    posted a message on Solo Damage/survival build
    Hi! Been lurking around for some time now.

    I have a few serious questions regarding a Barb build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TdkbYh!bYa!ZaZZZZ

    The build centers around the mix of high damage output through increaded damage + crit and survivability through bloodthirst. The theory is that high damage output, coupled with bloodthirst gives a hight amount of self-heal.

    The initial, general rotation would be something like this: Furious charge -> Battle Rage -> Hammer of the Ancients (15+ crit change) until overpower activates -> Heroic Leap to stun (to reduce taken damage) -> Overpower and Whirlwind fest depending on amount of enemies (damage + self-heal)

    Possible spell changes:
    - I chose two fury generating spells, since no passives increases fury generation. I am unsure how much fury the barb generates without any fury buff, so it might be a good idea to swith to something else if normal fury generation is fine. Any thoughts from beta players?
    - Seismic Slam vs Hammer of the Ancients: Seismic Slam can have a higher damage output than Hammer of the Ancients. However, the idea is that the increased crit change with Hammer of Ancients will be more suitable when paired with overpower. Thoughts?
    - Battle Rage versus Wrath of the Ancients: I chose Battle Rage because of the lengthy duration and low cooldown. I mainly wanted damage and crit, which it provides. Do the longer duration outweigh the lessened effects?

    Weapon issues:
    - 1h versus 2h: It seems like damage fits best with 2handers, while crit fits best with two 1handers. I honestly have no idea what to go with here.

    Edit: I wanted an ´´active´´ build, where the effectiveness of the character depends upon what you press, not which buffs you have. One button smash builds are boring:(

    Have any of you created your own barb builds? If so, what is your reasoning behind them, and what do you want to accomplish?

    Edit 2: I created a small edit in addition to the original build because of the discussion going on in this thread. Here´s the link: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TgkbYh!bYa!ZaZZZZ

    This build sacrifices leap attack and replaces it with War Cry. This is to provide a higher initial burst, so that you can deal high damage from the start, and effectively receive more health from bloodthirst.

    Eidt 3: Third build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TgYbUh!bYa!ZaZZaZ

    Quoted justification: `` What if you sacrifice whirlwind and exchange it with revenge with an alabaster runestone? Both HotA and Revenge would proc overpower because of the +27 crit change revenge gives with the alabaster rune. Imagine if you use HotA on someone with all crit buffs active: +15 (HotA), +27 (Revenge with alabaster runestone), +22 (Overpower with crimson runestone), +4 (Battle Rage), +5 (Ruthless), +5 (Weapons Master) = 63 percent crit chance, from these buffs alone. Overpower would proc quite often.

    Add +50 in critical hit damage from ruthless, and the damage output would probably be massive. The single-unit hits from HotA (with a crimson runestone) and the AOE from both Overpower and Revenge should result in quite a few deaths.

    10 percent off that damage in self-heal from bloodthirst + the self-heal from revenge + the self-heal from War Cry with an alabaster rune would probably result in some decent self-heals.

    And to top it off, the only spells that require fury are battle rage and HotA. The initial burst from War Cry should be more than enough.

    However, a new problem appears. Massive damage output is not obtained before overpower procs for the first time. The highest possible damage output is not obtained before revenge procs for the first time. You would be required to spam HotA for a while before you blow up.

    Revenge seems to fit the idea of healing through dealing though.``
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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