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    posted a message on The New Firebird/Archon Exploit Explained (with video)

    I have posted a detailed explain post on battle.net forum, but that got deleted in a few minutes. Apparently bliz doesn't want to face this bug or has no clue how to fix it.

    First, check out this video:


    This wizard can easily solo GR90 with only 261K sheet DPS with Firebird 6 set. Vyr 2 set is also used to get Archon skill with all runes. So that the Fire damage archon can be used and have teleport.

    The video pretty much explained how this build works. The mechanism or bug behind this is from firebird set.

    Simply put:

    A). the Burning effect from firebird 4 set can benefit from damage multiplier twice. i.e., the damage multiplier from archon skill and 6 firebird set are calculated twice.

    B). firebird 6 set bonus can be kept permanently by ignite only one blue elite but not the other ones. If you use fire skills on the same enemy only once every 3 seconds, you will never ignite them.

    The reason this build can not use higher sheet DPS is that once the fire damage reach a certain threshold, it will not be able to cause 4 set burning effect. Thus this build requires relatively low sheet DPS to work.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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