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    posted a message on Witch doctor weapon?
    Maybe i havent ran to it in the beta since char wipe on beta patch 10, but what happened to WD daggers?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch 10 - Unofficial Changes + Official Patch Notes
    Quote from Molster

    Quote from jabroni85

    Quote from Molster

    I actully do want to whine =P

    I dont like the hydra nerf... I like the idea of lots of hydras =(

    I agree, but think about it in arena, with fast enough atk speed, you could have 20 of those things all over the place.
    Oh dont get me started on PVE -> PVP nerfs QQ QQ =P

    But no, I trust they had a good reason (as long as that reason was not pvp =P )

    They said they arnt gonna balance the game around pvp, which i hope they stick to their word and dont. But i think they will change a few things that will affect pvp massively pre-launch.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Patch 10 - Unofficial Changes + Official Patch Notes
    Quote from Molster

    I actully do want to whine =P

    I dont like the hydra nerf... I like the idea of lots of hydras =(

    I agree, but think about it in arena, with fast enough atk speed, you could have 20 of those things all over the place.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Removal of CoJ/Neph cube
    Quote from dadish

    Don't worry guys I'm positive that the cauldron and the cube will be back in one form or another. I would not be surprised if it gets turned into some form of service or even something you can buy of the "blizz store". Both of those items are very convenient to have but still not needed to play the game, that makes them ideal to be made into something to score extra money down the line. I have never bought anything from the blizz store but if they introduce something like this I just might reconsider. Either way I would not be surprised at all if we see these two items making a reappearance.

    They would make a killing off it, i agree. But i dont see Blizzard doing that, as much as most people think they loved both the cube and cauldron, it really makes the game boring, you just pick up 100's of items and salavaging over and over, there is no change in game play what so ever. I was so excited when i got in the beta, i had been waiting so long to get a taste of the game, and on my first play though, i was extremely disappointed, i found myself bored and not having that addictive feel like d2 had, i thought to myself, its beta and its short thats gotta be it, then blizzard announced beta 10 changes and it all made sense what was missing in the game that kept from having that feel, junk loot and going to town, sounds stupid i know. But it will make the game 10 out of 10.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch 10 incoming
    You all havent missed out on anything before this patch, imo the game was gonna be a flop (to blizzards standards) before these changes, im looking forward to the patch tonight, to actually enjoy the game, it was boring and not addictive at all before.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Removal of CoJ/Neph cube
    Quote from Harison07

    Quote from Jarune

    Also agree it takes max 30 seconds to go to town. Create portal, walk to NPC, click click click, walk back to portal. Not 2 minutes.

    Personally I don't care about the time. In the end we are talking seconds of difference. Even if it's minutes, as long as it is fun. And to me salvaging whites every 5 minutes in my inventory because it is full again isn't fun.

    Do you play in beta? It will obviously take longer than 30 secs with towns. Not only because there is a casting time on Stone of Recall, but you have to wait till town loads (depends on PC), then you have to run to Blacksmith to salvage and to Merchant to sell. Then portal back.

    Compare it to open inventory and click-click-click and you are done. Convenience >>>> annoyance.

    Oh, and if you like to waste time on things we didnt had to waste time before, its your choice, not for us, majority of players.

    And again, whites have nothing to do with cube/cauldron removal, get up to to speed someday.

    Im in beta, and with the new 2 second cast on TP, you could definitly do it all in 30-45 seconds, and the changes blizzard made in beta 10, will make the game go from a flop WoW easy mode style game, to an addictive fun D2 style game, how it should be.

    Quit whining already, the changes are a good thing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson article is UP
    Quote from Harison07

    Official Blizzard Quote:

    Being able to be out and killing for hours and hours straight was negating the fun elements. Just like a story arc has highs and lows, a game needs to promote those ups and downs through its mechanics.

    What Bash is saying, if we play too long, its no good, therefore there should be forced pauses. They could just as well implemented the timer:

    "You played 30 minutes, thats too much, you will be ported to town in 5...4...3...2"

    Thats not smart if you ask me, such limitation shouldnt be in the first place, and different players have different playstyles. If I'm farming, I will HATE being forced to go back to town every half an hour or so, and thats leaving whites out. To reduce forced trips to town I would have to leave some Magic items on the ground too, and considering I'm farming for gold and crafting material, I would HATE to be forced to make such choice as I had to do in D2. At least in D2 gold was worthless, now it will be actually good currency, thus forcing us to leave money on the ground or to make frequent trips to town is a BAD design.

    Speaking of the fun part, there is absolutely no fun element in being forced to teleport to town, neither in D2, nor in D3. Bash logic is on the level of: "Driving is fun, lets increase the fun by stopping at every gas station!" Would it still be fun to drive? Definitely not as much, it kills the fun to be forced to stop at every gas station instead per our choice.

    Official Blizzard Quote:

    As far as harming co-op, there's really no difference now. Before you'd say "WAIT UP" and everyone would have to stop while you examined each item and decided to sell, salvage, or keep it. In the best case scenario everyone would agree to stop and do this at the same time. It's no different than everyone agreeing to head back to town, and in fact it provides a more prominent, not to mention safe, pause point where everyone can take care of a few quick tasks, and then head back out.Say your friend's inventory is full, but yours isn't, well you both decide to TP and while he's going through his bag you have time to craft a few things, or alt+tab free of fear to read reddit or something. Whatever. It's not different to the co-op game because you had to stop before, and the benefits to being in town now are actually pretty substantial.
    Absolutely not true, especially not in pugs. They wont be waiting for you, and either kick you for frequent trips or you'll be forced to leave a lot of loot on the ground.

    Even speaking of friends, due to difference in loot collecting style and random drop rate, pretty much EVERY 10 minutes someone will be going to town.

    Basing on Bash logic, it would look like this:

    "10 mins are up, everyone to town!"

    "10 mins are up, go to read reddit or something."

    Again, I find it as a BAD design. Blizz designed this game for SO LONG, they're overthinking. Cauldron and Cube were brilliant ideas, and they threw it away by forcing us to do extra annoying tasks. I understand masochists will welcome this change, however VAST MAJORITY of players hate this change, and would prefer to have Cauldron and Cube - it should be up to us when to take a break, when to read reddit, or to visit town.

    Cauldron and cube were horrible ideas, why even have town, why not just add crafting to your char and and illiminate it? As much as people might disagree but i do beleive that D3 would of been a flop if this wasnt changed, it enchances the expeirence of every drop, vs picking up everything and salvaging everything, with these changes you will only want to pick up items that are worth inventory slots to you. If you could play a released version of both patches, i gaurentee people would stick around 4x times longer on the game that it is gonna be vs prepatch.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson article is UP
    Quote from Ayr_Izaelle

    Well their reasoning for removal is the dumbest shit ever.

    They are trying to convince us going back to town is FUN. Oh my I hated it in D2, i'll it in D3. Who are they joking.

    Might of seemed annoying but its the stuff like that, that makes the game addictive, its hard to explain but never having a full inventory defeats the purpose of having a limited inventory space, people like you probably like the way World of Warcraft is now, where you sit in town and dont really have to do much of any movement to do everything the game offers, its almost the same thing that D3 was gonna be which is you are out of town at all times and never go to it except to enter a game and leave a game, gaurentee the game will feel so much better with these changes. Like he says highs and lows are a good thing, he is exactly right as much as it might seem all highs would be great, but it makes it get boring like WoW real quick(how wow is now, not vanilla wow).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Big difference in having 2-3 lives vs having a reduced cast time on recall for a slight chance at survival, you would still need to out run / cc the boss to attempt to survive.

    Whining little kids on here that want to seem super hc that will be bitching after release when they lose 20 chars to the same boss.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    You will all see, wait till nightmare+ is all i can say. I played hc in d2 for years i dont need to go sc, i agree with with how they have setup hc in d3 all the way except for this one major bug which they will change regardless of you "internet toughies" think. All the people in this topic will be the ones begging for it.

    As for Duriels room, like i said before, yes you are locked in there, but you have instant TP's and save & exit to get out, in the same situation in D3, you can run around in circles for 5-20 min till you get sick of running, but the fact is all ur gonna think about is your gonna be losing this char with all the gear on him and there isnt shit you can do about it, because normal walk through you are forced to do in SC before HC, prepares you for none of the bosses in nightmare+.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Player Cap raised to 5?
    Very easily done even with mspaint, it would be nice to have 5 people per game and possible to happen, but probably unlikely.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is January 17th still viable?
    AH is working great IMO, and i think Jan 24th but probably the 31st, first week in Feb at the latest.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Beta Review
    Quote from beastly12

    Well first I would like to start off by saying, your not missing out about a week ago, i got access to the beta. I was so excited because i was so anxious to play and was dying to get in. Well I did, and let me tell you, the game is really awesome. If you liked diablo 2, your going to like diablo 3. Now, the gameplay is similar somewhat, but the graphics are not. Actually I shouldn't say graphics, cause its obvious that the graphics will be different in this day and age. I should use the word color scheme. The color scheme is different it has a very "high saturation" feeling which is annoying at first but you go on to realize that it is not a big deal and it does bother you. Sure it would be better if they darkened the colors a bit, and lower the greenish,reddish,purplish colors.

    Second, If you are not in the beta, I'm telling you, your not missing out on anything at all. The amount of content on the beta is so small, its ridiculous! In a 1;30 you can finish the beta. Its almost a tease and it gets boring real fast, cause you do the same thing over and over again.

    All in all, the game is a very good game, good gameplay, little to no lag, some bugs, bad color scheme, love the new skill system. The game is amazing, but the beta isn't much. So hold your horses and you'll get the full game in about a month or three:)

    I am in beta also, and I agree completely with this. D2 baal runs are more fun.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest #2
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest #2
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