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    posted a message on Multiplayer harder than solo
    Quote from Mysticjbyrd

    Quote from WishedHeHadBeta

    it depends on your group, if your grouped with a bunch of scrubs and/or people will low crappy gear in inferno, then yes it will definitely be harder then solo, IF in fact you are decently geared and good at playing. so it entirely depends on the group skill as a whole vs. your skill alone. if your pretty good at the game with decent gear id say soloing would be your best bet for clearing inferno/farming because when you get grouped, its with 3 random people and the chances are high that most/all of them wont be good/geared players.

    World of Warcraft has sucked out your soul.
    Mine too.

    I agree.

    :( sadly its done more then that. its not nicknames the "destroyer of lives" for nothin.

    wow was gay for the fact that you NEEDED to group up to do anything end-game. which is why i LOVE ARPG's. getting teamed up with random turds ruins the gaming experience.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 Beta Maphack
    Quote from DeathsAngel

    Quote from WishedHeHadBeta

    correct me if im wrong. but in SC2 i heard you get BANNED for using a maphack? so the same will be with D3 i hope

    Yes its a bannable offence

    and when were talking "ban" is it perma ban so you have to literally re-buy the game to play it? or temp?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 Beta Maphack
    correct me if im wrong. but in SC2 i heard you get BANNED for using a maphack? so the same will be with D3 i hope
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Let's Talk Expansions. =)
    Quote from Phrayed

    I have a feeling you kill Diablo... and you are all like "OMG WE WUN.".

    Then the angels get super pissed and come to kill your face.

    the angels are the most likely bosses of the expansions. itll be freakin sweet!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wallstreet September 17th, 2011
    Quote from proletaria

    Prob wanna read the thread before you post. It's been a while since we were on the topic and i'm not sure anyone cares.

    i was replying to the OP, not the random arguments that occurred over 20 pages
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Multiplayer harder than solo
    it depends on your group, if your grouped with a bunch of scrubs and/or people will low crappy gear in inferno, then yes it will definitely be harder then solo, IF in fact you are decently geared and good at playing. so it entirely depends on the group skill as a whole vs. your skill alone. if your pretty good at the game with decent gear id say soloing would be your best bet for clearing inferno/farming because when you get grouped, its with 3 random people and the chances are high that most/all of them wont be good/geared players.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Let's Talk Expansions. =)
    Quote from temesz

    I just hope the game feels complete storywise and they don't leave big conclusions to expansions. Nothing's worse than a completely unsatisfactory ending like in SC2

    But yeah, a new act, new classes, items such are good enough content for me in expansions.

    it leaves you wanting to know the end so you want to buy the expansion more. DER
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wallstreet September 17th, 2011
    so what exactly are you protesting? the fact that those people found a way to make money and you didn't? if you were one of those people making all the money you wouldn't care. this is just people who think they deserve something in life when no one deserves anything. work hard and make something of yourself and stop looking for the government or anyone to help you, expect everyone to shit on you because that's life. protesting is going to do nothing, absolutely nothing.

    if you want to make a difference, get into politics. that's the only way your going to accomplish anything at all. because you'll never get millions of people to protest this, which is what you would need to change anything. because they're too busy living their lives and not blaming their troubles on other people or institutions. "oh nos government is shitting on the little guy" and this is different in any point in HISTORY how? unlike many years ago "peasants" didn't have rights to do or say anything. now you do and you waste it on complaining about how you deserve more rights. every person in America has the opportunity to make good money, unless your stuck with 5 kids (your fault) living in the ghetto with a shit job and you have no time to get a new one. and in that case, how do you have time to protest?

    actually do something productive and try and make a change, standing in the streets holding signs is wasting your life, and time is money. ;)
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Let's Talk Expansions. =)
    Quote from Karzul

    I agree on the level gap in a new expansion, i was quite let down when my 99 sorc wasnt able to level higher and we only got one new act in "Lord of destruction"

    also i would like to get a rehaul off the exsisting acts, Act 1 got really tiresom after a few years :-)

    also I'am curious to when they will reset the ladder in Diablo 3. Since in Diablo 2 it's every 6 month, but that sounds way to off in Diablo 3, considering the Inferno diff, and the fact that there arent/wont be/ iam hoping for. not to be that many botters in Diablo 3 as there are in Lord of Destruction.

    there is no ladder in D3. FYI
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on does circle of life work if you dont have the zombie dog skills?
    well? if you dont actually have the summon zombie dog skill, but you have the circle of life passage, do you still summon a dog? and up to 3? and then if you have the passive that increases it to 4? if this does in fact work (which idk why it wouldnt considering no other skill in the game "requires" another skill to work) then you would have an extra slot for another skill and still be able to have your zombie dogs. :o

    would very much like blue confirmation on this.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Aesthetic only items
    dont know if anyoen has suggested this, but i think that certain high lvl achievments such as beating inferno should grant you a special elemental effect on your banner, so you drop your banner and flames come out and its on fire or like it causes fiery cracks to spit out in different directions, so you can be like BAM BITCH beat inferno, PROOF!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta is too easy? yeah, D2 LoD act 1 normal was soooo difficult...
    Quote from emyln

    There's no way of knowing how Blizzard calculated that number and what variables were used. But in general people buy PC games and don't complete them. I've bought over 20+ games this year some are the full $60 budget titles, some are the $5 steam sales. But the number I've actually completed this year? Probably about 4-5. And I'm not the only one out there that has a huge backlog of games that will probably never be finished.

    The main point of my post was that Difficulty levels of games is usually geared towards the middle to lower end of the spectrum. (Games like Super Meat Boy are the exception, where they target the upper end of Difficulty levels). So assuming a 50% drop off rate for D3 at each mode is actually quite logical.

    Let's face it Blizzard as a company is going to gear the game towards the majority. For the super hardcore, that means normal and nightmare is not ever going to be hard enough for you. However, End game WoW Heroic raids are mostly geared for the 1-5% of the wow population that actually like running the same raid 500 times before they actually down the ultimate big boss. I hope that Inferno will not be quite that hard. After all you are expected to run thru Inferno infinite times for item drops. And they have said it will be doable solo.

    my point is there is NO WAY to calculate how many beat hell, period. regardless of ANY variable or calculations, the variables are far too high and far too sketchy and non existent to ever calculate anything tangible or usable.

    also i think your getting confused in my argument. my point is that most everyone will be ABLE to beat inferno, not that everyone will. i know ALOT of people will quit after norm or nm or hell and the higher up the difficulty the more will drop off, NOT because of difficulty but because they lost interest in the game. for everyone who WANTS to beat inferno, id say 80-90% will be able to. or heck even higher. also i dont think itll take that long at all either, im sure you could say "ya everyone who wants to be inferno will EVENTUALLY but itll take them longer". i also thinks thats false, i just dont see it being that hard in general. unless your seriously retarded or horribly horribly skilled at video games, you'll beat it in a decent amount of time. and hardcore veteran players wont have much trouble.

    using wow heroic raids is a bad example, because i COULD beat them all if i tried, i just have no interest in beating those bosses and getting 10 extra item levels. not worth my time because raiding is soooo boring and takes eternity. most dont raid because of how boring it is or more so because they dont have time to spend countless hours doing raids, not because its impossibly hard. heroic wotlk raids werent that hard IMO. but hey to each his own.

    since inferno is just one more playthrough of the game just harder, and the game isnt that long at all. i dont see it being unbeatable by the majority. UNLESS right out of the first act you get rushed and 1 shotted by a single zombie even when your in good gear, i just dont see it being anywhere close to that hard. but we will all see when it releases.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta is too easy? yeah, D2 LoD act 1 normal was soooo difficult...
    Quote from emyln

    Game Difficulty is very subjective. Many posts here claim how easy it was to reach Hell in D2. I for one disagree. But then again, I mostly played solo on battlenet, and as a Sorceress. So honestly Nightmare and beyond was alot about getting the to a high enough level and farming non stop till you get good enough equipment. But that means dying. A Lot. A Lot A Lot.

    Many more casual players don't like the dying thing, or find farming way too high a barrier. (Of course with the AH ... that's another story). My point is this, Blizzard has solid numbers on how many people actually completed Normal/Nightmare/Hell. And it would not surprise me if only 50% completed the game on normal. Actually irc it was about 60+% that actually completed Normal D2, they made a post sometime back.

    If we go by those numbers of a 50% drop off rate for each gameplay mode, and we assume about 4 million units of D3 will be sold (hopefully much more). That's 2 million reaching Nightmare, 1 million reaching Hell and only 500,000 reaching Inferno. Although my gut feeling is that of those 1 million that have reach Hell, a much larger % will go on to Inferno especially if co-op is much much much more improved that in D2, which I fully expect it will.

    well the stats from bnet are extremely unreliable. why? because of the THOUSANDS of lvl 1 bots and lvl 1 mules everyone has ruins the entire percentage making it completely unusable as a statistic to how many ppl beat hell. also rushes/runs ruins that percentage also AND blizz has zero way of knowing how many ppl completed hell on single player. therefor no one can give a percentage or even a ball park percentage, im using my personal experience (and im not that great of a gamer) along with people like my friends mom who is video game illiterate who also beat hell. therefor its not as hard as people think. and leads me to believe inferno/hell in D3 wont be any different.

    SIDE NOTE: im talking about beating hell single player, NOT by being rushed.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta is too easy? yeah, D2 LoD act 1 normal was soooo difficult...
    since they wont be bringing back immune monsters, which to me was the only thing that made hell even remotely challenging in D2, i dont see inferno being all that "crazy hard" like blizzard is boasting about, obviously we will have to see but i just dont see it being that hard. and most everyone in D2 could beat hell so i dont see hell being "only beatable by 50% of the community". and the percentage of inferno being way higher then 20% beatable. i remember my friends mom picking up D2 and beating it within a couple weeks solo, without help or constant playing. so unless D3 is literally 10x harder, most people will beat it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta is too easy? yeah, D2 LoD act 1 normal was soooo difficult...
    Quote from Verity

    The difference is that Diablo 3's endgame (so far and from what we've heard) is the same content, only harder.

    It's kinda like heroic mode raids. The same stuff, but a lot harder. You don't see casuals going around killing heroic bosses do you? (Months after they are released with overgeared characters doesn't count).

    The reason they want everyone to be able to raid in WoW is that they want everyone to be able to experience the new content that they create.

    unfortunately thats not the case in D3. its not going to be "impossibly hard" by any means. it will be beaten, not with ease but it will be by everyone. and if its truly so hard that casuals cant beat it, with literally hundreds of thousands, even millions of QQers in the forums will cause blizzard to cave as they always have to reduce the difficulty. i would hope this isnt the case but its honestly going to happen and thinking otherwise is just false hope.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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