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    posted a message on In-Game Commands
    It's auto party, you can't avoid it
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on In-Game Commands
    You can right click a party members portrait and vote kick them, it's been in beta for some time now.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why the changes are AWESOME
    Quote from Markco_Polo

    Call it a personal epiphany. Blizzard saw that beta players and maybe internal testers too, were playing the game in such a way that it bipassed core systems and trivialized them. In the beta, I saw this first hand and the game felt stale after just two playthroughs, even with random content.

    Yes, at first all I could think about was... Wow they really blew it telling us everything was ready and felt rather used by the hype machine.

    So I hope this kind of posts gets people to focus on the good of the game over us wanting it now. I also hope blizzard learns from even retailers being confused by these shenanigans.

    I don't ever want to hear soon. Either it has a release date or it's in development. Let us draw conclusions about release dates and progress in our heads.

    ^^^ agree

    The game simply wasn't addictive and this patch will fix that, I've had the beta for a couple months now and I remember my first run thinking the game was boring just because all I was doing is grabbing everything and salvaging, nothing dropped felt special in the slightest bit, even rares, and all of my hc d2 friends agreed. People just read stuff about things getting removed and flip out, when in some cases removing stuff from a game can be as beneficial in not more beneficial then adding new content.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on System Changes
    All of these changes are great, I completely agree with it, with having to go to town to sell and scrap items might sound annoying but it will make the feel of the game so much better, picking up everything and scraping or selling it from your inventory makes no sense, why not just have everything go to ur inventory and auto scrap common and grays. This small change will make the game easily 2x-3x more addictive.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Hardcore Arena PvP deaths
    Quote from bmiha

    Since you came here trying to offend me ,I'll explain you one thing, as opposed to the majority of wow players who are mostly pve noobs ,I was mostly playing pvp ,and got myself a gladiator title ( among many other things) -( even though in later patches ,even retards and pvp noobs like you could have got it ) , that's why I stopped playing wow after achieving gladiator title ,cause with every patch that came ,pvp and arena became only more unbalanced and skills weren't necessary anymore for being good in pvp,it was more gear wise. And ,I only stated that imho, if you enter hardcore diablo 3 pvp and die ,meaning the game is over, you aren't able to play more with that char ,and that felt a bit strange to me. Nevertheless, I will get used to it ,like everyone else, and the thing I will enjoy the most is owning such casual pvp noobs like you in diablo arena. See you there ,soon.

    Lol gladiator what an achievement haha, you can get that while playing wow arena with a steering wheel. But see how easily you turned to wanting perma death arena to kill someone's char because they pissed you off ;) you just helped prove my point.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Hardcore Arena PvP deaths
    That's how it was in d2, if you don't like it, quit whining and play softcore with the rest of the wow community.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Hardcore Arena PvP deaths
    Quote from bmiha

    I don't agree, so basically, you spend 2 months gearing up your char in hardcore mode, preparing him for arena, then you enter arena ,and if you die ,game over. Pretty retarded imo. I think pvp part shouldn't count for hardcore, if you die in pve, that's fine ,game over ,you'll pvp only for fun and achievements and pvp stats, like 100 kills 3 deaths ,so perma dead there isn't really logical, imho.

    That's the best part, you don't have to if you don't want to, but the option is there if you want. Me myself I liked the hostiling feature, but at least with this you have control over pvp deaths. No other game gets your heart going like diablo HC pvp.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Mod servers...

    Melee witch doctor, only using normal attacks, might as well play runescape. Their would be nothing exciting about that all it would be the exact same thing every day, with no progression beyond hell difficulty. But whatever gets you off.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Instant tp does kinda ruin it, but they will have to give some sort of escape option, and 10 seconds is nearly impossible to escape the skeleton king in normal, less any boss in nightmare+. People want hardcore to be so intense, then I want to hear it from one d2 player that didn't save and exit during a boss fight or tp to town, "I'm hardcore, I'd rather let my character die and lose all my shit" it doesn't happen, everyone has done it. These people talking on here how "hc" they are will be the ones hiding behind their follower at lvl 40 still in normal.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Jarune

    Think the recall time for hardcore should be the same as regular. Hardcore should have the exact same rules, except that one rule where you can only die once.

    I agree it should be the same, it worked for d2, but it won't for d3. You never had any situations in d2 where you were locked in a room with no way out. Mark my words, if not on release but within a month after, they will have some sort of escape feature or lower cast on recall, their will simply be too many people raging about being locked in with no way out, and no option but to lose their char. I can gaurentee even the people disagreeing with me in this post, will change their minds once they get locked in a room with a nightmare+ boss.

    On another note with someone else's post, I agree falling objects and walls should damage hc players, dunno why they removed it from even sc.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Torrak

    I played D2 for a long time. Played HC, Died to lag. got over it.


    What your asking for is just a direct contradiction to the idea of hardcore.

    By not including those "features" as you say, is blizzard not just optimizing the hardcore experience to how it should be; Maximum risk! - It doesnt seem very hardcore if i can just logout as soon as i think im going to die.


    Every hc characters stats would be:

    Deaths: 0 (obviously)
    Killed: Last Boss - Inferno
    Logouts: 6, 000, 000

    I wasn't saying they need to add any of those features, I was listing several features d2 hc players had. It makes no sense to lock a character in a room with a boss that you could have no possible knowledge on ahead of time to know if your character is strong enough to defeat it. Think of fighting duriel your first time sc or hc, and take away tp's, pots, and save and exit, all the stuff leading to him is pretty easy, you hop in there hits you once knocks you to 40% hp, you would run around in circles trying not to get hit, and thats how every boss fight in d3 would be. Now what I said to add is a quicker recall of what's already in game, 3-5 second cast vs 10 would definitly still give you a chance at death, and thinking its not hc enough is a stupid response when a 1 damage arrow from a random skele will cancel the recall.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Torrak

    Its called Hardcore for a reason. By playing hc your accept the risk that if you die, for whatever reason your character will be dead forever. It would seem inapropriate for implementation of an easy out.


    what would be the point in it being called hardcore?

    Did you even play d2, because there was multiple ways to escape a boss.

    1.run out of the area
    3.save and exit
    4.unlimited rejuv and hp pot spam
    5.and for pussies chicken bot

    So I guess there was no HC in d2 because it supplied ways of survival.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Quote from Xago

    Lol thats not flawed at all. Dying to stronger bosses is part of the fun

    Won't be saying that when your fighting a new inferno boss and get dropped to 10% hp in one hit and have no choice but to run away from the boss for 5 minutes, knowing your gonna lose your character once you stop running. Imo they should atleast add a 3 second cast recall for hc players.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Save and exit???
    Maybe this has been discussed before, but I wanted to ask. Will there be any sort of feature to escape from battle like save and exit or quick TP for HC players?

    Wondering because if you've played beta, once you start the skeleton king fight, you are stuck in the room until he is dead, unless you can manage not to get hit for 10 second while casting recall. Seems kinda flawed for a person to attempt a higher difficulty boss and figure out they can't do it and pretty much have no choice but to die.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Yet another speculative longshot
    Everyone loves a little hope, it's a long shot but you never know.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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